CRHS Student & Family Update
August 28th- September 1st, 2023
Contact Info
Jared Sherman, Principal
Trey Mills, Assistant Principal
Brad Oberdorf, Dean of Students
Cia North, School Counselor (grades 10 and 12)
Office Phone: 410-479-3678
Jennifer Reed, School Counselor (grades 9 and 11)
Office Phone: 410-479-3678
Cindy Hoffman BSN, RN, School Nurse
Office Phone 410-479-3612
Emily Phillips, Attendance Administrative Assistant
Stephanie Carmine, Enrollment/Guidance Administrative Assistant
Wendy DuVall, Finance and Administration Administrative Assistant
Location: Colonel Richardson High School, 25320 Richardson Road, Federalsburg, MD 21632, USA
Phone: 410-479-3678
Twitter: @CRcolonels
Update/ School News
- CONGRATULATIONS TO MRS. DENNIS!!!! She was recognized as the 2024- 2025 Caroline County Public Schools teacher of the year on Wednesday. Anyone who knows Mrs. Dennis understands why she was the winner of this award. Her passion for teaching and her students is on display every day. CRHS is very proud to have this honor back in our building!
- Prom is almost here. Remember, any referrals can result in losing the privilege to attend. Any whole day absences on Friday must be approved by administration in order to attend.
- For the grand march, ticket sales are over and guests must have a ticket to enter the auditorium, even babies. Doors open at 6:30 and the grand march begins at 7. Prom attendees need to be here at 6 to begin lining up.
- Seniors in the Spanish Honor Society who want to wear their grad cords need to give me $13 by Monday, April 22nd. They can use Cashapp: $SraAnders or Venmo: @Amy-Anderson-625 or bring in cash or a check to CRHS.
Week at a glance
Monday 4/22
- Varsity Baseball & Softball vs. North Caroline (4pm start)
- JV Baseball & Softball @ North Caroline (2:15pm dismissal)
- Tennis @ Washington (1:15pm dismissal)
- Track @ Kent County (1:30pm dismissal)
Tuesday 4/23
- Varsity Baseball & Softball @ Kent County (1:00pm dismissal)
- Track @ Easton (2:15pm dismissal)
Wednesday 4/24
- Varsity Baseball & Softball @ St. Michaels (1:30pm dismissal)
- JV Baseball & Softball vs. St. Michaels (4pm start)
- Tennis vs. Kent County (4pm start)
Thursday 4/25
Dungeons and Dragons in Mrs. Foster's room until 4pm
- Track in the Delmarva Relays @James M. Bennett (12:45 dismissal- eat A or B lunch)
- Blood Drive
Saturday 4/27
- Prom
Prom Spirit Week
After Prom
Colonel Closet (Check this out!)
CRHS junior Kelly Harding is creating a care closet filled with necessities for students in need as part of her Biomedical Innovations project! The following items are in need for donation. All items must be brand new, not used, and donations can be dropped off in the front office!
Playground First Aid Center Need
Junior Vanessa Odidika is working on a special Biomedical Innovations project! She is creating a box that will provide free first aid materials and directions to parents of children playing on the playground. She's asking for donations of first aid supplies to fill the box! Donations can be dropped off in the front office.
Apprenticeship Opportunity
Sophomores and juniors, CCPS has so many apprenticeship opportunities available for next year! If you're interested in learning a trade and getting paid during the school day next year, let your school counselor know!
Textbook Adoption (Spanish and Advanced Algebra)
Caroline County Public Schools has textbooks in two content areas that will be recommended for adoption. Please note each is available to view by separate links, and each have separate feedback forms.
Textbook Adoption: Spanish
The following textbooks will be recommended for adoption for Spanish and French classes by the Board of Education of Caroline County for the 2024-2025 school year:
Reporteros (Spanish Versions Levels 1-4) by Luis Enrique Elias, Evelyn Alizo, Sharon Ferrer, Fernando Pomar, Sonia Josa and Linda Villdoniga. Published by Klett World Languages; Copyright 2021
Reporteros Francophones (French Versions Levels 1-3) by Barbara Ceruti and Eduard Sancho. Published by Klett World Languages; Copyright 2024
The textbook will be available for preview from April 8th to April 26th in the front lobby of the Caroline County Board of Education located at 204 Franklin Street, Denton, Maryland.
