Breakout Session Descriptions
Wellness Day - June 1, 2023
Breakout Session #1
1. Cultivate Mental Health Using Auricular Acupressure
This session will incorporate Auricular (Ear) Acupressure in combination with
Guided Meditation plus Breath Work to strengthen well-being and reduce stress.
Ann Cain Crusade, RN, MS, L.Ac Acupuncturist/Herbalist, Sadie G. Crusade, BS, Community Herbalist, Yoga Teacher.
2. Whole Food, Plant-Based Eating Fundamentals
Discover how whole foods, plant-based (WFPB) eating can play a role in your health. If you've been curious about plant-based eating, are currently plant-based, or looking to get a kick-start into plant-based eating this session is for you. Learn what types of foods are included in WFPB eating, the benefits of incorporating these foods into your day, and how you can start.
Jen Nguyen, RDN, CDN, NASM-CPT, Sweet Pea Plant Based Kitchen VP of Nutrition
3. Accountability, Tracking Points and Photo Submissions through WordPress
This workshop will give you the basics of how to set up a wellness website using Buddyboss and Gamipress. We will go over how to program the website to accept photo submissions as well as how to program it to earn points and badges just to name a few of the topics we will cover.
Lynette Crawford, Director Management Services, Genesee Valley BOCES
4. Wegmans Pharmacy Wellness Offerings
At Wegmans, we believe that when you take care of your employees, they take care of your customers. So, when you help your workforce get and stay healthy, you're really helping keep your bottom line healthy, too! From adult immunizations to nutritional education, let Wegmans Pharmacy Business Partnership Program be an effective way to help you better maximize your wellness dollars. We provide easy, affordable options for you and your employees. Come see what’s new and let us show you how our programs can work for you and your team.
Megan Bohrer, Pharmacy Business Partnership Coordinator; Jordan Pugliese, Pharm D Business Development Manager; Brittany Reynolds, MS, RDH Rochester Division Nutritionist
5. MELT: Ball Rolling for the Feet and Legs
Fascia is a flexible framework of fibers that surround all of the muscles and joints, that for years doctors didn’t pay much attention to. Now we see that giving attention to this network can decrease pain and improve range of motion in a way that stretching and weightlifting cannot. In this class, we will teach you easy exercises you can do with balls designed to rehydrate the tissues. Perfect for people on their feet all day, and people with tight hamstrings, hips, and foot discomfort. Supplies provided. Be prepared to remove your shoes.
Jen Grow, Inward Office
6. Do More In Less Time - Productivity Hacks to Get Back Hours in Your Day
Jen Schwytzer, LMSW, KINDfulness Coaching
7. Emotional Agility
Emotional agility is the ability to be with your emotions with curiosity, compassion, and the courage to take values-connected steps toward a healthier life. In this session learn to identify thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that keep us trapped in ways that don't serve us and how to use systems thinking to break out of those traps.
Leanne Fisher, MS, CHES
8. Red Jacket’s Monthly Wellness Programs
During this session, you will learn about RJ's successful monthly challenges. Examples will be provided along with our developmental process as well as a question/answer session. Time to brainstorm and work collectively to create a month-long challenge will be provided as well.
Tracey Snieszko, Red Jacket Central School District
9. Beyond Good Deeds: Exploring the Well-Being Benefits of Volunteerism
Studies worldwide support the theory that volunteering is an important component of our overall wellness. It has been proven that there are multiple health benefits such as reducing stress, improved cardiovascular health, and reduced risk of depression just by spending a few hours a week volunteering your time. Nowhere is this truer than at the Mary Cariola Center where there is a multitude of volunteer opportunities in our school, residences, and especially at our special events. This session will discuss the importance of volunteering and its benefits to both the individual and the organization. You’ll learn about a huge volunteer need at Mary Cariola and how you can help everyone “Walk on Sunshine”.
Karen Zandi (CEO) & Linda Henning – Mary Cariola
10. Hydration Helps
Water consumption has a pivotal role in our overall health. Many symptoms of ill health can be directly correlated to a lack of hydration. This session will explore the body's systems benefits of consistent water intake as well as some pointers on how to fit it into your hectic schedule.
