Bermuda Bay Condominium Newsletter
April 2024
Owner Information, Documents, Work Orders, Meeting Minutes, Voting platform, Forms, etc.
To those residents who have been having issues with water intrusion from their windows, please send me your information, i.e.. Name, phone number, unit number and area of water entry. We are putting together all this data to be better able to put together a plan to have this issued resolved. Be sure that you have filled out a work order for our records. Thank You for your cooperation.
Ray Ferreris, LCAM
Property Manager
Dear Residents,
We hope this message finds you well. We want to bring to your attention an issue that has been affecting our plumbing system. It has come to our notice that non-flushable items are being disposed of in the toilets, causing blockages and other plumbing problems.
To maintain the proper functioning of our plumbing and sewer systems and to prevent costly repairs, we kindly request that you refrain from flushing anything except toilet paper down the toilets. This includes items such as wipes, sanitary products, cotton pads, paper towels, and any other non-biodegradable materials.
We have also attached some tips for the use of the garbage disposal below!
By adhering to this guideline, you will not only help us maintain a clean and functional environment but also contribute to the sustainability of our community.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Ray Ferreris, LCAM
Property Manager
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
It is a trash compactor. It is NOT a dumpster.
Dear Fellow BB Residents—
You can only put certain things in it. It is a “delicate” mechanism that we rent from the City of St. Petersburg. We fill it up. They come every other Wednesday to empty it. They put it back in place and we fill up again. But sometimes—too many times!—people put things in this trash compactor that gum up the works. Four times in the last month, various people have put very large pieces of cardboard in the compactor—the type of thing that clogs up the “smashing” device inside the compactor, and then nothing gets compacted, the trash builds to capacity inside the compactor … and then it stops working. And then trash piles up outside the compactor. You may remember this is exactly what happened the very week that our new property manager
and new maintenance manager started their tours of duty.
Peg Daisley, chair of the Security Committee
Pestguard Fumigation Information - Building 47
The Pestguard document attached to the previous email is for informational purposes only, and not intended to notify you of an upcoming treatment for your building.
Currently, Building #47 is the only building on property that is in need of, and scheduled for, treatment.
Tori Elvir - President
Roger Daisley - Vice President
Mike Martin - Treasurer
Meet our New Property Manager, Mr. Rafael (Ray) Ferreris Jr.
Ray comes to us with an extensive background in leadership and organizational experience. Ray is a veteran of the United States Air Force, where he served for 20 years. He was the CEO of his own orthopedic company and has many years with sales, training, and customer service within this industry.
He has previous management experience with Tampa Palms Owners Association, managing performance, supervising employees, carrying out risk management responsibilities and making recommendations to mitigate any perceived risks. He was the System Administrator for all computers and responsible for all purchasing and installation of all systems. As Facility Manager, he recommended and led improvement with replacement projects in collaboration with the Executive Community Manager, and in alignment with Capital Reserve Study, scheduled thousands of dollars in savings. He has a lot of experience with asset management, invoice tracking, and compliance with the annual budget.
Ray has been married to his wife Barbara for 39 years, and has three grown children and seven grandchildren. Ray has been a Deacon at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in the Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg since 2019. His hobbies and interests include RV camping, cooking (especially BBQ) and enjoying the great outdoors.
Bermuda Bay Contact Information
Current Contact information for the Board:
President - Tori Elvir - bermudabaypresident@gmail.com
Vice- President -Roger Daisly- bermudabayvicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer - Mike Martin - bermudabaytreasurer@gmail.com
Secretary - Chris Boyd - bermudabaysecretary@gmail.com
Director-at-Large - John King- bermudabaydirectoratlarge@gmail.com
Rafael Ferreris Jr., Property Manager: - bbbmanager@condominiumassociates.com
Administrative Assistant: Christine Dickey and Jen Sullivan - bbboffice@condominiumassociates.com
Bermuda Bay Office: 727-864-0735
Bermuda Bay Security Phone Number: 727-212-9963 (Current guards - Alex Prince and Travis Howard)
If you have an after hours emergency, please call Condominium Associates at 727-573-9300 or reach out to a board member for assistance.