Interested citizens are encouraged to use the opportunity to examine the book before it is recommended to the Board of Education for adoption. To provide feedback after reviewing the book, please use the textbook feedback form (Reporteros Link). (Please note that the form must be opened using a Chrome or Google browser.)
Textbook Adoption: Advanced Algebra
The following online textbook will be recommended for adoption for Algebra classes by the Board of Education of Caroline County for the 2024-2025 school year:
Algebra by Lynn Marecek, Santa Ana College. Published by Openstax, copyright 2019 Rice University
The textbook is available for online preview from April 8 to April 26. Textbook highlights are also available for review.
Interested citizens are encouraged to use the opportunity to examine the book before it is recommended to the Board of Education for adoption. To provide feedback after reviewing the book, please use the textbook form. (Please note that the form must be opened using a Chrome or Google browser.)
Free Laptop?
Service Learning Opportunity
Graduation Spotlight
Graduation Spotlight Class of 2024
There have been a few additions to the senior activities. Please be sure the following dates are on your calendar:
April 12 - May 10 - Fill out and submit ADA form if needed (google form sent to student email)
April 29 - May 10 - Time frame to request extra graduation tickets (google form sent to student email)
May 13-14 - Cap and Gown delivery during all lunch shifts
May 15 - Senior Awards Night 6pm
May 17 - Senior Obligation deadline - includes EVERYTHING on the school obligation list
May 22 & 23 - Senior Final Exams (this is a change from the previous information sent home)
May 24 - Senior Grades captured!
May 28 - Senior Trip - Kings Dominion - see Mrs. Kinlock for details
May 29 - Graduation Rehearsal 9:00AM - 2:30PM
Light Breakfast/Snacks provided
Ceremony Rehearsal - honor cords distributed
Senior Class Photo
Senior Lunch/Slideshow
Graduation Ticket Distribution
May 30 - Graduation Ceremony 6PM - this is a ticketed event - ALL people attending need a ticket, regardless of age
Seniors should gather in cafeteria by 5:15pm: bring cap/gown/white stole/tassel/all cords you have received
Red ties and flowers will be distributed
Doors open to public at 5pm
Senior Slideshow shows at 5:30pm
Ceremony begins at 6pm
The ceremony will be livestreamed for those unable to attend. This can be accessed from either of these sites:
If you have any questions or concerns about graduation, please contact Mrs. France at
Save a Life!
Family Fun and Resources Day
Help us fight teenage substance abuse
Free Resource: Vaping Information
If you don’t know the first thing about vaping, this is for you! As vaping continues to impact the lives of today's youth, staying informed is more critical than ever. In the Cook Center’s January Newsletter: Clear Lungs, Bright Futures (English/Spanish), they highlight the latest insights, trends, and essential information about vaping. Discover why it's crucial for parents to be in the know about this pressing issue and how you can safeguard your children's health.
Also be sure to check out the where you can access free resources including courses led by licensed therapists on more than 50 topics like "Parenting with Purpose." To access the course, simply navigate to and click On-Demand Courses.
Upcoming mental health webinar for Caroline schools families:
Emotional Regulation: Recognizing What's Wrong
May 8, 6:00-7:00 pm via Zoom #CarolineFamily
For more information on mental health resources, please visit the CCPS website.
Community Resources
Social Media: Protecting Your Child
Free family services
Dual Enrollment
April marks Alcohol Awareness Month, a crucial period for communities to unite and address the pervasive issue of underage drinking. As parents, it is our responsibility to initiate open and honest conversations with our children about the dangers of alcohol and equip them with the tools to make informed decisions. Here are some essential tips and strategies from the Caroline County Health Department to help parents navigate these crucial conversations.
College Bootcamp
Leadership Opportunity
Tutoring Opportunity
Get the CCPS App
Promoting a healthy and safe environment for ALL students and staff:
CCPS is committed to providing a safe, respectful, nurturing educational environment where the worth and dignity of individuals are valued and their safety and rights are protected. Behaviors that compromise this environment, interfere with school operations, or are otherwise contrary to the basic mission of our public schools will not be tolerated. Bullying, hazing, harassment, or other discrimination affecting a student or a staff member should be reported by a victim, parent/guardian, witness, staff member, or other person having knowledge. Staff members with knowledge of such conduct are required to promptly report it to the building principal.
Caroline County Public Schools prohibits discrimination in its educational programs, and in employment, on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or disability.