Erin Palma, RDN CDN CDES, Herbalist, Kelly’s Choice
11. Strengthening Your Wellness Program through Engaging Activities and Communication
Learn about how Bloomfield and Wayne Wellness Coordinators:
- Explore all facets of wellness when offering health and wellness events and challenges
- Engage all staff members and their families in fun and exciting activities
- Survey the staff to see what activities and experiences interest them
- Communicate wellness activities and articles via a monthly newsletter
Monica Bays (Wayne Central School) & Michelle Baker (Bloomfield CSD)
12. Engaging Your Workforce
You work hard to build a culture of wellness with your employees, only to find wellness program participation is low year after year. It’s one thing to schedule programs, but the key to success is for employees to engage. UR Medicine Employee Wellness has vast experience working with 70+ employers in the region to help them bring life-changing wellness programming to their employees. In this presentation, they will share insight into how to engage your workforce using the power of motivation, autonomy, competence, and relationships, and will explore creative ideas to take engagement to the next level.
Kendra Pokhis & Lindsey Dixon-Marianetti – UREW
Breakout Session #2
13. Whole Food, Plant-Based Eating 2.0
Dig into the lessons and tools we use to navigate whole food, plant-based eating for the long haul. We will go through basic and advanced lessons we provide to individuals who are living mostly a whole food, plant-based lifestyle, such as nutrients of deficiency, supplement label reading, and determining your protein intake needs from plant proteins.
Jen Nguyen, RDN, CDN, NASM-CPT, Sweet Pea Plant Based Kitchen VP of Nutrition
14. Cultivate Mental Health Using Auricular Acupressure
This session will incorporate Auricular (Ear) Acupressure in combination with
Guided Meditation plus Breath Work to strengthen well-being and reduce stress.
Ann Cain Crusade, RN, MS, L.Ac Acupuncturist/Herbalist, Sadie G. Crusade, BS, Community Herbalist, Yoga Teacher.
15. Life-Changing Wellness Coaching
UR Medicine Employee Wellness for a conversation about successful wellness coaching. She will share the UR Wellness approach to coaching and the philosophy behind facilitating lifestyle change and give you a taste of the impact coaching can have by sharing success stories UR Wellness has had the honor of witnessing through its work with 70+ organizations in the region.
Lisa Norsen – UREM, PhD, ACNP, RN, Chief Wellness Officer
16. Leadership Lessons from Half Court
In this interactive workshop, I will share my 7 leadership keys:
1. Clarifying your Vision
2. Building Trust
3. Creating the Edge
4. Effective Communication
5. Leading by Example
6. Leaving a Profit (Leadership Philosophy)
7. Servant Leadership
Activities will include: 1-Personal Mission Statement exercise, 2-Developing a trust plan, 3-Goal setting exercise, 4- Communication partner exercise, 5-Leadership philosophy pair share, 6- Clarity of what servant leadership is including 3 important stages of leadership.
Learning outcomes: 1-How to lead yourself better, 2-How to be a more effective leader of people, 3-Becoming a servant leader.
Jim Johnson, Motivational Speaker
17. Redefining Participation: Creating an Inclusive Wellness Program
Struggling with engagement and participation in your wellness programs? We’ll discuss reframing your expectations and modifying your programs to be more inclusive for your entire employee population. Learn how to adjust your activities to accommodate a wide range of ability levels, work around multiple shifts, and connect across a large geographic territory.
Devin Burns, Goodwill of the Finger Lakes, GoodHealth Wellness Program Manager
18. Communication: A “Make or Break” Element in an Effective Workplace Wellness Program
Have you ever evaluated your wellness communication strategies? Do you know what works and what doesn’t? Attend this session to learn best practices in communication to maximize employee engagement. Learn how to set your communication apart from the rest with industry-leading tips and tricks.
Janette Westman, Excellus BCBS
19. We Can’t Kick Stress Out So How Do We Live With It?
Stress…And What to Do About It. We all experience it, we can’t get rid of it so how can we manage it so it doesn’t impact our quality of life. This presentation will highlight warning signs of chronic stress, explain how stress can impact our lives, and provide strategies you can use to maintain a healthy mental and emotional well-being.
