Marian Central Friday Focus
288th Issue - March 22, 2024
From the Desk of Mrs. Debra Cunico
Happy Spring!
Although the weather has been a bit of a roller coaster, it is amazing how quickly we all get out of our ruts and our attitudes change for the better when the weather starts improving! Students and staff seem to have more smiles on their faces and a little more spring in their step (could it be because the end of the school year is fast approaching?) 😊
There are many exciting events occurring at our school this spring, including outdoor sporting events, our spring musical (which was absolutely fabulous!), and spring break. Once back from spring break, time will seem to move at warp speed! For all of our students and staff alike, there is a realization that as much as we are looking forward to the end of the school year, we still have two months of curriculum to get through! It’s a balancing act… focusing on learning while still wrapping up various retreats, participating fully in our sports, clubs, and organizations, and even getting ready for prom. Students are realizing that if they haven’t already, it’s really time to pull it together and end the school year putting their best effort forward… but it’s hard!
I am hoping that our students know that they have a support team here at Marian. Whether it be their individual teachers, their advisory teacher, their counselor, an administrator, or office staff that they have grown closer to, students should know that we all have their backs and will do anything necessary to help them… AND help them help themselves too! And parents, don’t let your students dig themselves into a hole with absences, missing assignments, and lack of studying, that they feel that they no longer can dig out of that hole. We are here to help, so please call or email us and we will work out a plan for your student’s success!
This time of year, there is certainly a mix of excitement and apprehension… not just for our seniors, but all of the students. Fortunately, we at Marian Central Catholic have a built-in regulator in which to offer-up our worries and anxieties… our faith in God. As we wrap up the Lenten season, I pray that our students will take hold of their faith and find the courage and grit necessary to complete this school year in a strong and confident way. Have a wonderful Spring Break and a glorious Easter…
Blessings to you and yours as we wrap up the last quarter of this school year.
Mrs. Debra Cunico
Director of Curriculum & Professional Development
2024-25 Calendar Update
Please click here for an updated calendar for the 2024-25 school year which reflects the changes listed below. If you have any questions, please let us know.
- Tuesday, October 15, 2024 will be a testing day for grades 9, 10 and 11; Seniors will have a college visit day.
- Wednesday, October 16, 2024 will be a full day of classes for all students.
- Monday, January 6, 2025 will be a Teacher Institute Day with no classes.
- Tuesday, January 7, 2025 will be the first day back after Christmas Break.
- Friday, May 2, 2025 will be a noon dismissal.
Prom 2024 - Friday, April 19th
Juniors and Seniors are invited to attend this year's Prom. Ticket sales will take place April 2nd through April 5th during lunches.
Due to deadlines with the venue, tickets cannot be purchased after Friday, April 5th.
Please click below for additional details.
All School Retreat - April 10th
Our annual All School Retreat will take place on Wednesday, April 10th during regular school hours. Attendance at retreats is important for the spiritual life and growth of the students and is required for graduation.
Students are welcome to dress in comfortable, appropriate attire. Uniforms are not required.
Lunch will be provided at no cost to all students and staff and will consist of a chicken sandwich, bag of chips, chocolate chip cookie and water. Please note that the cafeteria will be serving only the items mentioned on the retreat day. Students will not be able to purchase additional items during lunch. However, the cafeteria will be open from 7:30 am to 8:00 am for breakfast as usual. Students are welcome to bring lunch from home if they prefer.
We are looking forward to this year's retreat. Thank you!
Summer Camps 2024
We are happy to be offering exciting summer camps again this year!
Band, Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Fencing, Football, Golf,
Lacrosse, Soccer, Study Skills, Tennis, Track, Volleyball, Wrestling
Youth & High School level camp options.
Click below for a full list of camps.
We hope to see you there!
Seniors - Baby Pictures Due TODAY
Traditionally, the Marian yearbook contains a baby picture of each senior. We would like to continue this tradition with our members of the Class of 2024!
Please upload your picture to the Senior Class Google Classroom (please note change from sending to English Teachers) no later than Friday, March 22nd. Classroom code: dwxlff5
Volunteers Needed - Spring Sports
Happy Spring! We have officially kicked off the Spring Sports Season. To make the Spring Season the most successful as possible, the MC Boosters will require a lot of volunteer help. All Spring sports volunteer opportunities have been posted on our volunteer tracking system, called Track It Forward. The link is below. We would appreciate any help that you could provide.
Marian Central Catholic High School | Track It Forward Volunteer Hours
Thanks in advance for your consideration to volunteer.
Even an hour makes a difference!
Mentor Applications for 2024-25
Attention all current sophomores and juniors, the mentor application for the 2024-2025 school year is now open.
Please use the following link https://classroom.google.com/c/NjU5NTIzODUxNjEz?cjc=xbgbryz to join our Google Classroom and to access the application. The class code is xbgbryz.
All applications must be submitted on the Google Classroom by 3pm on Friday, April 5th. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Littner at llittner@marian.com.