East Haven High School
Weekly Newsletter: March 10th, 2024
Reminder: No School for Students Friday 3/15 - Teacher Professional Development
11th Graders To Take SAT on March 26th
School Day SAT will be Tuesday, March 26. All juniors will be taking the SAT test on this date. One way that students can meet the College and Career Readiness graduation requirement for math and reading is to reach benchmark on those areas of the SAT. We are offering preparatory SAT courses through the online platform Edgenuity. Students can enroll in these courses by logging onto Edgenuity through Classlink. If they hit the plus sign (+) and select enroll, two courses will be available. The course titles are EHHS SAT Prep Reading and SAT Math Prep. Further practice opportunities are also available on Khan Academy.
This week on The Comet Isabella Katynski caught up with the Makerspace making their way into March, Keissy Mejias-Laspina shares her debut article about the girls tennis team, Sofia Calixto gets all of the details about the fabulous Signora Pirruccio, Isabella Mott gets in depth on the drama with the dress code throughout history (where and when did it start and has it always been more geared towards women?) Marlana Dias debuts her new column "Off the Hive" talking all about the boys ice hockey drama, Shayla Batson reviewed A Good Girls Guide to Murder Triology by Holly Jackson on HoneyBooks, Holly Speers went to TikTok for Buzzing Bites to review a few different types of cookies, Brooke Ciscone's Roses and Thorns is back with "I'm Just a Girl" edition in time for Women's History Month, and Sofia Calixto follows up on what it means to be a Pisces this Pisces season in Yellowjacket Astrology.
Take a few minutes and browse through some of our new or old work at https://www.ehhscomet.org.
Show us your support by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok @ehhscomet
Thank you for your support,
The EHHS Comet Editors and Staff
UConn College Advising Corps
Scholarships / Financial Aid / Raffles
The first round of UConn Admissions have been released! Check out these UConn-specific scholarships:
- Waterbury Campus Scholarships (Deadline: 3/29 at 4:00 PM). For more information visit the website here: https://waterbury.uconn.edu/scholarships/.
- 100 Years of Women Scholarship (Deadline: 3/22 at 11:59 PM). For more information visit the website here: https://womenscenter.uconn.edu/programs-services/signature-programs/scholarship/.
Financial Aid Deadlines
The deadline to submit financial aid forms (FAFSA, AACTUS, or Affidavit) for Connecticut schools is March 15. Studentaid.gov recently shared the steps to submit the FAFSA if a contributor does not have a social security number. Click here to view those steps: https://studentaid.gov/announcements-events/fafsa-support/contributor-social-security-number. With any financial aid questions, please reach out to Ms. Reagan at rwoitowitz@east-haven.k12.ct.us.
Financial Aid Completion Raffle Update
Ms. Reagan is happy to announce that the Financial Aid Completion Raffle will be running for the rest of the year. A winner will be announced at the end of each month until graduation. This means there are 4 more chances to win a MacBook! Students who entered the raffle in February will automatically be entered into the next month’s raffle. To enter the raffle, please fill out this google form: https://forms.gle/Q33GwkPYhqqFDTGz8.
Yearbook Reminders
Yearbook Club Meeting
Next yearbook meeting will be on Monday 3/11 in W103. All are welcome! We will be submitting our final pages to meet our 3/15 final deadline.
Purchase Your Yearbook Now
Yearbooks are on sale! The cost of the book is $80; we only have 17 copies left and they are going quickly! You can go to www.jostensyearbooks.com to purchase.
Unified Sports Basketball Tournament - Volunteers Needed
Unified Sports is hosting a basketball tournament at East Haven High School on Monday 3/11. Anyone wishing to volunteer should email jhackett@east-haven.k12.ct.us. Volunteers will be needed right after school until around 5pm.
Club Meetings
Future Business Leaders of America
Kindness Club
Books and Brownies
Interested in taking the SAT on a Saturday to Try Improve Your Score?
The next opportunity to take the SATs on a Saturday are on May 4, 2024. You can register online: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat/dates-deadlines
Find information about fee waivers on the College Board website: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat/registration/fee-waivers
Purchase an Ad in the Playbill for Curtains to Support the Drama Club
Want to support EHHS Drama Club? Put a personal or local business ad in our playbill for Curtains! For more info about ad sizes and to place an ad go to: tinyurl.com/ehhscurtainsplaybill
National Honor Society Reads at Deer Run School on Read Across America Day
National Honor Society celebrated 'Read Across America Day" with students from Deer Run Elementary.
This annual event brings the joy of reading to all ages.
From The School Counseling Department
Course selection is well underway! It's great to be meeting with our students to check in and plan for next year, and we love hearing students in the hallways discussing what classes they want to take next year!
Reminder to juniors:
Your appointment date/time to meet with your counselor is posted outside the Main Office. Please arrive on time (don't wait to be called down) with your charged Chromebook, and please input your course requests ahead of time into Power School (by choosing Class Registration on the left hand side of Power School and then selecting the pencil on the right of each subject) so that we don't have to waste time inputting them during the meeting. Remember, we can change them during the meeting, if necessary!
Reminder to sophomores:
Counselors will be meeting with you during your US History class THIS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (3/11-3/14). You should already be thinking about what classes you want to discuss and input with your counselor!
Reminder to freshmen:
Mrs Vesneski has met with about 80% of the freshman class to complete course selection. If you have not met with her yet, she will be calling you down individually in the next 2-3 weeks. She will begin meeting with 9th graders who are enrolled in Geometry after Thursday's FLEX session to finish up the 4-year academic plan lesson, which needs to be finished before she can start course selection with you.
Check Out The Program of Studies
Don't forget to check out our 2024-2025 Program of Studies for a listing of all courses and course descriptions!