HPS Headlines
Friday 1st March 2024

Head's Welcome
Last weekend, the school hosted an Open Morning heralded as a resounding success, with over 40 families joining us to experience firsthand the warmth, vibrancy, and excellence that define our school community. The overwhelming feedback highlighted the confidence and friendliness of our boys, as well as the dedication and approachability of our staff. It is truly heartening to see our values reflected in the positive impressions we leave on visitors and prospective families. My warm thanks go to the many members of the Homefield Association that assisted on the day, giving our visitors their personal insights into the school.
On Thursday, we had the pleasure of welcoming Year 5 parents into our school for a memorable and highly polished parent assembly. It was a wonderful opportunity to showcase the talents and achievements of the boys, as well as the strong sense of community that permeates every aspect of school life.
Preparations for our much-anticipated Book Week are well underway, with our dedicated staff and enthusiastic boys eagerly immersing themselves in the magical world of literature. From captivating storytelling sessions to engaging discussions, Book Week promises to be a celebration of imagination, creativity, and the joy of reading. A highlight of the week will undoubtedly be our eagerly anticipated Book Character Dress-Up Day, where boys and staff will bring their favourite literary personas to life.
Congratulations are in order to all who took part in the recent Primary Maths Challenge. Our boys achieved fantastic results, with 26 medals won. This placed us 3rd in this nationwide competition, and is testament to the incredible work of our Maths teachers!
Looking ahead, preparations are well underway for International Week, a celebration of cultural diversity that embodies the essence of our cosmopolitan school community. I extend my heartfelt thanks to the many parents who have generously volunteered to share their cultures with our boys, enriching their understanding of the world and fostering a spirit of global citizenship.
On the sporting front, our boys have once again demonstrated their prowess and dedication on the hockey pitch, achieving outstanding results and propelling our teams to new heights. Their commitment to teamwork, resilience, and sportsmanship is truly commendable, and I couldn't be prouder of their accomplishments.
Lastly, it is with great pleasure that I announce the well-deserved promotion of Mr. Ed Smith to the role of Assistant Head Pastoral. Mr. Smith has proven himself to be an invaluable asset to our Senior Leadership Team, demonstrating unwavering dedication to the welfare and development of the boys. His passion, professionalism, and commitment to excellence make him the ideal candidate for this important role, and I have every confidence in his ability to continue making a positive impact on our school community.
Sam Naismith
Recent HPS Highlights!
☔ The lower school boys don't let a grey day dampen their creativity! The boys used the resources they had to create a rocket ship and had great fun playing all through lunchtime break! 🚀
Year 6 have been extending their understanding of using indicators to test the pH of a substance by making their own red cabbage indicator. They boiled the cabbage and then filtered the solution formed to use as an indicator. Some great learning took place, but Miss Smith's lab now smells of cabbage! 🥬
Year 5 had a brilliant time on the history trip this week. They visited the Splat Theatre Company and were transported back to WW1, reliving the experience of children that were evacuated during the war.
7H made quite a splash💧 by experimenting with putting vibrating tuning forks into beakers of water to see how the vibrations could be transferred from the forks to the water.
In Year 2 Art we have been finalising our nature project prints using various types of shading. We have been very lucky to have Miss Leong guide and model these techniques with us. 🖍️🍃
For Safer Internet Day 2024 the theme was 'Change'. Year 4 looked at 'persuasive design techniques', how they are used to change our actions and where we had seen examples of these in real life. 💻
Kylesh produced an amazing piece of half term homework based on hedgehogs and even had the opportunity to visit a local hedgehog rescue centre! 🦔
Year 2 created their very own ecosystem in a jar! They worked together in teams to create the layers of the ecosystem and followed this by drawing and labelling the final outcomes. Everyone loved getting their hands dirty! 🌱
Subject Summaries
Art & DT: Boys are now entering the first stages of their practicals. Year 4 and 5 have started measuring their wood, ready to cut parts out for their picture frames and bento boxes. Year 6 are designing their mazes ready to cut. Year 7 meanwhile are doing some photography for their portrait project and Year 8 have started researching eco-houses, ready to create their own soon.
Computing: In our Computing classes, Year 1 students are gearing up for their TV chef video project, while Year 2 are diving into effective search strategies and introductory coding. Year 3 students are exploring shape drawing with Logo, Year 4 are delving into animation using PowerPoint, and Year 5 boys are busy coding their own football game. Meanwhile, Year 6 boys are engaged in Microbit coding, experimenting with random number generators. Year 7 students are utilizing Excel for modeling various scenarios, and Year 8 are honing their coding skills with Python. The enthusiasm across all year groups for these diverse topics is palpable.
