Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School -- March 7th, 2024
A Note from Mrs. Longden
It is so much fun to watch the children learn and participate in the religious experiences that we hold in our school. Lent is a great time for them to ask many questions about the Life of Christ. Our beautiful church holds large Stations of the Cross to view and pray near. We are experiencing the Crucifixion as we gaze upon these statues. Growing up Catholic, I too could take all of this wonder and awe into my life in those years when I joined my schoolmates for the weekly lenten prayers. Because some of our faith is hard to understand, it takes years to soak into our hearts, minds, and souls. The students who are fortunate enough to come to our school from 3-year-old kindergarten through grade eight get to experience so many prayer opportunities, lessons, and seasons of our church year. They are lucky to have this extended time for God to enlighten them and deepen their faith.
God, please continue to bless our Catholic School. It is truly a gift.
Mrs. Longden
“The incessant noise of the crown presses in on your mind. Shouts from the crowd overpower the sound of the sobbing of the women next to you.....Then His gaze turns to you, the intensity of it blocking out the chaos around you. You sense He is inviting you to follow Him, to enter into this new way of bearing hardships, a way of infused patience. For at times your life feels like a desert—your heart dry and needy. And in this state you are most vulnerable and give into the little temptations that beset you. Jesus, too, understands that desolate place, for He fasted and prayed in the wilderness, patient as He suffered under the watchful eye of the enemy.
I can’t be like you; I am too weak. I am too sinful. I cannot be so tolerant when others criticize me. Your repentant heart reaches out to Him as you in your shame cast your eyes to the ground. Then you feel His Mother wrap her mantle around your shoulders; she prays silently for you. Under her care, the weight of your inability to do anything without Him is lifted. And suddenly, like Jesus in the desert, you are ‘full of the Holy Spirit.’ You lift your eyes to His compassionate face, and your sorrow for your sins turns to hope and joy. With His help and His Mother at your side, you can learn to be patient with both yourself and others.”
What are the places in the deepest parts of your heart where you want to invite Jesus into today?
Great to be Grateful
This year, our Lenten theme is “Cross My Heart,” which will be observed by our elementary students. The theme for middle school students is “One Day at a Time.” Each school day during Lent, we will read scripture and pray together.
Stations of the Cross
Parents are invited to join us for Stations of the Cross, which will be prayed every Friday during Lent at 2:00 p.m.
The preface for the Mass at the start of Lent refers to this “Joyful Season.” Many of us are startled by this reference. For most, Lent has always been a season of sacrifice, of penance, a time when we focus on the Cross.
As you look at the Cross, did you ever ask yourself the question, “Why did Jesus die like this?” If He had been a mere man, it would have made sense. He could not avoid it. He was up against impossible odds, and the cards were stacked against Him. But, it is different for the Son of God.
He did not have to become like us and be born into our world. He did not have to get tired and thirsty or dusty and angry. He did not have to take insults from His own creatures. He did not have to sweat blood in a garden and beg his Father, “Don’t let me die.” He did not have to be condemned like a common criminal. He did not have to die.
Why then did He die? A clue comes from God’s own book from the Gospel of John -“God so loved the world that he gave His only Son, and that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” St. Paul says in amazement, “He loved me and gave Himself for me.” Yes, Jesus did it all because He loved you. If you were the only person in the world, He would have died for you.
But then you might say, “Couldn’t God have discovered a different way, a way less difficult than death on Calvary?” Couldn’t God have simply forgiven us and asked only that we be sorry for having offended Him? If this were not enough for Divine Justice and if God’s son had to somehow touch our earth in person, why didn’t He come as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords?
Why did He have to become human like us? Why did He have to experience meekness, fear and weakness? If God, the Father, wanted Him to die, why couldn’t He have died in bed and died with dignity? Why ask Him to die in a bloody disgrace, mocked by the world for which He was dying and the world He created? Frankly, I do not know. I suspect no one knows, save the God who invented the Passion. But it certainly got our attention…
ITBS Testing
Iowa Test of Basic Skills has begun this week, and will continue on to next week. Students are doing a great job!
Please be sure students are getting a good night's sleep and eating a good breakfast the morning before coming to school.
Pancake Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Come support Holy Trinity School and visit with the Easter Bunny!
8th Grade Fashion Day
8th Grade Fashion Day for March is THURSDAY, MARCH 14th!
Wear your St. Patrick's Day Gear or Green Clothing!
Pizza and BINGO
Friday, March 22nd Home and School is sponsoring Pizza and BINGO.
This will take place in the Gym from 5-7 P.M.
Mrs. Angela Schickert has decided to retire at the end of this school year.
