GMES Warrior Update
April 26, 2024
Springing Into Success:
First Annual VIP Breakfast
Field trips are happening
Wacky Sock Day
SBA Testing in May
GMES student will be taking the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA). Please make every effort to have your child here on time, each testing day. Testing begins at 9:00am each day. The SBA is a computer based test with a multiple choice section and an extended response section in both Reading and Math. 5th grade students will also take a Science exam.
The SBA is an important measure for us to evaluate each child’s progress toward state and district learning goals. Please encourage your child to show their very best effort on these exams. If you have questions about the process, please call or e-mail me at apatton@rochester.wednet.edu. For more information on state testing, please visit https://ospi.k12.wa.us/student-success/testing/state-testing Thank you for continuing to work with us to make sure your child is successful. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to better support your child. We want your child to leave our school with a solid foundation of skills and a future full of opportunities.
Beginning March 1, RSD will be open to receive choice non-resident enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year through the Washington State Choice Transfer Portal (online). We will follow the key dates for requests as outlined on our website at https://www.rochester.wednet.edu/parent__student_resources/non-_resident_choice_enrollment. Any "new student" requesting to choice-in will be asked to complete registration for your review before acceptance.
Counselor's Corner
Spring is in the air which means TESTING is around the corner!
All grade levels are tested in both Math and English/ Language Arts. We will begin the I- Ready Reading Diagnostic next week.
Additionally,.5th graders will be taking the WCAS(Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science )in early May.
The Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBAC)in all grade levels in English/Language Arts (ELA) and Math are scheduled for Mid May. We will finish the month of May off with the I Ready Diagnostic for Math.
That is a ton of assessments for our kids. What I want to encourage is to not let the testing become overwhelming for students. The learning is the most important thing, tests are a picture of a student's learning in one moment. It is a part of how we determine the progress of students. We try to keep things as normal and regular for students as we can. We maintain the same schedule and routine as much as possible.
What we ask families to do is to make sure kids are rested, have a good breakfast and have a positive attitude the days we test. Please try and limit being out of school during those times as much as possible. Making up tests can put kids in a nervous state of mind so the routine of being at school is important. Of course illness and family emergencies can happen and we will work with you to make sure kids are as comfortable and prepared as possible.
Some students will have anxiety around the testing so make sure you let me know if your child seems especially agitated or upset. One thing that is easy to forget is to let your child know that you are proud of them for their effort and you have confidence they will show us what they know!
Our teachers do an amazing job of preparing kids for the material and taking breaks as needed. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions. I am also here if you have any concerns or questions.
Michelle Fayette
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration is open. If you have a child or know someone with a child who will be 5 by August 31st, it is just about time to register for kindergarten
RSD is now accepting choice non-resident enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year through the Washington State Choice Transfer Portal (online). We will follow the key dates for requests as outlined on our website at https://www.rochester.wednet.edu/parent__student_resources/non-_resident_choice_enrollment.
Boost Your Child's Attendance
This Weeks Top Attendance Tip for School Success!
Stay Connected with Teachers: maintain open communication with your child’s teacher to address any concerns early and work together to support consistent attendance.
The following is our attendance results for the past two weeks:
4/15- 92.8%
4/16- 95.4%
4/17- 94.4%
4/18- 94.8%
4/19- 93.8%
4/22- 94.2%
4/23- 93.6%
4/24- 93.7%
4/25- 91.9%
4/26- 92.5%
Now Hiring Substitutes
Substitute teachers are a very important part of our team. If you are interested in a job that provides flexibility, join the Rochester Substitute Teacher team, earn some extra money, and support our students. Rochester is working with Teachers On Call to fill all our substitute positions.
Questions??? Contact: megan.gibson@teachersoncall.com or michael.burkhardt@teachersoncall.com
📅 Upcoming Dates
5/3-Student of the month Assembly @ 1:05pm
5/6-5/10 - Teacher Appreciation Week
5/7 - 5th Grade Parent information Night regarding HIV/AIDS Curriculum 6:00-6:30
5/14 - GMES Booster Meeting
5/27- No School - Memorial Day
5/31- Spirit Day: Beach Day
6/3/24- 3rd Grade Field Day
6/4/24- 4th Grade Field Day
6/5/24- GMES Family BBQ/5th Egg Drop
6/6/24- Spring Concert 5th grade performance @ 2:15pm
6/7/24- Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast
- Spirit Day: Dress as your hero
- Student of the month Assembly @ 1:05pm
6/10/24-5th Grade Field Day
6/13/24- Last Day of School Release 11:15am
8/28-8/30- Connection Conferences
9/3/24- 1st day of School
Next School Years Academic Calendar
Equal Opportunity Employer
Rochester School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, the use of a trained guide dog or service animal, or any other basis prohibited by law. We also provide equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Coordinator: Jennifer Bethman (360) 273-9242,
jbethman@rochester.wednet.edu; Title IX Coordinator: Will Maus (360) 273-5958, wmaus@rochester.wednet.edu; 504/ADA Coordinator: Laura Staley (360) 273-5536, lstaley@rochester.wednet.edu. Address: 10140 Highway 12 SW, Rochester, WA 98579.