Police Non-emergency: 727-893-7780
Police Emergency: 911
Bermuda Bay Clubhouse WiFi: Username: Bermudabayclubhouse (it should pop up)
Password: bbclubhouse
We do have a separate web page called https://www.bermudabaystpete.com/
The password had to be updated, as passwords are occasionally.
Username: BBB (which is the same) and the new Password is: beachcondos
This is NOT the official website of Bermuda Bay, but we try and keep this one updated for your pleasure. The workable website for work orders, payments, documents, etc. is the https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/ and is maintained by CA
The Clam Bayou Nature Preserve gate lock has been re-keyed. Please come into the office to pick up a new gate key. Bring in your old key and there will be no charge.
Enjoying a lot of good weather
Winning medals from their school
Playing golf
Eating at local restaurants
Attending Ray's games
Enjoying Cindy Hansen's Birthday Party
Opening a new business
5314 Gulfport Blvd. S. Gulfport, FL
Jimmy and Carrie Ann - owners
Getting together for an Eclipse Party
Welcoming a new grandbaby into the world
Attending a wedding in Italy
Drinks with friends
Enjoying local cuisine
Enjoying each other's company
Improving the old golf swing
Officiating college beach volleyball
The Landscaping committee is knee deep in the dirt (so to speak)! Dirt from behind the pool was moved to put in a five foot walkway behind the pool fence, and for the balance of the width to be natural plantings used as a drain off area for the pool deck. They currently do not have enough money to cover this area, so they are asking for donations to cover the $2,200.00 needed. You can take your donations to the office, and if you have additional questions please contact the landscaping committee at bblandscapecommittee@gmail.com.
To Our Loyal Volunteers:
Because available replacement sprinkler heads have not yet been located in storage areas to fix the 16 broken heads that we found last week, we need to reschedule our planned quest for the front area broken sprinklers (previously scheduled for April 13 at 8 am) until Saturday, April 20th starting at 8 AM.
The meeting place will be in front of the BB office,
We're over halfway through this mapping process, with only 2 more control boxes to test that should control the front sprinkler heads throughout the beach area.
Please invite any other folks that you feel would like to see us make headway on this important process. The more volunteers that we have, the more areas we'll be able to cover...and the process will go much faster. AND...we'll have grateful plants, trees, and green spaces throughout the community once again!
We need a minimum of 8 volunteers.
We hope to see you on the 20th.
Have a great weekend.
Gail Cunningham Coen,
Landscape Committee Member
Even though our security hours have changed it is still important TO LOCK YOUR CAR and LOCK YOUR BIKES!!
Our new security hours are: 10:00pm - 6:00am Daily. We continue to have unwanted people on our property, so it is important to stay vigilant and LOCK YOUR CAR. Be sure that your keys or fobs, or anything of value is NOT visible from any car window. Any subspinous activity: please report to Bermuda Bay Security and the POLICE! If you get up during the night, just look out your windows. If you see someone going through cars, call the police (911) or at least the guard (727-212-9963). Or if you have a Ring or other personal security camera, check it every morning to see if there was any strange activity during the night. If so, let the property manager know. Never approach trespassers yourself at night. Always notify the security guard, or if a crime is clearly being committed, call 911 immediately.
Security Guard Phone Number - 727-212-9963
Seven days a week: 10:00pm - 6:00am
- Alex Prince - Wednesday - Sunday
- Travis Howard - Mondays and Tuesdays
Pickleball Skills, Drills and Practice every Monday at 6:30pm followed by Open Play. Beginners and Experienced Players Welcome.
Horseshoes and Cornhole - Thursday mornings at 10:00am
Walking Club - 9:30am MWF (meet at the Clam Bayou gate)
Pickleball Tournament Sunday March 24th, 2024
Winners were: Judi, Mark, Kent, and Alain
Debra won the Charcuterie Board made by Ed
Many thanks to Janice for her wonderful homemade prizes, and to the staff: Dave, Debra, Jan, and Jennifer. These people helped the 28 players and spectators have a wonderful and memorable experience.
