Linn Lion's Roar
March 2024
- March 1:
Title 1 Read Across America Day and Fitness Fun Day - March 5:
Title 1 State Test Parent Night
5:30pm - March 8:
Teacher Work Day/Staff Development Day - March 11 - 15 :
Site Council
7:30am - March 28:
Staff Development Day - March 29:
Easter Break
Join us for some reading and fitness fun!
What is going on in our busy classrooms?
The school year is going by so quickly and the kids are learning so much. We are continuing to learn how to read and write. It is important for your student to know the alphabet and their sounds with automaticity so that they can sound words out to read and write. Also, please continue to practice their sight words. In math we are finishing up addition and subtraction. We will then move on to numbers above then, especially teen numbers (11-19). We will focus on knowing that it is a group of ten and some ones. As the weather starts to warm up, please keep in mind that we go to recess early when it has not had time to warm up yet. Students will still need jackets/coats most of the time.
First Grade
Hello First Grade Families!
Spring is almost here! The sun is shining and so are we in first grade.
This month, we will be starting new units in both Reading and Math. In reading, we will be working on narrative writings. Students will be asked to write a fairytale that takes place on the moon! This will go well with their stories. King Kafu and The Moon and a non-fiction text The Sun. We are still working on those phonics skills to build strong readers.
In Math we will begin our Shapes unit. Students will explore the attributes, or characteristics, of shapes. We will learn the names and attributes of the following two-dimensional shapes: circle, triangle, rectangle, square, hexagon, trapezoid, and rhombus. We will learn to look at the differences between shapes made from equal parts and shapes made from unequal parts and name their equal parts as either halves or quarters.
In science we will begin learning about patterns in the sky.
We have excited to see continued growth in our students.
Please continue to read at home and practice math facts for 15-20 minutes each and every night.
First Grade-
Mrs. Adame
Ms. Hernandez
Ms. Huizar
Second Grade
This month in second grade, we will be starting a new unit in Math that will allow us to learn about the foundations of multiplication and division through studying equal groups and repeated addition. We will be using manipulatives, arranging objects into arrays, and practicing more of our skip-counting skills, by 5's, to prepare us for the upcoming unit on telling time with an analogue clock.
In Reading, we will be learning about the foundational skill called the final syllable _le. We will learn how to find the main topic of a nonfiction story, as well as a historical fictions story. We will focus mainly on finding supporting details in what we read to find a main topic and write about it!
In Social Studies, we will be learning about people, places, and nature. We will also be learning how to locate places on a map and where people live.
For social emotional skills we be diving deeper into learning about what empathy is and how to show empathy at school.
Third Grade
Dear 3rd Grade Linn Family,
We are MARCHING into March! We are proud to be Linn Lions!
This quarter has flown by like the March wind. We have been deep into Fraction Action in math. Also, opinion writing using the OREO method has made it easier to give reasons and examples. Ask your student what the OREO stand for! Plus, Social Studies kept us busy with analyzing changes throughout history in America and our famous hometown of Dodge City.
Our new reading texts are informing us about Weather and Storms. As we get closer to Spring Break, PLEASE be Storm and Severe Weather Ready. Have a family meeting about where to go and what to do during severe weather. Check your flashlights' batteries and ensure your students know emergency and family phone numbers.
We are excited to have you join us for the 3rd-5th Grade Parent State Testing Information Night. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, March 5th at 5:30. Join us for pizza, information, and prizes! We want to inform you and answer questions about this first year of testing and how you can help your student.
As you head into Spring Break, do not let your student take a break from reading and practicing math facts! Keep it GOING! The students who have been consistently practicing have made wonderful progress. Our motto is...Practice makes Progress!
Thank you to all the families who joined us with their students for conferences. Involving your students in the conversations is valuable. They need to understand the teamwork and effort involved in helping them succeed in their education.
Have a safe, healthy, and fun-filled Spring Break making wonderful memories together.
The 3rd Grade Team-
Ms. Hernandez
Mrs. Salmans
Mrs. Laskowsky
Fourth Grade
Hello 4th Grade!
In ELA students have been loving reading and learning about natural disasters. We are currently learning about Volcanoes and how they form. Students are still very engaged during this new module. Be sure to ask them all about it.
In Math, we are currently in Module 4 focusing on Angles. One way to help at home during this module is to practice with them by practicing looking for different angles in their everyday lives such as right angles, acute angles, and obtuse angles. As always be sure to continue practicing multiplication facts.
We are excited to see our students continue making progress on their reading fluency. To help your student grow please be sure to have your student read aloud to you or anyone in your Family for at least 20 minutes every day.
As always, please don't hesitate to contact us through TalkingPoints if you have any questions.
Mrs. Rolle
Mrs. McLean
Mrs. Castro
Fifth Grade
5th grade is very busy this month! We are finishing up our Space unit in ELA and just enjoyed our field trip to the Hutchinson Cosmosphere, where we learned about space travel and the first rockets invented. In math we are beginning our Geometry module and learning how to find the volume of 3-D figures. We are finishing science for the school year by learning about Matter. After Spring Break we will begin State testing. To ensure your student does their best on the state tests, they need to get to bed on time and be well rested for school.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your student, please use Talking Points to communicate with the Teacher. We are also available by calling the school.
Mrs. Harlan
Mrs. Garcia
Ms. Sughroue
Counselor's Corner
Students will be talking about kindness and courage and working on their XELLO, a career app that follows them to middle school. As part of Linn's Kindness activity, students will be spending March doing a Kindness food drive. The food pantry says that March is critical month for families needing food. For each box or can of food brought, students will get to guess the number of pieces of food in a jar. The three most accurate guesses will receive a prize. The food drive will begin Tuesday, March 4th and end on Wednesday, March 27th right before Easter Break.
Also, please remember that if your student has lost or torn their coat and you are unable to purchase one, the coat program is still in effect for one more month. Please call the office, and let someone know that you need help.