Twin Peaks Middle School
Weekly RAM Newsletter
A Brief Note from Dr. Burke
Dear Ram families,
I hope you enjoyed the long weekend. I want to begin with a thank you to the PTSA for helping our PE team once again create an amazing 6th Grade Olympic experience for our students. Not only did the kids have a great time, but it was wonderful to see them encourage one another and cheer each other on. On behalf of the Twin Peaks Foundation and our entire school community, thank you to those of you who donated to our annual Read-a-thon. Thanks to you we raised over $10,000. The Foundation will be sharing its plans for how to use the funds soon. Meanwhile, if you would like to be a part of that conversation, join us this Tuesday, May 28th at the Hamburger Factory at 6:30pm.
I would like to remind those of you who are passionate about improving our campus and facilities, to join in me the library this Thursday at 9:00am. This is a great opportunity to share your thoughts about how we might amend our facilities to ensure they are optimal for supporting world class learners.
As we head into the final stretch of the school year, there will be many activities occurring both on and off campus. Please read the newsletter in its entirety for more details.
That's it for now. We look forward to seeing all our students on tomorrow, and remember, it's a 5/1/3 day.
Dr. Burke
Character Counts Breakfast
Events This Week!
Memorial Day
Monday is Memorial Day and this day is for remembering and honoring persons who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.
Jazz Night in the Quad
TIP Picnic
Read-A-Thon Results
Thank you for your support of the 3rd Annual Read-a-thon. We raised over $10,400 for the school. It was a lot of fun and we hope the kids enjoyed the book they read during their RAM time. Congratulations to all the students who won the raffles at the prize mall.
We would like to thank the teachers who helped get the word out and supported the efforts to raise money for our great school.
We would also like to thank our sponsors because without them this event couldn’t happen. Please be sure to support them and let them know you're from Twin Peaks, so they can see that their support is appreciated. Our sponsers were: Go Pro, Poway Ice, Domino's of Poway, Golden Spoon of Rancho Bernardo, Get Air, Velocity Paintball, The Wave Waterpark and Kings Craft Coffee who donated gift cards for our fantastic teachers who also made it happen!
We hope you have a great end of the year and if you are available, please attend the last meeting of the school year on Tuesday, May 28, 2019 at 6:30pm. The meetings are held at the Hamburger Factory at Old Poway Park. If you would like more information, please email: tpmsfdn@gmail.com.
Thank you for your support.
Kevin Juza
President, Twin Peaks Foundation
Noya Dahan Shining Light Scholarship Fund
Chelsea’s Light Foundation announces the Noya Dahan Shining Light Scholarship fund to help ensure a shining future for the brave eight-year-old who was one of the congregants wounded during the shooting at the Chabad of Poway in California on April 27, 2019. Noya, along with her two sisters and their uncle, were attending services at the Chabad of Poway to celebrate the final day of Passover, when an anti-semitic zealot entered the sanctuary, shot and killed one congregant, and injured three others including Noya. She received injuries from shrapnel that hit her face and leg and was hospitalized for her injuries but has since been released.
CLF is seeking donations to the fund to help ensure Noya fulfills her bright future. “We want Noya to know that she is an important member of our community, that we support her and her courage, and want to make sure her future shines bright,” said Andrew Skale, Board President of CLF and Poway resident. Donations can be made at https://chelseaslight.org/. Everything raised will be placed in a scholarship fund for Noya’s college education.
For almost a decade, Chelsea’s Light Foundation has been providing scholarships to help students, having donated more than $650,000 in scholarship funds to bright and resilient children all across the county.
For more information, please contact Heather Skale at 858-883-2987 or hskale@yahoo.
ASB Website
Positive Parenting Program
Shop Amazon through TPMS Foundation
7th/8th Grade End of Year Concert
8th Grade Breakfast
Summer Luau
Twin Peaks Middle School
Email: chamilton@powayusd.com
Website: http://tpms.powayusd.com/index.html
Phone: 858.748.5131
Twitter: @TwinPeaksRams