Monday Notes
March 17th, 2024

Most of you have probably finished your spring break and are settling in for the rest of the semester. We hope you had a great break and are looking forward to many fulfilling spring performances. Enjoy your students and have a great week!
State Marching Contest Registraton
Below you will find a link to register for the first official State Marching Contest. Registrations received by May 1st will be drawn for performance order by class. Registrations received after May 1 will be scheduled at the beginning of the classification.
Make sure to register for this inaugural event and receive feedback from some of the countries best adjudicators!
Just a reminder that the event will be October 26th at Rio Rancho HS. See you there!
Advocacy Challenge
Make sure to participate in this week's advocacy challenge. What a great way to strengthen your community:
- Consider doing a tribute to parents or administrators on the last concert
Honor Ensembles
Consider submitting an application and recording to be considered for a 2025 Conference Honor Ensemble. More information can be found in the handbook and the application can be found on this page of the website.
Rotation preference:
- Band - Large school preference
- Choir - Small school preference
- General Music - Elementary ensemble preference
- Jazz - Non big band preference
- Orchestra - Small school preference
Remember that above are preferences, however all classifications are encouraged to submit audition applications every year. Application must be postmarked or emailed by June 1st and should be sent directly to the respective Vice President.
All-State Information
Just a reminder that audition information along with ensemble programs will be posted the first week of April. Make sure to share this information with your students so they can begin preparing.
Summer Music Educators Workshop
Don't forget to register for the Summer Music Educators Workshop to be held on July 13th in the Albuquerque area. This is always a great event and a great way to prepare to return for the fall semester.
District Spring Meetings
Make plans now to attend your district spring meeting to plan for next year as well as nominate and vote on NMMEA award nominees.
Class Visit Opportunity
I was contacted by a friend in Pennsylvania who has a colleague who is literally biking across the country in a "Biking for Band" effort (from LA to DC). Here is the website about the project. Dr Allen is looking for opportunities to do things along the way - like clinics, casual sitting down, and chatting with folks, etc. and he will be traveling through New Mexico. If this is of interest to you, please contact him directly at: milt@miltallen.com