Our Future, Together
Dear Scarsdale Community,
I am pleased to share that on Monday, April 8, 2024, the Board of Education voted to adopt a proposed 2024-25 School Budget which will be put before the community for a vote on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. The resolution and legal notices pertaining to the Annual District Meeting and Election, can be found on our website, and appears on our “Site Shortcuts” from our District and School homepages. The vote will be held at Scarsdale Middle School in the Gymnasium from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Information regarding voter eligibility, registration, absentee, and early voting (new this year) can be found here, and is also appended to the end of this message. Since the proposed budget results in a 4.45% tax increase, it will require a 60% approval this year to pass. This one page summary outlines some of the key information that I hope you will find helpful
About the Budget
The proposed budget commits the resources necessary to support an instructional program that meets the needs of our students, and funds a number of high-value strategic improvements. The vast majority of our expenditures--roughly 80%--pay for the things that have traditionally made our schools among the best in the state and nation. These include the teachers and staff that pave the way for small elementary class sizes (no more than 22 students grades K-3 and 24 students in 4-5); the intimate learning communities at the Middle School that are created through the “house” and “team” structures (roughly 90 students), and the CHOICE program (48 students); and an innovative and robust course of study at Scarsdale High School customized to students’ interests and priorities, including Advanced Topics, the A-School program, and Senior Options. Furthermore, if this budget is approved, SHS will be able to expand course offerings to include advanced math and financial literacy electives. Ultimately, it is the purposefully designed instructional program at each level that enables us to deliver a valuable education to each and every student we serve.
Notably, the proposed budget also includes new strategic investments in special education, safety and security, communications, and facilities. Our support for students with special education needs continues through the expansion of integrated co-teaching (ICT) into 7th grade and the addition of a leadership position tasked with improving Committee on Special Education (CSE) processes and related student and family functions. These additions have been partially offset by the elimination of two non-instructional positions. Funding for the strategic deployment of door ajar sensors to enhance school safety, along with resources to replace and upgrade our mass communication and website platforms for an improved student and family experience, are also prioritized in this budget. Finally, there are several capital projects aimed at addressing the impacts of heavy rain events on the High School campus, including a major rehabilitation of the Brewster Road stream in order to mitigate flooding that in recent years has interrupted the High School day. I encourage you to learn more about the budget, and how it was developed, by visiting the page on our website dedicated to the 2024-25 budget.
Looking to the Future
In closing, I am eager to update the community on the important organizational work I have been focusing on in this first full year as Superintendent. Last Fall, I initiated a process to invite stakeholder dialogue about Our Future, Together. The input gathered is being used to identify key priorities that will take the shape of a new, long-term strategic plan. I look forward to sharing an early draft of this plan before the end of the school year for comment before it gets finalized early next school year. Alongside this work, we are developing both a multi-year financial plan and a comprehensive fund balance strategy to thoughtfully and strategically guide decision making going forward, and to inform the development of future budgets.
In partnership,
Budget Vote and Board Election: 7am-9pm May 21 | Scarsdale Middle School
Budget Documents: Visit 2024-25 Budget Documents to view budget documents and presentations.
Voter Qualifications: To be eligible to vote in any Scarsdale Union Free School District (SUFSD) election, budget vote, or referendum, residents of the District must be:
At least 18 years of age
A citizen of the United States
A resident of the SUFSD for at least 30 days before the vote date
Registered to vote
Voter Registration: Residents must be registered for either general elections (with the Westchester County Board of Elections) or school elections. Any person who resides in the SUFSD and is registered with the Westchester County Board of Elections to vote in our District does not need to register separately with the District OR you must be registered with SUFSD, and have voted in a school election within the past four years.
- To check to see if you are registered for general elections, click here.
- To check to see if you are registered with SUFSD, click here.
If you are not registered to vote, you may:
Register with the Westchester County Board of Elections using the New York State Voter Registration Form.
File an online application with the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles.
Register with SUFSD using the Registration Form (Spanish) with the District Clerk by appointment. *Registration forms need to be signed at the time of registration. Voter registration forms for the May 21st Budget Vote and Board Elections will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 16.
Absentee Ballots: Applications for absentee ballots will be available on April 22 (30 days preceding the vote).
If the application is mailed - it must be received by the District Clerk by Tuesday, May 14 (7 days before the vote).
Applications may be personally delivered to the District Clerk by Monday, May 20, 2024.
Completed absentee ballots must be received in the office of the District Clerk by 5:00 p.m. on May 21.
(NEW) Early Mail Ballots: Applications for an early mail ballot will be available on April 22 (30 days preceding the vote).
If the application is mailed - it must be received by the District Clerk by Tuesday, May 14 (7 days before the vote).
Applications may be personally delivered to the District Clerk by Monday, May 20, 2024.
Completed early mail ballots must be received in the office of the District Clerk by 5:00 p.m. on May 21.
Military Voters: A qualified military voter can personally register to vote using the Military Personal Registration Form (Spanish).
The deadline for military personal registration is April 22, 2024.
A military voter can request an absentee ballot using the Military Absentee Ballot Application Form (Spanish). On this form, military voters can indicate their preference to receive their absentee ballot by mail, fax, or e-mail. If no preference is noted, or the proper information is not provided by email or fax, the absentee ballot will be transmitted by mail. Applications must be received no later than April 22, 2024.
To Register to Vote or Ask Questions: Please call or email Honore Adams, District Clerk at (914) 721-2410 or hadams@scarsdaleschools.org.