Little Trojan News
Centerburg Elementary Newsletter - March 2024
Ohio State Testing Dates
Below are the dates for State Testing for Grades 3-5 this Spring. Please try to avoid these dates for appointments!
3rd Grade ELA - April 16 & 17
4th Grade ELA - April 18 & 19
5th Grade ELA - April 16 & 17
3rd Grade Math - April 29 & 30
4th Grade Math - May 6 & 7
5th Grade Math - April 30 & May 1
5th Grade Science - May 3 & 8
From the Principal - Mr. Thompson
Please check PowerSchool often to keep informed of you child's progress in each of his/her classes. If you need help logging in to PowerSchool, please contact the school.
We have been researching Math Programs for the last couple of years and have decided to go with Reveal Math by McGraw Hill. At this time we are seeking parent input in the new program before asking for Board approval. If you are interested in borrowing a student copy please email miguel.thompson@centerburgschools.org. I have a few copies of each grade K-5. I will try to answer any questions you may have.
Below is the link to their website with more information.
Kindergarten Registration is going on now!
If your child will be 5 by August 1, 2024 they are eligible to register for Kindergarten. Please contact Wanda Reeves at 740-625-6488 to sign up for a registration slot. Kindergarten Registration is at the Centerburg Church of Christ on April 16th and 17th.
The Raise Craze Kindness Fundraiser is going on now - see flyer for more info!
PTO is running a new kind of fundraiser, where students will get donations for acts of kindness. The purpose is to promote good will, donations won’t be tied to the number of acts of kindness that a student or class does.
School Social Work Corner - Mrs. Mann
Parenting Books
Good Inside; A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be By Dr. Becky Kennedy
The Whole Brain Child; 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind By Daniel Siegel, MD
Raising Your Spirited Child, 3rd Edition By Mary Sheedy Kurcinka
Raising Emotionally Strong Boy’s; Tools Your Son Can Build for Life. By David Thomas
- Raising Worry Free Girl’s; Helping Your Daughter Feel Braver, Stronger, and Smarter in an Anxious World By Sissy Goff
Upcoming Events
March 1-21 - Raise Craze Fundraiser (Spreading Kindness)
March 5 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4-7pm
March 6 - Family Night for Raise Craze Fundraiser
March 7 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4-7pm
March 11 - Mobile Dentist visit
March 12 - Mobile Dentist visit
March 12 - PTO meeting at 7pm in Teacher's Lounge
March 14 - 1st Grade to see Honk! at Memorial Theatre
March 15 - Kindergarten to see Honk! at Memorial Theatre
March 15 - End of Third Grading Period
March 19 - Spring Picture Day (only for those who purchase)
March 20 - Family Night for Raise Craze Fundraiser
March 21 - Student of the Month for February
March 22 - Author visit - Alan St. Jean
March 25-20 - Spring Break
March 31 - Last Day to Purchase an Elementary Yearbook
April 8th - School Closed for Eclipse
Happenings in the Classroom
3rd Grade Reading Challenge Group - Mrs. Kotzin
Economics in Mrs. Stimmel's Class
The 5th graders have been learning about Economics - specifically the Assembly line. Students made paper pizzas with an assembly line and one on one, showing they could mass produce on the assembly line.