English: In English, Year 3 have been enhancing their creative writing skills by writing about the carnival in Rio De Janeiro and imagining what it would be like to be there! Year 4 have been studying the life of Shakespeare and writing about Elizabethan theatre. Year 5 have been exploring the features, strengths and weaknesses of types of adverts. They have also begun comparing the effect of advertising features on consumers. Year 6 are studying George Orwell's Animal Farm. They have used the text as inspiration for creating passionate pieces of persuasive writing, using a range of classic techniques. Year 7 have explored how Shakespeare presents various forms of love in Act one of Twelfth Night. Year 8 have bounded back after their mock exams and are drafting short stories depicting Victorian understanding of 'madness'.
French: Year 3 have impressed Madame Delhalle with their mid-year assessment results this week. In a 68 mark test, Elijah in 3S scored an outstanding 99% and Aiden achieved an astonishing 100% - what brilliant achievements! Vast numbers of housepoints and crests were given to reward the boys' efforts. Meanwhile, boys in Year 5 have been revising vocabulary for clothes items and tackling some irregular adjective agreements, whilst Year 7 have worked on their future tense writing, looking forward to their Easter holiday plans!
Geography: There has been lots of discussion, questioning, investigating and learning over the last few weeks in geography. The boys have produced some excellent work during their lessons. Year 3 have been leaning all about environment and sustainability with a focus on our school environment. Year 4 have been studying transport with a focus on road safety and the safest routes to school in the local area. Year 5 have been learning about developing and developed countries with a focus on factors that indicate how developed a country is. Year 6 have been learning about the ever-changing weather and different types of rainfall. Year 7 have been reinforcing their knowledge on settlements and different ways land is used. Finally, Year 8 have worked extremely hard on the Common Entrance Mocks and are now focusing on different types of industry and economic activities.
History: Two of our boys have succeeded in reaching the second round of the Townsend Warner Prize which is a challenging test of their general historical knowledge. Kamran in 6S came 37th and Karson in 8MMC came 50th out of 1,275 entries. What an achievement! Year 5 had an exciting day as evacuees last week on their trip. They particularly enjoyed baking carrot cookies using a rationing recipe book. Year 3 are continuing to exploring life in the Shang Dynasty, which happened at the same time as the Bronze Age in Britain. Year 4 have been working hard on creating their own Anglo-Saxon information booklets, following extensive IT research in lessons.
Maths: This week in the Upper School, our boys competed in the first round of the Inter House Math Challenge. Each year group had to answer 20 questions in under 40 minutes with each question becoming more challenging than the Last. All boys did incredibly well and put their critical thinking skills to the test. Congratulations to all boys who progressed through to the finals, they will be representing their Houses in the final of the Inter-house Maths Challenge on the 14th March. 38 boys in Years 5 and 6 also competed in the bonus round of the Primary Mathematical Challenge. They performed incredibly well achieving, 14 bronze, 10 silver, and 2 gold badges. In addition to this, all boys have been busy preparing and revising key units in preparation for next week's Spring term assessments.
P.E. & Games: The hockey season got into full swing this week with every year group in action against local schools. The U13 squads won all three matches with the A team dominating the play in the first half against Kingswood House. Arthur and Keller were superb and secured the 10-7 win. The B team played fantastically well winning 6-0. Petro controlled midfield and Aaron was prolific up front, Henry scored a great late goal to seal a super victory. The C team also won 3-0 with Zachary scoring two goals in his very first hockey match. The Year 3 boys played hockey at home and all enjoyed some fun mini matches and Year 6 teams were unbeaten winning all three matches against Reigate. Year 5 play today away against Weston Green, good luck boys!
Science: From investigating action men parachute jumps to the hearing ranges of different animals, the labs, as ever, have been a busy place for learning through experiments. Year 3 have just started the rocks and soils topic in which they will be learning about how different types of rocks form and the properties of different soils. In Year 4 boys have either been continuing with the sound topic and learning about how sound travels through different mediums, or they have been learning about changes of state. Year 5 have either been continuing with their parachute investigation, learning about renewable energy resources and how our use of non-renewable resources impacts our planet, or learning about different types of cells. Year 6 have investigated neutralisation and how effective different indigestion tablets are. Year 7 boys have either been learning about the reflection and refraction of light, or how different instruments create different sounds and the difference between ultrasound and infra sound. Year 8 had a very successful week completing their science mock exams last week and have since continued with their forces topic.