Bermuda Bay Beach and Racquet Club Courts & Sports Committee 2023-24 Season Summary
Core Activities
Pickleball continues to grow with a total of 28 players participating in March Tournament
and 20+ daily players in March. Monday evening beginner group facilitated teaching and
open play.
The courts were rarely used for tennis despite having tennis racquets available for use. Tennis court paint is fading and Stewart acknowledged manufacturer aware of defective paint. To be repainted free of charge sometime in April or May 2024.
Shuffleboard courts have been regularly used by owners, tenants and guests. Racquetball court used at times for pickleball drills. No active racquetball being played. The committee has 2 racquets available for use.
Additional Activities Added
Cornhole and Horseshoes – equipment stored in back laundry room with shuffleboard in newly designated “Courts & Sports Corner”. Offering Thursday 10am “Play in the Park” to encourage community participation in all 3 sports.
Walking Group MWF 9:30-10:30am well received and attended through March.
Bike Loan – program has 5 bikes and all are currently out on loan. Still looking for a women’s
and a child’s bike.
Funds raised by raffle ticket sales, tournament entry fee and donations added $438 to bring our newly established bank account up to $1028.82. Committee voted to donate funds up to $400 to complete putting green overhaul if Russel bid is accepted.
Looking Ahead to 2024-25
Confer with landscape committee about what to use for 15-18” buffer between putting green and plantings. Looking for surfaces requiring essentially no upkeep. Develop an activity list/calendar including contact information to be sent out with rental packets and be posted in the office, laundry rooms and pools. Purchase professional signage for activities similar to Bingo, Trivia and Cards.
Reposition/add hooks on tennis court fence for hanging clothing, sports bags. Assess equipment condition, replacement and additional needs in the Fall.
Many thanks to Committee members: Ed Brabham, Debra Curtis, Steve Kura, Jeff
Montgomery, Tom Parker and Jesse Reynolds for moving us forward; Chris Boyd, HOA
Board Liaison for her support, and Christine and Jenn in the office for their responsiveness to our requests.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Ward, Courts & Sports Chair
Courts & Sports are also starting a BIKE LOAN, for those of you that visit and miss using a bike to venture out and explore. It's in the formation stages, as they have a men's bike, but are still looking for a women's and child's bike. They will chain them all together on one of the bike racks and provide a text number for a few members of the committee who could unlock them and get the waiver signed. Ed Braham will maintain them during our winter season when they would be most utilized. You can inquire through the office.
John King and I are sending out weekly or bi-weekly updates for the community through email blasts. The purpose is to keep the community up to date on issues and progress that surround our construction projects. The links for each communication are below.
Committee Chairs at Bermuda Bay
ARC COMMITTEE - Jennie Creighton - jenniecreighton@tagpartners.org
Beach Restoration Committee - Kerry Morrison - Imzchef@comcast.net
Courts and Sports Committee - Robin Ward - Rifkasema@gmail.com
Environmental Committee - Vic Vena bigvic01@icloud.com
Kayak/Trailer and Boat Committee - Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
Landscaping Committee- Cindy Hansen cindyhansen.travel@gmail.com
Pool Committee - Cindy Vena cyvena@icloud.com
Review Committee- Patti Brazil brazil.patty@gmail.com
Security Committee: Peg Daisley- MDaisley@msn.com
So recently, there was a lot of discussion on the Facebook page about getting quotes for duct cleaning. Quotes ranged from $200.00 - $1200.00. How could they be so different? So I set out on a quest to find out exactly what you are getting for your money.
Duct cleaning generally refers to the cleaning of various heating and cooling system components of forced air systems, including the supply and return air ducts and registers, grilles and diffusers, heat exchangers heating and cooling coils, condensate drain pans (drip pans), fan motor and fan housing, and the air handling unit housing.