Jen Schwytzer, LMSW, KINDfulness Coaching
20. Developing Emotional Literacy
How we deal with our inner emotional world drives everything. However, we don't always label our emotions correctly--or at all. This makes it difficult for us to experience our emotions and connect them to value-based actions that can lead us to success in effectively feeling and dealing with our emotions. In this session learn how to label your emotions accurately so that you can get to the precise cause of your feelings.
Leanne Fisher, MS, CHES
21. Yoga Therapy for Better Sleep
Too stressed to fall asleep? Blacking out on your pillow but waking up exhausted? Combine the tools of mindfulness, modern neuroscience, and ancient wisdom to create a sleep routine that allows you consistent rest so your days can be full of energy.
Kaitlyn Vitozzi – Yoga Therapist, Owner of Penfield Yoga Therapy
22. Pilates Fusion
A mat-based core class that combines classical Pilates and basic core strengthening. Each exercise emphasizes breath, core conditioning, and body awareness. Props – including light weights, TheraBand’s, Pilates ring, and more – may be used to add challenge or assistance throughout the class. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert practitioner, this mat workout will strengthen the core, tone the hips and thighs, and flatten the abs.
Molly Flaherty – Mbody
23. MELT: Ball Rolling for the Hands and Arms
Fascia is a flexible framework of fibers that surround all of the muscles and joints, that for years doctors didn’t pay much attention to. Now we see that giving attention to this network can decrease pain and improve range of motion in a way that stretching and weightlifting cannot. In this class, we will teach you easy exercises you can do with balls designed to re-hydrate the tissues. Perfect for computer users, those who sit for long periods of time, parents of young children, and anyone else who experiences discomfort in their hands, arms, and upper back. Supplies provided.
Jen Grow, Inward Office
24. On Target to Positive Well-Being
The four compass points: Exercise, Food, Sleep, and Mood all play a critical role in your overall well-being because they are all mutually reinforcing. This interactive presentation will put you on target to understand the importance of how all four compass points work together for your overall well-being.
Lynette Crawford, Director Management Services, Genesee Valley BOCES
Breakout Session #3
25. Sound Healing
Come for an immersive sound bath experience. In this class, there is no need to do anything. Lay down and receive the healing of sonic resonance moving through your body. Sound has the power to heal and transform emotions, physical sensations, and even the body. With sound waves, we can bring our brain wave pattern into a more coherent state facilitating the body’s natural ability to heal. Sandra Kurzdorfe, Inward Office
26. Strength Fusion
A strength-based weight training class that combines free weights, stability balls, resistance bands, and other props to help build muscle capacity, thereby helping increase your metabolic rate as well as decrease your chance of injury in everyday life and training.
Molly Flaherty - Mbody
27. Cultivate Mental Health Using Auricular Acupressure
This session will incorporate Auricular (Ear) Acupressure in combination with
Guided Meditation plus Breath Work to strengthen well-being and reduce stress.
Ann Cain Crusade, RN, MS, L.Ac Acupuncturist/Herbalist, Sadie G. Crusade, BS, Community Herbalist, Yoga Teacher.
28. Accountability, Tracking Points and Photo Submissions through WordPress
This workshop will give you the basics of how to set up a wellness website using Buddyboss and Gamipress. We will go over how to program the website to accept photo submissions as well as how to program it to earn points and badges just to name a few of the topics we will cover.
Lynette Crawford, Director Management Services, Genesee Valley BOCES
29. Leadership Lessons from Half Court
In this interactive workshop, I will share my 7 leadership keys:
1. Clarifying your Vision
2. Building Trust
3. Creating the Edge
4. Effective Communication
5. Leading by Example
6. Leaving a Profit (Leadership Philosophy)
7. Servant Leadership
Activities will include: 1-Personal Mission Statement exercise, 2-Developing a trust plan, 3-Goal setting exercise, 4- Communication partner exercise, 5-Leadership philosophy pair share, 6- Clarity of what servant leadership is including 3 important stages of leadership.
Learning outcomes: 1-How to lead yourself better, 2-How to be a more effective leader of people, 3-Becoming a servant leader.
