March 22, 2024
The Principal's Corner
The Week Ahead
Monday, March 25th: DAY 2
Tuesday, March 26th: DAY 3
MCAS Testing Grade 10 & SAT School Day Test
8:10-11:15 MCAS English Exam Period
(Late Start for Grades 9,11, and 12 students unless they are taking SAT Exam)
11:20-12:50 Block C
1st lunch 11:20-11:50
2nd lunch 11:50-12:20
3rd lunch 12:20-12:50
12:54 - 1:45 Block D
1:49 - 2:40 Block L
Wednesday, March 27th: DAY 4
MCAS Testing Grade 10
8:10-11:15 MCAS English Exam Period
(Late Start for Grades 9,11, and 12 students)
11:20-12:50 Block B
1st lunch 11:20-11:50
2nd lunch 11:50-12:20
3rd lunch 12:20-12:50
12:54 - 1:45 Block F
1:49 - 2:40 Block A
Thursday, March 28th: DAY 5
Friday, March 29th: No School Good Friday 😀
Dates to Remember
3/21-3/23 Musical 7:00 PM (Auditorium)
3/23 Saturday School 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
3/25 Meet the Coach's Night for Spring Sports 7:00 PM (RHS Auditorium)
3/26 MCAS Testing Grade 10 ELA Session 1 & SAT School Day
(Late Start for Grade 9, 11, and 12 students)
3/26 SAT School Day Testing
3/27 MCAS Testing Grade 10 ELA Session 2 (Late Start for Grade 9, 11, and 12 students)
3/29 No School Good Friday
4/1 Massasoit On The Spot Admissions
4/4 Early Release for Staff Professional Development @ 11:25 AM
4/4 Term 3 Closes
4/9 Senate Leadership Council Meeting 7:30 AM-8:00 AM (Library)
4/11 Dog Block 10:42 AM - 11:28 AM
4/11 Term 3 Grades Available in the afternoon
4/13 Saturday School 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
4/15-4/19 No School April Vacation
4/25 Talent/Variety Show 7:00 PM (Auditorium)
In the Classroom
It's Make a Salad Week in Family and Consumer Science! Chelsea Amaral showcases her salad!
Students in Ms. Coulombe's science class completed a lung capacity lab for the respiratory unit.
Mamma Mia This Weekend!
Congratulations to the cast and crew as well as Director Mr. Bergman on the production of Mamma Mia. The show opened Thursday, March 21st and students will continue to perform this weekend, both on Friday and Saturday evening at 7:00 PM in the Auditorium. Ticket information is below.
Students featured in pictures below include:
Freshman: Taylor Norton, Arihanna Briere, Lilly George, Pia Dudley, Gabby Lynch, Ollie Day.
Sophomores: Joseph Quinn, Benjamin Quinn, John Vaz, Tri Nguyen; Hannah McWilliams, Isabella Cara, Seth Mitchell, Emily Holbrook, Grace Farry, Sophia Aifa, Sarah McWilliams; Aleah Meade.
Juniors: Liam Ryan, Erika Joaquim, Lil Bossie, Allyson Leary.
Seniors: Meg Hailer, Elias Carbone, McKenna Maher, Kelly Hamilton.
Full cast of Mamma Mia.
Scoliosis Screenings
We will be doing scoliosis screenings on our 9th graders in the coming weeks. This is a state mandated screening to detect early signs of spinal problems that should have further medical attention. The screening is conducted by the school nurse during school hours.
If your child is being followed for scoliosis, or if you would like to opt out of this screening, please contact the nurse in writing. You may email fdavis@rocklandschools.org, send a fax to 781-878-7035 or send a note to school. Feel free to contact the health office during school hours at 781-871-8411 if you have any concerns.
Harrington earns Silver Key!
Caitlyn Harrington won a Silver Key for her portfolio (six works of art) at this year's Scholastic Art Awards competition. There are thousands of entries to this competition so this is a very impressive award. The Scholastic Art Awards is sponsored by the Boston Globe Foundation in partnership with the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University.
She was also recently accepted into R.I.S.D., Mass Art, Montserrat College of Art, Bridgewater State, and UMass Dartmouth. We are so proud of her!
Veritas New Articles
MCAS Testing Information
On Tuesday, March 26th, and Wednesday, March 27th, all grade 10 Rockland High School students will take the English Language Arts portion of the MCAS Exam in the morning. On Tuesday, May 21st and Wednesday, May 22nd, all grade 10 students will take the Mathematics MCAS Exam in the morning. Passing the MCAS Exam is a high school graduation requirement.
On the dates of testing, test-takers need to bring a charged Chromebook and their power cord to school. The tests are taken on their Chromebook, so this is very important. We do not have extra Chromebooks or power cords.
For Tuesday March 26th and Wednesday, March 27th, students not taking the Grade 10 English Language Arts MCAS Exam (primarily grades 9, 11, and 12) must report to their first class by 11:15 a.m. For any student not taking the test who relies on bus transportation, bus students should report to the cafeteria for a directed study while Grade 10 students take the MCAS.
AP Exams
Before you know it, it will be time to take your AP Exams. I wanted to share some important information with you regarding exams.
Here is the RHS AP Exam Schedule. Please note the arrival times for exams (morning and afternoon). The arrival time for morning exams is 7:40 AM. If you are a bus student, you will need to make arrangements to arrive at school by 7:40 on exam days. The scheduled start time is set by the College Board so it is imperative that students arrive on time.
Here is the AP Exam Duration list - be sure to note that there is additional time before, during and after the exam that is not factored into the length of the exam (approximately 45 - 60 minutes).
Students cannot leave exams early if they finish - no exceptions. Be sure to let coaches and employers know if this is relevant for you.
General information-
AP Terms & Conditions - students will need to accept these terms and conditions prior to starting each exam.
Note: For AP courses with a portfolio submission (AP Art and Design, AP Computer Science Principles, AP Seminar), students will need to agree to the Digital Portfolio AP Exam Terms and Conditions before submitting their work as final in the AP Digital Portfolio.
An individualized letter will be emailed to students in late April; it will include the arrival time and test room for each AP exam they will be taking.
RHS Students Tri, Mckenna, Alyson, and Lillian participated in the SEMSBA concert on Saturday!
St. Patrick's Day Parade
RHS Students in the Marching Band performed at Abington's annual St. Patrick's Day Parade last weekend!
Athletic Updates
We have a Meet the Coaches Night for parents/guardians planned for Monday, March 25th at 7:00 PM in the Rockland HS Auditorium. It's a great opportunity to connect with the coaches and learn more about the upcoming season.
The boys and girls tennis teams are selling tumbler cups through Gold Athletics from now until April 2nd. Please use the link below or seek out any member of the tennis teams if you are interested in purchasing one. We appreciate all the support!
Community Resource
Key Club is organizing a donation drive for Dove Women's Shelter. Below is additional information.
Quick Links
Rockland High School
Email: jharrison@rocklandschools.org
Website: https://www.rocklandschools.org/o/rockland-high
Location: 52 Mackinlay Way, Rockland, MA, USA
Phone: 781-871-0541
Twitter: @RocklandHS