If not properly installed, maintained and operated, these components may become contaminated with particles of dust, pollen or other debris. If moisture is present, the potential for microbiological growth (e.g., mold) is increased and spores from such growth may be released into the home's living space. Some of these contaminants may cause allergic reactions or other symptoms in people if they are exposed to them. If you decide to have your heating and cooling system cleaned, it is important to make sure the service provider agrees to clean all components of the system and is qualified to do so. Failure to clean a component of a contaminated system can result in re-contamination of the entire system, thus negating any potential benefits. Methods of duct cleaning vary, although standards have been established by industry associations concerned with air duct cleaning. Typically, a service provider will use specialized tools to dislodge dirt and other debris in ducts, then vacuum them out with a high-powered vacuum cleaner.
Do not hire duct cleaners who make sweeping claims about the health benefits of duct cleaning — such claims are unsubstantiated.
Do not hire duct cleaners who recommend duct cleaning as a routine part of your heating and cooling system maintenance. You should also be wary of duct cleaners who claim to be certified by EPA. Note: EPA neither establishes duct cleaning standards nor certifies, endorses, or approves duct cleaning companies.
Do not allow the use of chemical biocides or chemical treatments unless you fully understand the pros and the cons (See "Unresolved Issues of Duct Cleaning).
Check references to be sure other customers were satisfied and did not experience any problems with their heating and cooling system after cleaning.
Contact your county or city office of consumer affairs or local Better Business Bureau to determine if complaints have been lodged against any of the companies you are considering.
Interview potential service providers to ensure:
- they are experienced in duct cleaning and have worked on systems like yours;
- they will use procedures to protect you, your pets and your home from contamination; and
- they comply with NADCA's air duct cleaning standards and, if your ducts are constructed of fiber glass duct board or insulated internally with fiber glass duct liner, with the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association's (NAIMA) recommendations.
Ask the service provider whether they hold any relevant state licenses. As of 1996, the following states require air duct cleaners to hold special licenses: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Michigan and Texas. Other states may require them as well.
If the service provider charges by the hour, request an estimate of the number of hours or days the job will take, and find out whether there will be interruptions in the work. Make sure the duct cleaner you choose will provide a written agreement outlining the total cost and scope of the job before work begins.
What to Expect From an Air Duct Cleaning Service Provider
If you choose to have your ducts cleaned, the service provider should:
Open access ports or doors to allow the entire system to be cleaned and inspected.
Inspect the system before cleaning to be sure that there are no asbestos-containing materials (e.g., insulation, register boots, etc.) in the heating and cooling system. Asbestos-containing materials require specialized procedures and should not be disturbed or removed except by specially trained and equipped contractors.
Use vacuum equipment that exhausts particles outside of the home or use only high-efficiency particle air (HEPA) vacuuming equipment if the vacuum exhausts inside the home.
Protect carpet and household furnishings during cleaning.
Use well-controlled brushing of duct surfaces in conjunction with contact vacuum cleaning to dislodge dust and other particles.
Use only soft-bristled brushes for fiberglass duct board and sheet metal ducts internally lined with fiberglass. (Although flex duct can also be cleaned using soft-bristled brushes, it can be more economical to simply replace accessible flex duct.)
Take care to protect the duct work, including sealing and re-insulating any access holes the service provider may have made or used so they are airtight.
Follow NADCA's standards for air duct cleaning and NAIMA's recommended practice for ducts containing fiber glass lining or constructed of fiber glass duct board.
So Dan and I discovered, that just cleaning the air ducts was not the solution for us. We had mold residue, dirt, pollutants, in the ducts, on the registers, and in the HVAC system. If the total system was not cleaned out - the ducts might be clean for a while, but eventually the air goes back through the system and will pick up all the contaminants from everything else. This needed to be a real investment in our health and in the efficiency of our machinery. When we bought our unit five years ago, we had no idea what the history was, but came to find out that the duct work had never been cleaned. We had a complete free analysis and quote with no pressure. I am sharing some of the findings with the pictures below. So think twice about what you are paying for...a bigger investment might pay off in the long run. There are many fine companies to choose from - but do your research before you sign on the dotted line.
Treasurer’s Report April 17, 2024
The numbers I am reporting are as of March 31, 2024
Bank Accounts
In total, we have bank balances of $835k.
Operating Account
The operating account balance is $196k.
