RPS Update
April 12, 2024
Dear Families, Faculty, and Staff,
Our students and faculty learned about the eclipse on Monday, and it was clear that this moment was incredibly exciting for all. We were happy to have provided our students and faculty with special filter glasses for best viewing and protection; and in the Ridgefield way, our families already found ways to recycle the glasses for good use!
On Monday evening, the CT Association of Boards of Education (CABE) presented RPS (and mostly Alison Pratt) with an Excellence in Communication Award. Congratulations to Alison, and to all who contribute to this newsletter, as well as our other modes of communication. On that topic, we continue to appreciate families who reach out directly to RPS teachers or administrators when they have questions or concerns. For accurate information, call or email us; or you can find us on our RPS social media pages linked here: Facebook, X, or Instagram! The accuracy of any Facebook or other external social media pages is not vetted nor verified by the district.
Next week, our school community will be enjoying a well-deserved spring break, and I know for sure our students will be coming back to a busy, busy spring. You’ve got this! Our next Friday update will be on April 26.
The Board of Education meeting originally scheduled for Monday, April 22, has been moved to Monday, April 29 in recognition of Passover.
Whether you’re planning on a staycation or a vacation- wishing you a wonderful week.
Susie Da Silva, Ed.D
Important District News and Reminders
RHS Has Seven National Merit Finalists
Congratulations to the seven RHS National Merit Finalists—Victor Uceda-Sosa, Gabriel Uceda-Sosa, Kyle Song, Sophie Shen, Anjali Hareesh, Angelina E. Craine, and James M. Cox-Donovan. This is the next step in the competition for some 7,140 National Merit Scholarships worth nearly $28 million that will be offered in the coming months.
Two-Peat! District Wins Communication Award
At Monday's Board of Education meeting, a representative from CABE presented RPS with the Bonnie B Carney Award for Excellence for the RPS Update. The newsletter is a team effort and reflection of the superlative members of the RPS community—students, teachers, staff, administration, PTA and BOE volunteers, and families!
Thank you for being so interesting, excellent, photogenic, and generous with your time. Please keep reading and sending news here.
April Calendar
Please check your school's calendar for important dates.
May Calendar
Last Chance for Middle School Tutoring!
RPS is in the the final weeks of Middle School Virtual Drop in Tutoring sessions. Here is a link to the array of virtual options available to Middle School families.
CODE RED: Kindergarten Registration
Registration required to attend Orientation and Mini-Kindergarten
RPS kindergarten registration numbers are significantly down this year, and the district wants to be able to plan for the best possible experience for students and staff. Registration required to attend mini-kindergarten! Please help us spread the word about this exciting rite of passage and register today.
RPS can help clarify the State of Connecticut's new kindergarten cut-off, how and when to consider applying for a waiver, and more. All the information about registration and mini-kindergarten orientation dates are available here.
Upcoming Community Events—Mark Your Calendars!
RHS Concerts, Art Show, and Science Symposium
Curriculum Corner—Science Presentation
On April 25 at 11 am, members of the K-12 District Science team will present on how Students Learn Science in RPS. This presentation will be available on the Curriculum YouTube Channel along with other past presentations. Please click here to submit questions for the presenters.
Inclusion Expo Is for Everyone
High School Summer Bridge Offerings
High school parents, are you looking for some structure this summer? Consider Summer Bridge, which offers a wide variety of courses for review, fun, and credit. Volunteering opportunities. Please register on the Summer Bridge site to ensure your student's spot.
Camp College App for Rising Seniors—August 1 and 7
Camp College App (formerly Camp Common App) will be back this summer for rising seniors!
Last year, over 50 students participated in the program to get a head start on their college to do list which alleviated stress during the first months of senior year. With feedback from students, we are making some adjustments to make the program even better. We are going beyond the Common Application and incorporating more information to help all students get a head start on their college application to do list. We are offering two one-day workshop opportunities to allow students and families have more flexibility in planning their summers.
Save the date! Students can choose between Thursday, August 1 or Wednesday, August 7. The tentative times are 9a.m - 1:30 p.m. More details and how to register will be emailed to the current junior class in the near future.
Former RPS Superintendent Passed Away Last Week
Please check your students' e-Backpack for this important information and other programs across the district. Organizations that meet the RPS policy may submit their request for inclusion to cmelagrano@ridgefieldps.net. This week there is a special notice from the Boy and Girls Club of Ridgefield looking for teachers and other educators to help lead their summer programs.
