The Weekly Wildcat ROAR
Week of Monday, April 8 thru Friday, April 12
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please keep an eye on our school newsletter and Facebook page for important announcements! Our school Facebook page is BES Wildcats ROAR. Please follow us on Facebook in order to see the latest news! Please use our newest link to submit parent notes for absences:
Upcoming Events:
April 8th- eLearning Day
April 9th- students return to BES
April 11th- SC Ready Field Test
April 11th- Duke Energy Family STEM Night, 4:30-6:00
April 12th- 5th grade GT to Renaissance Fair
With the warmer weather we wanted to remind everyone of our dress code, especially with regard to shorts and fitted pants/shorts. Please see below.
CCSD Dress Code-
The district feels there appears to be a definite relationship between good dress habits, good work habits, and proper school behavior. The district also realizes that dress and grooming are personal matters; however, students should not dress in a manner that could distract fellow classmates from the important business of learning.
The district seeks the cooperation of the student and parents/legal guardians in working together toward having students enjoy today’s styles while at the same time developing good taste in grooming and dress. The responsibility for the dress and appearance of the students will rest with individual students and parents/legal guardians. They have the right to determine how the student will dress, providing that such attire is not destructive to school property, complies with requirements for health and safety, and does not interfere with the educational process.
The administration is authorized to take action in instances where the individual dress is determined to be potentially disruptive to instruction or the orderly operation of the school or school events.
The following, while not an exhaustive list, are examples of inappropriate dress at school and are prohibited:
-Head coverings such as ball caps, stocking caps, hoodies, bandanas, sweatbands, do-rags
-Clothing that is revealing (underwear/bra – midriff - private body areas) or sexually suggestive clothing
-Apparel or jewelry with obscene, profane, inflammatory, inappropriate, or sexually suggestive language
-Apparel, or jewelry with advertisements or symbols of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, sex, violence, or degrade human dignity
-Apparel/Accessories that represent or promotes gang affiliation
-Pajamas/nightwear/bedroom/house slippers
-Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be worn at least fingertip length
-Leggings, tights, yoga pants, or tight pants without back pockets must be covered by a dress/top/shirt of the appropriate length. (Fingertip Length)
-Jeans with holes are allowed, but holes must be below fingertip length and not reveal undergarments or private body areas.
-Spikes, Chains, and Dark Glasses
-Any clothing considered inappropriate or potentially disruptive to the school environment by the administration not described above.
Face Cover/Mask Wearing: Students are permitted to wear face coverings/protective masks in response to COVID19. Face coverings/Masks should not cover the eyes, cannot promote violence, drugs, alcohol, inappropriate behavior, gang affiliation, and may not express inflammatory symbols or inappropriate language.
Students are expected to dress appropriately as defined in the district dress code. Students violating the dress code will not be allowed in class and will either be sent directly home to change, held in ISS until a parent arrives bringing appropriate attire, or sent to ISS for the remainder of the day if parents are unavailable. Absences from class will be an unexcused absence.
Drop off and Pick Up Reminders: In order to ensure the safety of students, there should only be one line used for drop off in the mornings. Please do not pass other cars once you drop off your student. Parents, please ensure that students are ready to go once you enter the car line in order to keep the line moving. Also, please do not enter the loop for dismissal until 2:00. We use the loop for recess and PE often and may have students outside. Car riders should not be dropped off at the Hardin St. entrance before 7:45. This ensures that our bus traffic is able to flow smoothly. Thanks for helping us keep our student safe!
Safety Notes:
Any visitor to our building will pass through metal detection. We encourage you to leave personal items in your vehicles. When you enter our front door, there is a table and basket to the right. Anything that you are bringing in should be placed in that basket. Please clear metal detection and then ring the new buzzer that will allow you into the office area. The buzzer on the office door is a new safety feature. We appreciate your patience and cooperation with these safety measures.