One of our insurance policies is coming up for renewal in May at a cost of $276k.
It is recommended we finance that cost through the insurance broker, Palm Insurance, to enable monthly payments.
While it is still early in the year, there are a few items I am projecting will end the year over-budget.
The insurance overage will be in the $85k range.
If the current trend continues, legal fees will end well over-budget largely due to construction issues.
Trash collection cost is projected to be over-budget
Reserve Fund
.The Reserve Fund currently has $366k in the bank.
Much of the reserve funding is to provide cash to re-roof our buildings in future years. We have had to accelerate some of the buildings due to there current poor condition and the continuing cost of patch repairs. These buildings will then be removed from the list when their planned year comes up.
This week, we received $85k which was the settlement from our Munyon Paint lawsuit.
Delinquencies amounted to just over $32k.
That is an increase of about $2k since last month. I will be watching to see how
that trends. The majority of delinquencies are less than 60 days old or are smaller amounts.
Demand letters have been sent to those owners who’s arears are for older larger amounts. Three accounts are with the attorney collection.
Balcony Deposits
We have $273k in deposits from owners for extended balconies. I previously reported there were the owners of 4 units who had not paid for their balcony extensions. There are now only 2 as 2 are staying with the original size.
Kind of a Play on Words...but if you are in doubt as to what you can plant??????
Here is the updated list of invasive plants not allowed at Bermuda Bay.
Here are some other educational links:
You are also encouraged to contact anyone on the Landscaping committee. Cindy Hansen, Gail Cunningham, Bari Martinson, and Barb Barnard. They are more than willing to assist with your questions and all your landscaping needs.
What is the Florida invasive species app?
IveGot1 allows for both online and offline reporting with reports saved on your phone for uploading when you have network connectivity. Images and information on Florida's worst non-native invasive animals and plants. Real-time point distribution maps centered on your current location.
Recently I've been alerted to the fact that several work orders have been closed prematurely, without the work being fully completed or even started in some cases. While it's fine to submit new work orders, a more efficient approach would be for owners to email me directly at bbbmanager@condominiumassociates.com and let me know the condition of the work.This way, I can reopen the existing orders. Reopening helps maintain the chronological order of the queue and preserves any existing notes or photos attached to the original work order.
Please continue to log all your requests and needs through work orders. We are now holding daily meetings to prioritize and ensure efficient, timely completion of these tasks.
Let's keep moving forward into the beautification of the property!
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Everyone needs to fill out an ARC application no matter what work you are doing, just for the record. Some work does not need any approval by the ARC committee, but your application will go into your permanent unit file for future reference if ever needed. It also lets us know what vendors will be on property to do work.
Other ARC work will need approval by the committee. Once it is approved by the ARC committee it is moved forward to the Board of Directors who will vote on it at a Board meeting. Plumbing, Electric, and Structural are major and need ARC committee approval. Second story flooring needs approval and a few other things as you can read below.
Also remember - per our new amendment to our documents - you must measure your balcony/lanai if you wish to keep your dimensions for the future. As continued work needs to be done - replacement will hinge on the documentation you are supplying now to the office.
Procedure to follow when filing an ARC application
Owner completes form and gives to office.
Office sends to ARC meeting
All NEW ARC forms MUST be submitted by the first Friday of each month so they can be added to the agenda in time for our Monthly meeting.
ARC holds its MONTHLY Meeting on the Second Wednesday of the Month
ARC committee makes our recommendations to the Board-We give to Board by the second Friday of the month so it can get added to board agenda and packet.
Board has meeting on THIRD WEDNESDAY of each month. They Vote.
Office Manager informs owner of Board decision and any adjustments or info is exchanged and documented.
Office Manager places ARC board notes etc… in the unit file for permanent record of work done within units.
Owner informs to Office Manager schedule of workers on the property. Contractor phone numbers should be on the ARC to help management if there is a problem or confusion of any kind.
photo by Tori Elvir
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Email: bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Website: https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/
Location: Bermuda Bay Beach and Racquet Club, 4201 38th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711, USA
Phone: 727-864-0735
Twitter: @BermudaBayStP