Linn Lion's Roar
May 2024
Dates to Remember:
- May 1 -
4th Grade @ Wichita Zoo
8:05am to 5:00pm - May 2 -
1st Grade @ Garden City Zoo
8:30am to 2:30pm - May 3 -
Staff Development Day - May 8 -
EXITO @ Garden City Zoo
8:30am to 2:30pm - May 9 -
3rd Grade Fitness Day @ Legends
8:30am to 1:00pm - May 14 -
Kindergarten @ Recycle Center - May 20 -
5th Grade Promotion
2:00pm @ school gym - May 21 -
Site Council 7:30am - May 22 -
Kindergarten Promotion
2:00pm @ school gym - May 23 -
Last Day of School
Our Busy Classrooms ๐
Hello families,
Time has flown by, and it is now May!
We have been working hard on reading kindergarten leveled books. Please keep reading with your child at home and having them tap out the words and reading sight words. Have your kindergartener draw a picture of their day and then write a sentence to go with it.
In Math, we have been working with teen numbers and recognizing numbers to 100. Keep counting away!
Finally, here are some important kindergarten dates in May. We will be sending notes home when the event draws near.
May 14th Kindergarten field trip to the Recycle center
May 22nd Kindergarten promotion
May 23rd Last day of school
THANK YOU for sharing your wonderful Kindergartener with us and all the support throughout the year. Have a blessed summer .
First Grade
Dear Parents,
We are working hard in first grade; In math we have been adding two-digit numbers using number bonds to break down the numbers into smaller parts. We are becoming better readers every day.
We would like to give parents a thank you for this year of growth. Looking at the grade level as a whole, we have many students who have lots of growth in both reading and math. We are incredibly proud of the work each student has put in to grow over the course of the year. Just a reminder that the work cannot stop now with summer. Please be mindful to continue to read at home.
Go to the local library together, find books, read as a family. Make reading fun for them so they will not stop reading.
Thank you parents for all your work and cooperation this school year. It will be over before we know it.
-Mrs. Adame
Ms. Hernandez/Mrs R
Mrs. Huizar
Second Grade
Hello second grade families!!
It is almost the end of the school year and we are finishing the year strong! For this last quarter students will continue to work on their opinion writing.
In Math, we will start module 8. In this module will learn more about time, shapes, and fractions as equal parts of shapes.
Our year is quickly coming to an end! However, we will be working hard until the last day! We have really enjoyed having your students in second grade!
Third Grade
Greetings 3rd Grade Family & Friends,
What a wonderful year celebrating learning in 3rd Grade! Testing and conferences are complete. The final month has begun! We all must continue to focus on gaining in academics and keeping positive behavior until the end.
Get Ready! Our 3rd-grade KS Fitness Day is on Thursday, May 9th.
Please make sure your student wears comfortable athletic attire, tennis shoes/sneakers that tie, a hat/visor, and sunscreen. We will play hard and have fun all day!
We will finish the year strong as we continue working on student gaps to make summer learning plans. EVERYONE should stay sharp with their learning over the summer- reading, practicing math facts, writing in a summer journal, exploring nature at playgrounds and parks, checking out historical texts from the Public Library, cooking, completing chores, exercising, and learning new interests and hobbies. Please have a family meeting to discuss a routine for the summer. We want ALL our students to retain and grow their skills to start next year strong!
It has been a blessing to support your student this year. We look forward to staying in touch to see students' progression at Linn Elementary and how their USD443 school career continues. Continue to access and use Talking Points, and Linn Elementary social media. Stay connected!
The 3rd-Grade Team
Mrs. Hernandez
Mrs. Salmans
Mrs. Laskowsky
Fourth Grade
Hello 4th Grade!
In ELA students are reading their learning all about economics and how it works! Students have been engaged and are eager to take these into the real world.
In Math, we are on Module 7 and this will be our last module in Fourth Grade. We are learning how to convert measurements such as feet to inches, yards to feet, hours to minutes, and minutes to seconds. One way to help at home during this time is to have students practice these skills at home in real scenarios.
We are excited to see our students progress on their reading fluency. To help your student grow please be sure to have your student read aloud to you or anyone in your family for at least 20 minutes every day.
We will also be starting a Market Day project. Students will get to have a pop-up store, get creative and use their skills to be a producer. They are so excited to get this end-of-year project started! Have your students discuss what they have brainstormed for this project.
We are also looking forward to our field trip on May 1st to the Wichita Zoo! Students will be able to have a real-life experience tour to learn more about different animals and their habitats.
As always, please don't hesitate to contact us through TalkingPoints if you have any questions.
Mrs. Rolle
Mrs. McLean
Mrs. Castro
Fifth Grade
5th grade year is almost over and we have learned SO Much!
We have truly enjoyed teaching your students.
Hopefully your students all feel more confident after visiting DCMS recently.
Important Dates:
May 7th: Band/Orchestra Instrument sign up at the Civic Center
May 20th: 5th Grade Graduation @ 2pm Linn Gym
May 23rd: Last Day of School
Counselor Corner
As we head into the final months of school, it is important to remember that kids like school and they also like home. Emotions begin to happen as they end the year as it involves change. Student misbehavior may increase. Students are often attached to their teachers. Field trips will happen and participation always requires good behavior. Please talk to your student and let them know their emotions are normal. Remind them they still need to follow good behavior at school.
Safety issues are more prevalent as the weather warms up. Remind your child that they may only leave the school with people you have given permission to the school for them to leave with. Remind them if they walk not to stop and play on the way unless you have also given them permission. As the weather gets warmer, there is a tendency to run. Remind them to be super careful as they cross streets. Remind them to use the crosswalks.
Finally, remember that you are important to the school even if we do not see you every day. You have skills and knowledge to be valued that we may not have thought about. If you have something you would like the school to know or consider handling differently, we wonโt know unless you tell us. If you have skills, that you would love to share with our students, we wonโt know unless you volunteer then.
We love your children and appreciate you trusting us with them. Thank you for all you do for your students.