Miner Message
March 17, 2024

Upcoming Events & Dates
Thursday, March 21st: Parent Registration Night 3:30-6:30pm @ Miner School
Monday, March 18th - March 22nd: Spring Break Spirit Week
Monday, March 25th - March 29th: No School - Spring Break!
Monday, April 1st: School Closed in observance of Easter
Tuesday, April 2nd: School Resumes - Students return from Spring Break
Thursday, April 4th: 8th Grade Picture Retakes
Spring Break Spirit Week!
Miner School News
Rhett and his Cool Blue Magic Sunglasses
During vision group, Pete the Cat taught Ms. Rosa’s class that you don’t need magic sunglasses to see things in a new way, that we just have to remember to look for the good in every day!
- Melissa Ebbole, Teacher of the Visually Impaired
Mr. Balcerak's Class goes on a CBI Picture Walk
Our class went on a CBI this week to an outdoor book walk in Rolling Meadows. It was such a beautiful day.
- Nick Balcerak, Miner Teacher
Speech Spotlight
As the weather gets nicer we want to take the time to highlight some different ways you can be using communication in the community. Using your child's device to communicate with them about what they are interested in or hearing what your child is thinking while you are out and about this weekend. We'd love to hear about your weekend. Feel free to send your teacher a picture about your weekend, so your child can share something about what they did this weekend. (visual from theaaccoach.com)
- Speech Department
NSSEO Heartbeat of the Week
Our very own, Ricardo - Miner Head Custodian, was recognized as the NSSEO Heartbeat of the Week. It was a much deserved celebration and the whole Miner family showed up to join in on the surprise! We don't know what we would do without Ricardo. He does just about everything to keep Miner School clean, safe and operating smoothly. Thank You Ricardo for all that you do for Miner School!!
PTO Bowling Outing
Thank you to all of the families that joined us for the PTO Bowling outing last weekend. It was a big hit and our families and kiddos had a great time.
Miner Family Movie Night
Family Movie Night at Miner was a good time for all. Miner families and staff joined in on the fun as we all enjoyed "Horton Hears a Who" We are looking forward to the next one later this Spring. Also, big thank you to the PTO for purchasing Miner a brand new popcorn machine 😁
8th Grade Graduation Picture Day - Wednesday, March 13th
Thank You PTO!
Miner's New Popcorn Maker
Last week, the PTO gifted Miner School a brand new popcorn maker. It arrived right in time for our first movie night. We were too excited to wait until Thursday night so we took it for a spin. It was delicious! 😋 Special Thanks to Mr. Marty and Miss Krishna for helping to get it all set up. Thank you so much for all your support Miner PTO!
PTO Updates
The PTO is hoping to organize a few Dine & Share events at local restaurants in the communities where Miner families reside. If you have any ideas of restaurants that would participate, please send them our way!
We will be starting to work on getting donations for the Roll N’ Stroll. If you have any connections to businesses that would be willing to donate prizes for our raffle, please contact Michelle Manfredi at minerptopresident@gmail.com
The next PTO meeting will be in early April and will be focused on planning for Roll n' Stroll. Date coming soon!
Miner Student Gotchas!
Wrap Up
Information to Share?
Are you aware of any events or opportunities outside of school that might benefit some of our Miner students or families? If so, please share them with us! Please reach out to either tjeffrey@nsseo.org or dguza@nsseo.org to help spread the word. We’d love to share any information that might help to support opportunities or resources outside of Miner!
Important Dates
Monday, March 18th - March 22nd: Spring Break Spirit Week
Monday, March 25th - March 29th: No School - Spring Break!
Monday, April 1st: School Closed in observance of Easter
Tuesday, April 2nd: School Resumes - Students return from Spring Break
Thursday, April 4th: 8th Grade Picture Retakes