Belmont Superintendent's Blog
Dr. Geiser's BPS Updates
Welcome to 2023-2024!
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! I am excited for our school doors to officially open on September 6 for grades 1 - 12, September 7 and 8 for Kindergarten, and September 11 for preschool, and am looking forward to seeing students filling our hallways, ready to learn.
I hope you have had a chance to view the video updates from our central office team this summer Here are the links in case you missed them:
July 11, 2023 (Superintendent)
July 28, 2023 (Assistant Superintendent and Director Human Capital)
August 11, 2023 (Directors of DEI and Technology)
All of these videos can be found in the "Belmont Public School News" section of the Belmont Public Schools Website.
Throughout the summer, we have been getting ready for the school year.
Our facilities staff has been busy cleaning and doing maintenance work on all school buildings.
Our new BMHS building project has been officially turned over to the School Committee, staff has been preparing learning spaces, and we are ready and excited to welcome students to the new campus.
Orientation activities have been taking place and principals have been sending families important school year information.
All technology platforms are up and running for the start of school, including the new systems in the BMHS campus.
Staff professional development programs have been planned and will launch at the start of the year. Transportation services have been organized and communicated to families.
Registrations for new students have been coming in and will continue through the start of the school.
Hiring has been a critical part of this summer's work, with Principals and Directors bringing in new staff for all types of roles across many grade levels . In addition , we have hired new administrators this year, which include:
Interim Assistant Superintendent - Lucia Sullivan
Technology Director - Matt Kuzmeskas
BMS Principal - Russ Kupperstein
Interim BMS Assistant Principal - David Gonzales
Interim CUE Principal - Barbara O'Brien
CUE Humanities Coordinator - Laura Smith
CUE STEM Coordinator - Courtney Philbin
Interim Winn Brook Principal - Cindy Marchand, and
Interim Burbank Principal - To Be Announced (This position has been posted and the hiring process will begin soon!)
Full searches will be conducted for all of the current interim roles. The searches will include gathering input from members of the community, and these hiring processes will begin in the late fall / early winter.
I hope you all have had a great summer. We are all looking forward to seeing all of our students and families when school starts just one week away!