Social and Emotional Spotlight
Author Visit Spreads Positivity, Poetry, and Probity
Yesterday, Scotts Ridge Middle School hosted poet, actor, educator, and co-author of numerous award-winning books, Charles Waters, for its second annual Anti-Defamation League No Place for Hate (NPFH) Student Assembly. The middle school students gave Waters and the RHS NPFH ambassadors their fullest attention. "You could hear a pin drop," said SRMS Librarian Janine Johnson.
Waters is co-author of Mascot, this year’s reading choice for the Scotts Ridge “One Book, Two Schools” inter-district book discussion between students at Scotts Ridge and neighboring middle schools. This is the third year of “One Book, Two Schools” and the second year of the No Place For Hate initiative at Scotts Ridge.
He shared how he struggled in middle school and throughout his life with a learning difference and how he learned to focus and engage academically with the support of his family and educators. He generously answered as many of the student questions as time allowed. After the engaging assembly, Waters returned to SRMS to lead workshops about reading, poetry, inclusion, and belonging. He selected the winning acrostic poem. His authentic spirit, humility, and story of perseverance seemed to resonate with students as they flocked to pose for photos with him.
In the Classroom
Viewing Party at East Ridge
East Ridge Middle School Principal Jennifer Phostole reports that the ERMS Science Department collaboratively planned an Eclipse Viewing Party activity for the entire school. In the days leading up to the eclipse, science teachers planned and implemented lessons across grade levels. All students worked collaboratively to create initial models of the eclipse phenomenon. The Solar Eclipse Models are currently displayed on the walls of the ERMS main hallway.
On Monday, April 8, the schedule was adjusted to allow for an afternoon schedule where students met with their advisory groups to participate in the Eclipse Viewing Party. As part of this activity, students and staff made their way to the North Field to view the beginning of the eclipse and participate in a “See, Think, Wonder” activity. Phostole writes, "A special thanks to the ERMS science department for organizing this event!"
Eclipse Video from Ridgebury Is Revolutionary:)
The HeART of RPS
See RHS Art Show and Spring Concert Information Above!
Middle School Musicals Shine
Anyone lucky enough to catch the musicals at both Middle Schools last week knows that the future is bright for RHS Theater, which is good because this year's RHS seniors are numerous, talented, and have been endlessly devoted to the Theater Department. To view the number of students involved in the Middle School productions and the full cast and crew, please see the playbills from the East Ridge performance of Grease and the Scotts Ridge performance of Guys and Dolls.
Thank You to Our Directors!
Photo left: Jaime O'Karma and Jared Bardugone at East Ridge
Photo right: Jennifer Bray and Merryl Polak at Scotts Ridge
Beyond the Classroom
Debate Team Finishes Strong: Senior Shout-Out
RHS Debate Team advisor Adam Horvath reports that the team has concluded another debate season after attending the Connecticut Debate Association (CDA) State Finals (03/23) and the Yale University Osterweis Annual Debate Tournament (04/07).
Across these tournaments, RHS students competed in rounds of debate with teams from other Connecticut schools as they argued multiple resolutions, with the team of James Cox-Donovan and Gabriel Uceda-Sosa progressing into the semi-finals and finals in a full day of debate (8:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m).
In the end, RHS won 13 rounds of debate across these tournaments and earned 4th Place at the CDA State Championships (out of 38 qualifying teams) and 2nd Place at Yale University Osterweis (out of 34 teams) after beating the 4-0 team from Hamden Hall in the semi-finals and facing the only other 4-0 team from Joel Barlow in the final round, as judged by Yale University students.
Mr. Horvath writes, "Senior Debate Captains James Cox-Donovan and Gabriel Uceda-Sosa have now ended their 4-year competitive careers with the RHS Debate Team after winning multiple trophies and accolades for RHS, in addition to managing the team as student-leaders for two years. It has been a distinct honor to watch these two develop their skills and become mindful, resilient, collaborative, innovative, and knowledgeable fixtures in the RHS student community. I believe they exemplify all of our core values as both individuals and student-leaders committed to coaching others. We wish them luck as they prepare to see how far their skills, efforts, and values will take them as they transition to Harvard University and Columbia University, respectively, next year."
RHS Senior Is State Debate Champ
Gabriel Uceda-Sosa earned 1st Speaker Trophy at the CDA State Finals (out of 76 award-winning speakers) indicating that Ridgefield is home to the best public speaker the CDA has seen this year in the entire state of Connecticut. You might need a new trophy shelf. Congratulations, Gabe!
