Hollywood Hill Happenings
March 25th Edition
From the Prinicpal
Hello Hollywood Hill Families,
Here at Hollywood Hill, we feel very appreciative for the volunteers we see regularly across our school to support our art docent program, additional supervision at recess, in the ways needed by classroom teachers, and more! Volunteerism supports our students in having an increased number of trusted adults across our school setting and is an integral part of our school community. Volunteering can look like consistently scheduled times, but it can also look like providing support as you have time available depending on the opportunity. Any amount of time you can give is valued!
At the end of January, a training was provided for those individuals interested in volunteering. The goal of this training was to set volunteers up for success in knowing procedures and expectations here at school in support of a positive volunteer experience. The information shared during this session has now been recorded and is placed on our school website home page as "Volunteer Trainings" under the Quicklinks for parents interested in volunteering to access as needed. The content is as follows below:
Hollywood Hill Safety Information for Volunteers
This training provides information on what to do in the event of an emergency, provides expectations around confidentiality went volunteering, and more! Not required: This training is highly recommended if you would like to volunteer, but it is not required.
Hollywood Hill Recess Training
This training provides specific information to those interested in volunteering at recess by sharing recess rules, guidance on helping students solve problems during recess, and other important recess information. This training is required before volunteering at recess to ensure volunteers are prepared to provide consistent expectations for students. Once you have completed this training, please complete this brief 1 minute Google Form to indicate you have viewed this presentation. A member of our administrative and dean team will be in touch with you about coming in to support recess around times that work within your schedule.
There are a few other volunteer links that you need that are referenced within our recordings.
Northshore Volunteer Training - This is recommended but not required.
Become a Volunteer - Follow this link to complete your background check. This is required for all adults wanting to volunteer within the Northshore School District.
If you have additional questions about volunteering at Hollywood Hill, please reach out to our office. We hope to see you at Hollywood Hill as a volunteer in the near future!
Kind regards,
Kate Eicher, Principal
Hollywood Hill Elementary
- A Place Where Every Star Shines!
Important Upcoming Dates
- 3/27 - Camp Cedar Springs Parent Info Meeting (5th grade) via Zoom - 7:15-7:45 pm
- 4/3 - Spring Picture Day - 9:40 am - 2:30 pm
- 4/8 - 4/12 - NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
Mark your Calendars for Upcoming SBA Testing Dates
SBA Testing Schedule:
- ELA Testing: Grade 3-5 May 7, 9 and 10 (if needed)
- Math Testing: Grades 3-5 May 14, 16
- Science Testing: 5th grade only May 17
- Make Ups will be scheduled May 20-22
It's Time to Order your Yearbook!
Spring Picture Day is Coming Wednesday, April 3rd!
Easy Access at your Fingertips
Spring Picture Day information, online ordering, and our customer advocate team are all at your fingertips! Scan the QR Code or visit mydorian.com, search for your school and click on the green Order button or yellow Help button associated with your Spring Picture Day.
All orders for spring pictures must be placed before 9:00 am on picture day. Only students with an order will be photographed individually.
Dorian will also be taking Class and Club photos.
From the Library
Thank you to our wonderful Hollywood Hill community for the overwhelming success of this year's Book Fair! We raised just under $4000 in cash and Scholastic dollars, which will be used to buy new materials for the library for everyone to enjoy.
Also, we're sending a big shout out to all the volunteers who helped this year. We couldn't have done it without you. Thank you!
From the Health Room
Update: COVID-19 Isolation Guidance for K-12
Recently, new guidance has been issued regarding the criteria for individuals to return to normal activities after testing positive for COVID-19 or experiencing symptoms of a respiratory virus. Effective immediately, individuals may resume normal activities when both of the following conditions have been met for at least 24 hours:
1. Their symptoms are improving overall.
2. They have been fever-free (without the use of fever-reducing medication).
Furthermore, individuals returning to normal activities are advised to wear a mask for the following 5 days.
Updated information is in the link below.
Darleene Matheson RN
School Nurse
Hollywood Hill Elementary School
Email: dmatheson@nsd.org
Office phone: 425-408-4706
It's Time for Track and Field
You are invited!
Who? Third, fourth, and fifth graders
What? Track and field
Why? Jump, throw, kick, run, cheer!!