Jim Johnson, Motivational Speaker
30. Opening Your Facilities to Employees & Community Members
This workshop will share strategies for providing your employees and community members with access to your organization's amenities such as a fitness center. The session will take place in a fitness center where participants will be able to interact with equipment while getting ideas to start their own program. Some time will be spent discussing how to navigate the administrative tasks including insurance, reserving space, staffing, and marketing. The strategies for opening a fitness center will be transferable to other spaces such as pools, gymnasiums, or wellness rooms to name a few!
Robbin M. Carll, Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Livonia CSD
31. The Amazing Chapman’s Reflexes
Muscular imbalances can lead to a myriad of symptoms including tight sore muscles, movement compensation patterns and joint dysfunction. SMART (Skeletal Muscle Assessments & Reset Techniques) is an impressive self-help therapeutic method which utilizes Chapmans Reflexes to bring the body’s neuromuscular system into balance. Safe and noninvasive, these techniques require participants to simply self-massage neuro lymphatic points on their body. The results are immediate, measurable and frankly quite Amazing! If you struggle with discomfort or pain from tight unbalanced muscles or you’re an athlete / fitness enthusiast who wants to perform better, SMART could be just the thing you are looking for. This is an active clinic, participants can expect to experience increased muscle contractile strength, improved range of motion and a noted reduction in compensation patterns. We’re confident you will be amazed with this experience.
Paul and Zachary Dick, Churchville-Chili CSD
32. Strategies to Promote Wellness Engagement
Employee productivity and performance is directly related to their health and wellness and can be improved by providing employees options to engage in healthful activities. Healthy events, challenges and activities are ways to help employees improve their health, inspire them to build better habits and foster positive relationships with their colleagues. Motivating employees to participate in these events and activities is key to the success of these efforts.
Jason Maholy, Editor/Publication Manager, Community Health Magazine
33. Creating a Relaxation Room
Over the past few years, stress has become a big concern in our workplaces. Because adults are on sensory overload all day long and our nervous systems are frayed, many employees need sensory timeouts. During this session, you will learn successful strategies on how to build a relaxation room in your school. The room offers several stress-reducing activities for staff members to enjoy throughout the day. Marion, Sodus, and Victor school districts have all developed spaces that offer faculty and staff the opportunity to decompress and re-establish a sense of calm, peace, and grounding in their day. Join us and learn how easy it can be to implement a similar area in your district.
Andrea Tait, Victor CSD; Mike Magin, Sodus CSD; Eliza Weis and Lisa VerWeire Marion CSD
34. Less is More: The Effects of Social Media on Teenagers and Young Adults
How teenagers manage the Internet and social media is complicated. Being digitally connected can be a sincere source of joy, connection, and learning. But there are also some major concerns related to young people's internet habits including an increase in depression, anxiety, sleep deprivation and other mental health challenges. In this session learn that we are raising kids in a dramatically different environment than the one that most of us grew up in and how to help young people to develop appropriate and healthy internet habits.
Leanne Fisher, MS, CHES
35. Leaving Work at Work
Do you find yourself checking your emails during off-hours, letting work interrupt a good night's sleep, and the Sunday scaries ruining your weekend? Is stress building up in your body? Learn how to start taking more space for yourself, and create more quality personal time, without any employee guilt.
Kaitlyn Vitozzi – Yoga Therapist, Owner of Penfield Yoga Therapy
36. Padlet Technology…Taking Your Wellness Communications to the Next Level!
A Wellness Padlet is a fantastic communication tool that you can set up and personalize to meet the needs of your district. As you add to your Padlet, it makes sending out communications a breeze and at the end of the year, there is no extra work to prepare a complete overview of your program... the Padlet itself IS your program overview.
Robin Cinelli, Lyons CSD Wellness Coordinator
Breakout Session #4
37. Menopause is Hot
But it doesn't have to be! Change is inevitable but symptoms commonly associated with this phase of life aren't necessarily so. In this session, you will learn to proactively support the body's symptoms through peri, menopausal and post-menopausal states. By incorporating specific foods and substances you can help prevent bone loss, and heart disease, protect your brain health and minimize the side effects of hormonal change. We will explore ways to support your health and fun ways to incorporate specific foods into your diet.
