Superintendent Newsletter
October 2024
Please Join Us for New Family Information Night on November 7!
Each year all seven of our neighborhood elementary schools host the Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten and New Family Information Night.
It is an opportunity for families to learn more about their neighborhood school from the principal, teachers and families, as well as how to register students for the 2025-26 school year. Registration will open on November 8.
If you have a child entering our schools next year, we hope you will join us! If your friends, family or neighbors have students who may be joining us next year, please pass along this information to join us at Info Night.
Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten and New Family Information Night
When: Thursday, November 7, 7pm
Where: All Seven of our Neighborhood Elementary Schools
What: Meet the principal, teachers and families and learn more about the excellent academic programs our schools provide for all students!
Amplifying Student Voices
Research shows that when students are engaged in meaningful work and feel hopeful about their futures, they excel. In LASD, the student experience gives students the skills, mindsets and habits to tackle complex, collaborative, interesting tasks. They are prepared academically, socially, and emotionally for any future.
One way we empower our students is to amplify their voices by creating space for students to share who they are, what they value, and what they’re curious about. Our teachers are committed to knowing each student as a learner and as a person, using that understanding to shape instruction and make learning relevant.
Opportunities for student voice may involve engaging discussions that spark new ideas, or investigations into topics they care about. Students may work on projects that apply their learning to real-life situations or co-create classroom tools like anchor charts that reflect their contributions. These experiences empower students to see that their ideas, insights, and questions are valued and impactful.
As the first trimester comes to a close, you may hear more about these opportunities from your student. We hope you hear their excitement about learning and the empowerment they feel from sharing their learning with others.
8th Grade Yosemite Trip
This fall, our eighth graders are participating in one of the most important educational experiences of their time here in the Los Altos School District–the annual Yosemite trip.
This incredible learning and community-building journey sets the stage for a year full of collaborative educational experiences for our students. Our junior high schools collaborate with NatureBridge for a four-night stay in tent cabins in Yosemite National Park. Parents and teachers chaperone, making this a true community field trip.
Students are out on the trail each day from 9am to 4pm, exploring nature and experiencing hands-on science lessons to build on their education in the classroom. Students participate in nighttime activities, such as astronomy and impromptu performances at the campfire.
The Yosemite Trip is one our students remember for a lifetime, providing them with opportunities to see their learning in action, make new connections with other students, collaborate in a new environment, and gain independence.
A major piece of the trip is the opportunity to amplify student voices. In their PE class, each student shares what they learned, how they grew, and how they were inspired by the Yosemite Trip.
Podcast: The LASD Experience
Visit our website to learn more and check out our latest podcast.
About Us
Email: superintendent@lasdschools.org
Website: lasdschools.org
Location: 201 Covington Road, Los Altos, CA, USA
Phone: 650-947-1150