We are glad to welcome our parents and families to eat lunch with their own child. Visitors should not pull other students to eat with their child. If you are coming for lunch, please make sure that you have your ID to check in and get a badge. Visitors should report to the sunroom to eat with their child. Once lunch is over, the student should return to their class for dismissal from lunch, and the parent/visitor should return to the office for check out. Visitors should not travel down the hallways or other places in the building. Thank you in advance for your help with this safety matter!
Parents Needed!
Please consider joining the PTO! Our PTO has done some wonderful things for our students and staff, and wants to continue that work this year. There are different ways to participate and we would love your support! Joining the PTO is a wonderful way to support your child and our school community! Let your child's teacher know if you are interested in joining PTO. Thank you in advance for being an active member of the BES community.
3rd grade is learning....
Students will work on applications with fractions.
Social Studies
Please read for 20 minutes at home each day and ensure that students charge their laptops each night!
3rd Grade Schedule Overview
8:05 Tardy Bell Rings
Morning: Whole Group Instruction, Small Groups, Interventions and Resource Supports
Lunches (Recess is before lunch for all classes)
10:45 Miss Cantrell
10:50 Mrs. Whelchel
10:55 Mrs. Will
11:00 Mrs. Phenicie
11:10 Mrs. Blackwell
Special Areas: Art, Music, Library, PE, Guidance, iReady Lab
Afternoon: Whole Group Instruction, Small Groups, Interventions and Resource Supports
Dismissal @ 2:25
4th Grade is Learning...
Students will work on lines, angles, and shapes.
Scholars will be continuing work with nonrenewable resources and the impacts humans have on Earth.
Social Studies
Students will study Westward Expansion.
Students will work on point of view.
4th Grade Schedule Overview
8:05 Tardy Bell Rings
Morning: Whole Group Instruction, Small Groups, Interventions and Resource Supports
Lunches (Recess is before lunch for all classes)
12:15 Mrs. Hamright
12:10 Mrs. Ham
12:05 Mrs. Comer
11:45 Mrs. Norman
11:50 Ms. Seay
12:00 Mrs. Harr
Special Areas: Art, Music, Library, PE, Guidance, iReady Lab
Afternoon: Whole Group Instruction, Small Groups, Interventions and Resource Supports
Dismissal @ 2:25
5th Grade is Learning...
Students will work on converting measurements.
Social Studies
Scholars will be practicing TDA.
Grammar:verb tenses
5th Grade Schedule Overview
8:05 Tardy Bell Rings
Morning: Whole Group Instruction, Small Groups, Interventions and Resource Supports
Lunches (Recess is before lunch for all classes)
11:15 Mrs. Yeargin
11:20 Mrs. Brown
11:25 Mrs. McRobie
11:35 Mrs. Phillips
11:40 Mrs. Porter
Special Areas: Art, Music, Library, PE, Guidance, iReady Lab
Afternoon: Whole Group Instruction, Small Groups, Interventions and Resource Supports
Dismissal @ 2:25
Project Goal, Grade 3-5
Creative Problem Solving & Test Taking Strategies
Spring Word Master Word Activities
Students are working in groups to prepare for our Spring Showcase in April.
3rd grade: Continue the recorder.
4th grade: Continue Rap Music project
5th grade: Commercial Projects
Weekly Reminders :)
- If your student is on the Robotics team, practice will continue this week.
- Please support your child by ensuring that their laptops are charged every day and brought to school each and every day!
- Please turn in a note if your child is out of school for any reason. Truancy letters have been sent home for students that have missed three unexcused days in a row OR five unexcused days total. Be sure to check out our new link for submitting parent notes online as well.
- Please send a note if there is a change in transportation. This note should include the child's first and last name, the change requested, length of the change, and a parent/guardian signature.
- Pick-up for the Kids Club is in the back loop. Car riders are picked up in the back loop until 2:45. Please do not pick-up up from Kids Club before 2:45. Parents are required to sign their child out from Kids Club.
Blacksburg Elementary School
Email: julie.foster@cherokee1.org
Website: https://bes.cherokee1.org/o/be
Location: 402 Hardin Street, Blacksburg, SC, USA
Phone: 864-206-6518
Facebook: facebook.com/BESWildcatsROAR