The Eagle's Eye
Smyrna School District Quarterly Newsletter - March 2024
Letter from the Superintendent
Dear Parents, Students, Staff, and Community Members,
As you may know, the Smyrna School District’s referendum did not pass on March 9, 2024. While the outcome wasn't what our district hoped for, the Superintendent’s Administration evaluated the school district’s needs to determine whether it was necessary to pursue a second operating and/or capital referendum.
For the school district to complete the planning and construction of the new 600 student elementary school on Rabbit Chase Lane, the Administration made the following recommendation to the Smyrna School District Board of Education at its March 20, 2024 business meeting. The recommendation was approved by the Board of Education.
To access matching state funds afforded to school districts due to increased construction costs caused by market pressure. The school district seeks authorization to issue bonds in the amount of $4,162,286.
The bonds represent 23% of the total increase in cost of $18,096,640. This major capital project will address enrollment growth and capacity issues and include extraordinary site conditions.
To be funded as follows:
$13,934,354 – State’s Share
$ 4,162,286 – District’s Local Share
$18,096,640 – Total
Why is the school district seeking another capital referendum? Why did the capital number change from two weeks ago?
- The construction of a new school is a priority for the District to address classroom capacity and projected enrollment increases. The project previously received residents support in March 2021. Since that time, the estimated cost of the project has increased. The State has agreed to fund 77% of the projected increase. The District does not have the resources on hand to cover the other 23% of the estimated cost. The District is requesting the residents approve the capital request to cover the local match required by the State. Without the additional authorization, and the funding that accompanies that authorization, the District will not be able to move forward with the construction of a new school.
- During the week of March 11, 2024, the school district reviewed the two construction bids for North Smyrna Elementary and Clayton Intermediate Schools. These bids were much closer to the original Certificate of Necessity than what the school district had anticipated. Therefore, the additional market pressure funding that was initially requested is not needed to complete these two projects.
What about another operating referendum?
It was clear that our community did not want to pass an operating referendum at this time. The school district does anticipate a discussion regarding an operating referendum with the Board of Education during the 2024-25 school year.
The Superintendent’s Administration is examining the priorities asked for on March 9, 2024. School constables, mental health supports, competitive salaries, technology materials, and new programs for the middle school program remain top priorities for the school district. It will, however, take the district longer to implement these priorities and may include changes or reductions to other programs or services to ensure all children’s needs are met.
As with the March 9 referendum, all information can be found on our Smyrna School District website and Facebook page.
We are so fortunate to have your continued commitment to the Smyrna School District, as well as the privilege of educating your children. From all of us, thank you.
Susan P. Brown, Ed. D., CSBA
Public Schools Week
The week of February 26 - March 2 was Public Schools Week! Watch our video below for a message from Dr. Brown.
I Love Smyrna School District Day
Thank you to everyone who attended the I Love Smyrna School District Day! We had close to 5,000 attendees, as well as over 125 community partners who participated in the event.
I would like to give special thanks to Ms. Andrea McCready and Ms. Jessalynn Kenton for their leadership and many hours of planning, as well as the Smyrna School District Board of Education, our administrators, our teachers, and most especially our students who performed throughout the day. It was a great day to celebrate our community together.
Important Dates
Thursday, March 28th, 2024
- Schools Closed - Professional Learning
Friday, March 29th, 2024
- Schools Closed - Good Friday Observed
Monday, April 1st, 2024 - Friday, April 5th, 2024
- Schools Closed - Spring Break
Wednesday, April 17th, 2024
- Board Meeting - Clayton Elementary School, 6:00 p.m.
For the 2023-24 Calendar, please click HERE.