STEAM: In STEAM Year 1 have been investigating which materials are best to make a polytunnel. Year 3 have started to plan their model fairground rides and Year 4 are enjoying making their own computer games using pixel art. Year 5 are just finishing their Leaders Award and have started to learn to code Lego models, and Year 6 are just about to embark on a new cross-curricular activity with PE!
Lower School Summary
Homefield Heroes
Reception: Naksh in RH homefield hero this week for doing wonderful listening and always following instructions, and Ethan in RS for his beautiful handwriting.
Year 1: Gryffin for excellent estimating and measuring in Maths, Clinton for fantastic effort and support when graph drawing in Maths, Freddie for being a great buddy to our new boy Ryan, and Dylan for excellent knowledge of word types in English.
Year 2: Rayaan for becoming more independent and following Homefield values, Philip E for always offering a helping hand, Aarib for excellent independence, and Lavann for neat presentation in Maths.
Year 3: Kiran for his hard work and enthusiasm in lessons, Bhavnish for settling in brilliantly at Homefield and trying his absolute best in lessons, Elijah for his love of learning and participation in lessons, and Remo for his wonderful manners and always being chatty and polite to teachers.
Year 4: Yuvi for being an excellent role model and always offering to help where he can, Aun for his enthusiasm and diligence to his science studies, Abhir in for his focus and determination in lessons to complete all work set, and Arjun for his outstanding efforts and determination in French lessons.
Year 5: Ethan showed fantastic interest and enthusiasm for the History trip, asking lots of questions and exploring all of the information thoroughly, and Dhanesh who joined us recently, for embracing his role in the Year 5 assembly and shining in his acting role.
Year 6: Elias stepped up to really support a visiting boy, making him feel at home and confident during his visit to the school, and Rudy who voluntarily supported the science department in preparation for the Open Morning, taking on responsibility for a range of jobs.
Year 7: Alex M and Alex Z for voluntarily cleaning the lunch hall at the end of lunch most days - incredible community spirit on display from both boys!
Year 8: A shout out to everyone in Year 8 for completing their mocks last week. Incredible focus over four days and numerous subjects. Well done boys - keep up the great effort! Special mention to Tobi for catching up on his mock papers this week.
Artwork of the Week
Hussain went to Paris over the half term and managed to get a photo with someone famous!
Running the Marathon for the Blue Cross
On 23rd April this year I will be running the London Marathon to raise money for Blue Cross, a charity that provides specialist care, services and support for pets and people throughout their life together. This help includes veterinary treatment, finding loving new homes for pets, behavioural advice, support with pet bereavement and education for future generations.
Blue Cross also offer free talks about responsible pet ownership, and I am hoping to arrange one for our boys soon - watch this space!
If you are able to donate to support this important work, please click on the link below to visit my JustGiving page.
Ms Wilson
Library News
Next week, the school will be celebrating Book Week with book fairs being held in the Lower LRC.
4th March: Book Fair for Reception, Years 1 & 2
5th March: Book Fair for Years 3 & 4
6th & 7th March: Book Fair for Years 5 to 8
Please note that all book purchases will be by card payment only. Please click here if you would like to make a purchase online.
8th March: Book Character Day - dress up as your favourite book character
Shelfie Competition
Please send any pictures of you reading in an unusual place to Mrs S Edwards: sedwards@homefieldprep.school
Coming Soon
On Friday 19th March, we will be welcoming Margaret Bateson-Hill, acclaimed author and storyteller.
End of Term Arrangements
With the school closing for the Easter break at 1.00pm on the 27th March, we have put in place provision to assist with parental logistics.
We will be offering free childcare services from 1:00pm to 4:00pm for families in need of coverage. From 4.00pm -- 6.00pm Orchard Childcare have agreed to provide their usual wrap around service for parents.
If you would like your son to be included in the free provision, please email Sheran Harmes at: sharmes@homefieldprep.school by close of day on the 15th March. Please ensure that your son is registered with Orchard Childcare and notify them separately, should you require their services on this day.
All boys will be provided with lunch. Homeward minibuses will leave school at 1.15pm for those boys taking advantage of the early departure. However, please be aware that there will be no minibus service available at the end of day (4.00pm).
Big Battery Hunt
Our Eco Club (Planet Protectors) are doing a Big Battery Hunt and would like all Homefield families to join in and bring their dead batteries to school to be counted and recycled. https://www.bigbatteryhunt.co.uk/
So please have a root around in those cluttered drawers where rusting pennies, broken pencils and dead batteries live - to help us in our Big Battery Hunt 2024!
Stay up to date with our most recent news!
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