- 4/2- 4/26: Tuesdays and Fridays- After school until 5:00 on HH field
- 5/3- 5/17: Only Fridays- After school until 5:00 on HH field
- 4/30: 5:00- 6:30ish at Northshore Middle School
- 5/7: 5:00- 6:30ish at East Ridge Elementary
- 5/14: 5:00- 6:30ish at Hollywood Hill Elementary
- 5/21 (Junior Olympics): 5:00- 6:30ish at Woodinville High School
How? Sign up through TouchBase @: https://wa-northshore.intouchreceipting.com. Contact our school office if you need help with accessing TouchBase.
!!Correction from previous newsletter!!
There is a $45 fee, but we can help you with that. EVERYONE IS INVITED!!*
Questions? Erica Wark: ewark@nsd.org
Seeking volunteers for HH’s young athletes!!
- What? Track season is starting and we need YOU!! to help us at a couple of our meets.
- Why? We need YOUR help to make two of our meets safe and run smoothly. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!
- When? Tuesday, 5/14 @ 4:45 & Tuesday, 5/21 @ 4:45
- Where? Tuesday, 5/14 @ Hollywood Hill; Tuesday, 5/21 @ Woodinville High School
- How? Contact Erica Wark @ ewark@nsd.org
From Northshore School District
Northshore preschool programs are now enrolling children, ages 3-5. The preschool years are among the most critical in a child's life that influence learning. The Northshore School District is committed to providing the support that our youngest learners need to prepare them to succeed in school, cultivate friendships, and create a sense of community and belonging. The district proudly offers a variety of inclusive general education learning environments.
Available preschool programs include both FREE and tuition-based options.
FREE Programs: Head Start and Ready Start
Eligibility is determined by the child’s age, family income, and opportunity gaps. These programs are located at Sorenson Early Childhood Center, Woodmoor Elementary, and Arrowhead Elementary Spaces will be filled on a first come first serve basis for eligible families. Families are encouraged to complete an application as soon as possible. The information on the application is confidential and used only to determine a child’s eligibility for the programs. The District does not require, check, or report on immigration or DSHS status. View the applications for income-eligible free preschool.
Tuition Programming
The Ready Start programs are located at Sorenson Early Childhood Center and Woodmoor Elementary. Spaces will be filled on a first come first serve basis. Families are encouraged to complete an application as soon as possible. View the application for tuition-based programs.
To learn more about any of our district preschool programs, visit the Northshore Early Childhood District website.
Families who have questions can call (425) 408-5517.
From the PTA
From the PTA President
Dear Stars,
Thank you for joining us at Camp Read-a-Lot and supporting our Annual Book Fair. We had a great turn out and lots of books were shared.
Thank you for also joining us at the 2nd & 3rd Grade Art Walk & How to Be a Pirate Musical. The spring sun was shining and every 2nd & 3rd grader had their chance to shine too!
We have a PTA Membership meeting on April 16th, with some new information about next school year. This will be a hybrid meeting, zoom link here
Coming up Wednesday, April 17th, lace up your kids' tennis shoes for our 2024 Fun Run! This is our annual PTA Fundraiser to raise money for programs, enrichment, field trips, and building improvements. This event is during the school day, but different than years past, will happen during recess. Fundraising information will be coming out soon, but please mark your calendars, as we encourage families and community members to grab a pom pom and cheer on your student!
Fifth grade planning celebrations are in full swing and we are excited to announce upcoming dates in the next month.
Perhaps most importantly, we are starting to recruit for next school year's PTA. We are looking for volunteers for one time events, leads for ongoing programs like Room Parents, Art Docents, and Reflections, and assistance in bringing enrichment opportunities to our students. Please send me a message if you are interested in being involved.
Have a great March,
Calling All 5th Grade Families
Class of 2031 5th Grade Celebrations
THU 3/28 | 10AM | 2nd Planning Committee Zoom Mtg | https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87682650582 We are still looking for volunteers to help with the 5th Grade Picnic & Ceremony. Attend this meeting if you can or email 5thgrade@hhillpta.org to find out how you can help!
Photos (for 5th graders only): Please start sending photos of your 5th grader to 5thgrade@hhillpta.org for the ceremony slideshow. We are asking for at least 1 baby/toddler photo, 1 current photo, and any school activity photos throughout the elementary years. Include the full name of your student in the email. Photos are due by 5/10.
Questions: Erin Bordner at 5thgrade@hhillpta.org
Fun Run April 17
Questions: Kristi: kristibutorac@gmail.com
- April 8-12: Spring Break
- April 16: PTA Meeting via Zoom
- April 17: Fun Run (PTA Fundraiser)
- April 23: Bus Driver Appreciation Day
- April 24: Administrative Professionals Appreciation Day
- April 30: K-1st Grade Art Walk & Musical
- May 6-10: Staff Appreciation Week