Erin Palma, RDN CDN CDES, Herbalist, Kelly’s Choice
38. Sound Healing
39. Wegmans Pharmacy Wellness Offerings
At Wegmans, we believe that when you take care of your employees, they take care of your customers. So, when you help your workforce get and stay healthy, you're really helping keep your bottom line healthy, too! From adult immunizations to nutritional education, let Wegmans Pharmacy Business Partnership Program be an effective way to help you better maximize your wellness dollars. We provide easy, affordable options for you and your employees. Come see what’s new and let us show you how our programs can work for you and your team.
Megan Bohrer, Pharmacy Business Partnership Coordinator; Jordan Pugliese, Pharm D Business Development Manager; Brittany Reynolds, MS, RDH Rochester Division Nutritionist
40. Wellness for Everyone!
The Mt. Morris wellness program has one of the highest participation rates in FLASHP. Come learn about how to increase participation by utilizing in-district Wellness Champions. Participants will also learn about some fun tools and techniques for planning, managing and tracking wellness activities and resources!
Sarah Williams, Mt. Morris CSD Wellness Coordinator
41. Mental Health First Aid Training
One in five Americans has a mental illness and countless others live with and love someone who has a mental illness. Just as CPR helps those without clinical training to assist someone having a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) prepares participants to interact with a person experiencing a mental health crisis. In this session learn how Mental Health First Aiders use a 5-step action plan that guides them through the process of reaching out and offering appropriate support.
Leanne Fisher, MS, CHES
42. Thinking About Having a Wellness Day?
So, you want to have a Wellness Day, but you aren't sure where to even start? Penn Yan, Dundee, and Williamson just had successful Wellness Days this past March. Eileen, Laura, Kiki, Heather, and Cathie will show you the steps to take, a timeline of setting up, needed communication, and everything in between. You can do this!
Laura Rollins and Eileen Cieleski, Dundee CSD; Kiki Seago and Heather Fitzgerald, Penn Yan CSD;
Cathie Abdunnasir, Williamson CSD
43. Strengthening Your Wellness Program through Engaging Activities and Communication
Learn about how Bloomfield and Wayne Wellness Coordinators:
- Explore all facets of wellness when offering health and wellness events and challenges
- Engage all staff members and their families in fun and exciting activities
- Survey the staff to see what activities and experiences interest them
- Communicate wellness activities and articles via a monthly newsletter
Monica Bays, Wayne CSD & Michelle Baker, Bloomfield CSD
44. Power of Presence
It's easy to take something you love - family time, a hike, a concert - and tune out, with the mind jumping around your to-do list, yesterday, next year. Through this experiential workshop you will learn how to take an ordinary moment, harness the power of Dharana (concentration) and create a deeper connection to yourself, and between your mind and body.
Kaitlyn Vitozzi – Yoga Therapist, Owner of Penfield Yoga Therapy
45. High Deductible Health Plan and Health Savings Accounts - Can it be the right plan for you?
High Deductible Health Plans are here to stay. An HDHP promotes healthcare consumerism and gives members choice and control over healthcare spending. An overview will be provided that dispels common misperceptions and share how it can be a Win-Win for you.
Denise Colaruotolo – Smola Consulting
46. Making it Count: Tracking & Accountability Strategies for The Lift Project
In this presentation, you will hear how LiDestri Foods incorporated an accountability strategy through a Learning Management System to boost engagement and help employees get the most out of The Lift Project.
Tracy Cherry, Senior Instructional Designer, LiDestri Foods
47. The Amazing Chapman’s Reflexes
Paul and Zachary Dick, Churchville-Chili CSD
48. Mindfulness & Self-Compassion
How can we show ourselves more kindness in the face of difficult daily realities and a harsh inner critic? Compassion is a practice that can be learned. It begins with self-compassion. Learn mindful awareness techniques to befriend ourselves and make this journey a little easier. Class will include gentle movement, meditation and reflection to bring us into a deeper state of awareness.
Marla Pelletier, Inward Office