Girls Lax Keeps Memory Alive with Shootout Clinic
Members of the RHS Girls Lacrosse team have organized the 8th Shamrock Shootout clinic for youth to benefit the Carey V. Depuy Scholarship. RHS junior Grace Winkler writes, "the varsity team continues to proudly wear the shamrock symbol on our pinnies in memory of Carey's leadership and kindness." Carey (RHS Class of 2015) died in a tragic private plane crash during her first year of college.
Clinic registration here.
Magazine Features RHS Lacrosse Standout, Kyle Colsey
From the Winter Garden to Madison Square Garden? Record Deal for Ashley Jo
RHS student Ashley Collins (stage name Ashley Jo) recently signed a contract to release her record, Hand Me Down. Ashley went viral in December 2022 when singing the National Anthem before her RHS hockey game. The mic went out and she continued to sing loud, proud, and clear, earning her millions of views on TikTok and national coverage. Read about her remarkable story and see a clip of her performing here.
Special Earth Day Section
In honor of Earth Day, Branchville proclaims April 22 - 26 Earth WEEK
Submitted by Sarah Stabile and Re-printed from the Hamlet Hub
Branchville Elementary School Principal, Keith Margolus, and the PTA are proud to mark the one-year anniversary of the BEES Path to Zero Waste initiative. Since committing to compost food waste from the cafeteria on Earth Day last year, BES has recovered more than 24,000 lbs of waste, contributing to efforts to combat the staggering amount of food waste in the State of CT. Food waste makes up 22% of the 3.5 million tons of trash in CT. Currently, 800,000 tons of waste is trucked out of the State, due to the fact that all four waste energy plants reached capacity at 2.7 million tons.
Read the full press release here.
Q&A With Environmental Club President—Annie Ragland
In honor of Earth Day on Monday, April 22, RPS Update reached out to RHS student Annie Ragland about her environmental leadership, programs at RHS, and what we can all do to go green. Below is a version edited for length. Her full responses are here.
How did you get involved in the Environmental Club?
I got invested in the environment halfway through my 8th grade year and was looking for people who also were interested in the environment. When I started my freshman year I was so excited to see that the school had an Environmental Club and immediately joined. The Environmental Club has changed quite a lot from when I joined in 2020 to where it is today in 2024. It has just grown and blossomed with new ideas and new energy each year!
What environmental initiatives are happening at RHS now?
Right now the Environmental Club is focusing on RHS Waste and Recycling. The Environmental Club has been working for over a year now investigating recycling, and how RHS handles its waste, basically what RHS throws away during lunch. This could be food, garbage or recyclables. With the help of Ridgefield Recycling Coordinator:
What should RPS families know about environmentally-friendly activities and what they can do to Go Green?
You don't know where to start? Perfect! Try doing little things such as bringing a reusable water bottle to school or to work. See how long you can go before using a plastic water bottle. (Same for the store, bring a reusable bag!) Want to help out in the community! Make it a fun activity! Do a trash pick up with friends! Really think about what you throw away! Track your carbon footprint.
Astronomy Club Sponsors Demonstration of StarLab
Submitted by Special Correspondent Mae Carpenter, Grade 9
RPS Administrators and teachers gathered for a demonstration of the digital StarLab planetarium system this Wednesday, in the RHS Black Box theater. Hosted by the Astronomy Club, the event was to display the many incredible abilities of the planetarium, with one being borrowed from the Children's Museum of Connecticut.
The afternoon started with a brief lesson on the sun's rising and setting, (taught by RHS Senior Florence Mercurio), followed by a fun trivia round involving student representatives from all grade levels. Please continue reading about this special event here.
More Photos From the Month
Almost a Total Eclipse of the...
The Outsiders on Broadway!
Scotts Ridge seventh graders traveled to Broadway this week to see The Outsiders on a great trip organized by SRMS teachers Shane Luery, Marc Perry, and Leah Hayner.
I Survived Author Visits Ridgebury
Author Lauren Tarshis visited Ridgebury this week to talk about her series, I Survived, which
are thrilling stories from history, through the eyes of a kid who lived to tell the tale. Library and Media Specialist Ellen Paradiso reached out to Tarshis for a virtual visit but when they discovered she was local, she came in peron. Tarshis discussed her experience of becoming a published author at 42 years old, collaborating with illustrators to bring the graphic novel versions of her books to life, and the process for researching and writing historical fiction. She even introduced students to her dog, who always listens to Lauren when she reads her drafts aloud. Ms. Tarshis's next project is I Survived Katrina, illustrated by someone who survived the storm. Thank you to the RES PTA for their support of this program.
Bowling Math
We would love to hear from you! Families and staff can submit stories, comments, or corrections to RPS Communications. Please follow us on Social Media with links below.