Marian Central Friday Focus
286th Issue - March 8, 2024
From the Desk of Kaitlin Bordeaux
Our Marian Central Catholic community is the epitome of this. We are so grateful for the many generations at Marian who came before us and paved the way. Every person who has walked our halls is part of the rich heritage of Marian Central Catholic High School.
Leading our school's fundraising efforts is a privilege. Being able to give back to my alma mater, which has impacted my life and the lives of so many others, is one of my greatest blessings. It is my mission to afford Hurricanes, present and future, the same life-changing opportunities.
We know that sending your child(ren) to Marian Central Catholic is a sacrifice. Just as you are investing in your child, we need to continue to invest in our school. As we continue to move Marian forward, your generosity helps provide the resources to accomplish our goals. As we raise money, we will support capital improvements on the campus, strengthen faith formation, support academic programs and teacher salaries, enhance the extra-curricular programs, fund tuition assistance and improve technology and classroom resources.
With our largest fundraising event of the year approaching this weekend, we ask you to keep our school and community in your prayers. We are eternally grateful that you stand with us through your resources and prayers. Please know your investment gives inspiration and provides for our students of today and plans for the generations of students of tomorrow.
Kaitlin Bordeaux
Director of Admissions and Development
College Stock 2024
March 11th - 15th
CollegeStock 2024 is an opportunity for all our students to interact with colleges, universities, and military branches in a relaxed environment. Representatives will have tables set up in the Cafeteria during both lunch periods. They will have information to provide interested students, can answer questions about their campuses or academic programs and student life opportunities, or can assist seniors with next steps in the process. Please encourage your son or daughter to stop by their favorite colleges/branches, or all of them, to get more information. Students will also have the opportunity to win swag by asking quality meaningful questions to the representatives.
Daily Line-Up
Monday – Creighton University, Elon College, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Saint Louis University, St. Mary’s University of Minnesota, Seaton Hall University, Texas Christian University, University of Denver, University of Iowa, University of Missouri, and Xavier University
Tuesday – Colorado State University, Edgewood College, McHenry County College, Northern Michigan University, Purdue University, Quincy University, Syracuse University, Texas A&M University, University of Dayton, University of Northern Iowa, and Wabash College
Wednesday – Alma College, Benedictine University, DePauw University, Drake University, Eastern Illinois University, Illinois State University, Illinois Wesleyan University, Iowa State University, Oklahoma State University, Quincy University, and University of Illinois Springfield
Thursday – Butler University, College Inside Track (fine arts organization), Concordia University, Kansas State University, Rockford University, St. Norbert College, University of Louisville
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, and University of Wisconsin Parkside
Friday – Illinois Army National Guard, United States Air Force, United States Army, United States Marine Corps, and United States Navy
Lineup of colleges, universities, and military branches is subject to change. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Wochner, College Counselor, at 815-338-4220 x120 or swochner@marian.com.
Tuition Payments
Final tuition payments are due by Friday, March 15th. Payments can be sent to the Marian office or paid by clicking here (a 4% fee will be added if paid online). If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Murwin in the Business Office. Thank you.
2024-2025 AP and Dual Credit Fees
Attention students who registered for AP courses for the 24-25 school year. There is a mandatory $100 fee per course which covers the course and the exam. The fee is due no later than Friday, March 22, 2024. Please drop off your payment in the Guidance Office or pay online. Please note that there is a 4% additional fee if you submit payment online. If the payment is not received by Friday, March 22, your course will revert either to the honors level or to one of the alternate electives you chose at registration.
After March 22, there will be an additional $30 fee to re-register for the AP course(s).
For all students registered for dual credit courses for the 2024-2025 school year, McHenry County College charges $25 per dual credit course. That fee will be submitted through an online registration system called DualEnroll at the beginning of the school year for all first semester and year-long dual credit courses and in early January for 2nd semester courses.
Please contact Mrs. Hilton if you have any questions at khilton@marian.com or 815-338-4220, ext. 121.
PCCS Courses for 2024-25
If you are a junior or senior interested in enrolling in any of the MCC Partnership for College and Career Success (PCCS) courses (see Curriculum Guide p. 54-57) for the 2024-2025 school year, please see Mrs. Diamond in Guidance ASAP to be certain that you're registered for a study hall as one of your electives and to receive the link from MCC to register for the course(s). Early registration helps to ensure that there are spaces available in the course(s) and helps to ensure that all of the programs will run as scheduled. Unfortunately, MCC had to cancel the Culinary Arts program last year due to lack of student registrations.
College Visits for Next Week
Tuesday 3/12: UW-Whitewater-1st Period
Friday 3/15: Loras College-8th Period
ACT Registration Information
Every year, Marian Central Catholic High School serves as a test center for the ACT in April. This year, the test date will be Saturday, April 13th, 2024. Also know that while we serve as a test center, we are not able to reserve seats for our Marian Central Catholic students. If you are interested in signing up for the April 13th ACT (or the June 8th or July 13th at other locations), please register on the ACT Registration website. For the April 13th test here, be sure to use our test center code: 174990.