We are grateful for all she has done for Holy Trinity Catholic School the last five years!
We wish her all the blessings in the next chapter of her life.
The project on Hwy 45 is set to begin on Monday, March 11th. They will begin staging the equipment and work will begin on either March 13th or 14th. The plan is to begin at 6:30 AM and work until 6:00 PM.
Hwy 45 will be closed to thru traffic; however business and residential traffic along Fond du Lac Ave will be open. Navigating through traffic during this time will require a commonsense approach. Please continue to stay informed by following the Village of Kewaskum on Facebook. You can also sign up for project updates on the Village of Kewaskum Website.
We will keep you posted with any information we receive.
Upcoming Dates
March 4th-18th - ITBS Testing (2nd-8th Grade)
Friday, March 8th - Mass (Baptism Mass February/March/April)
Saturday, March 9th - Pancake Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Sunday, March 10th - Athletic Banquet
Wednesday, March 13th - Mass (Grades 5-8)
Friday, March 15th - Mass
Saturday, March 16th - First Communion Retreat
Monday, March 18th - Spring Concert 5:30 PM
Tuesday, March 19th - March Madness (All School Dress Down Day-Athletic Wear or Basketball Jersey)
Wednesday, March 20th - Mass (Grades 3K, 1-4)
Friday, March 22nd - Mass
Friday, March 22nd - Riveredge Field Trip (Grades 2-4)
Friday, March 22nd - Pizza and BINGO sponsored by Home and School
Wednesday, March 27th - Mass (Grades 5-8)
Thursday, March 28th - Prayer Service (Holy Thursday)
Friday, March 29th - No School - Good Friday
Sunday, March 31st - Easter Sunday
Monday, April 1st and Tuesday, April 2nd - No School - Easter Break
Wednesday, April 3rd - Mass (Grades 3K, 1-4)
Friday, April 5th - Mass
April 6-7th - First Communion Weekend
Wednesday, April 10th - Mass (Grades 5-8)
Friday, April 12th - Mass
Wednesday, April 17th - Mass (Grades 3K, 1-4)
Friday, April 19th - Mass
Wednesday, April 24th - Mass (Grades 5-8)
Friday, April 26th - Mass
Calendar of Cash
February 29 - Mark Baumgartner
March 1 - Anna Way
March 4 - Kyle Rosbeck
March 5 - Carolyn Leister
March 6 - Katie Breuer
Calendar of Cash 2024-2025
Calendar of Cash tickets are available for the 2024-2025 school year!
How does Calendar of CA$H work?
*Tickets are sold $20 each, now until August 28th, 2024 at 8:00 A.M.
*Sale of tickets cannot be accepted after 8:00 A.M. on August 28th, 2024.
*Total of $10,000 is given away in 181 days, next school year 2024-2025.
*You have 181 chances to win and multiple days as your ticket is put back in if you win!
Human Growth and Development Resources
This will be held at St. Frances Cabrini.
Here is the information they sent us:
Dear Families,
We have made some adjustments, this year, to the Human Growth and Development Resources that we offer you as parents. You as parents are the primary educators of your children, and as a school, we support you in many different ways. One of those ways has been to offer some basic resources to help families prepare their children for puberty.
This year, we have expanded this opportunity with parents of daughters. In combination with the Archdiocese, we are offering a class called "Cycle Prep by Pearl and Thistle". This class is intended to be taken by a parent and child together, and can be done at the time that feels most appropriate for your family. We’ll be offering the class every year, and you as parents can decide whether your daughter is ready for it in 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th grade.
This class presents the biological and medical side of puberty, but also uses a lens of faith to help our girls understand the changes they’re experiencing, and what they mean. We are excited to be one of the first to offer this and will be opening this up to surrounding schools as well.
To learn more about the class and to register, please see the attachment.
Thank you!
Principal William Waech
Men of Christ
Attention Dads, Grandfathers, Brothers, Uncles of Holy Trinity Students: You’re invited to join the 2024 Men of Christ conference—Mastering What Matters—which will be held in parishes across the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, including St. Frances Cabrini —with both virtual and live elements. The morning will feature well-known speakers including Deacon Kevin’s Dad, Dave Durand, our Archbishop and a former Navy Seal, Mass, Adoration, Confession and fellowship. Get all the details and register at MenOfChrist.net
When: Saturday, 09 March 2024
Where: St. Frances Cabrini Church, 1025 S 7th Street, West Bend WI
Time: Rosary, 7:30 A.M. Mass with program to follow, ends at 1:30 P.M.
Register at MenOfChrist.net venue: St. Frances Cabrini (West Bend) or contact:
Brian Wildt 262-330-4330 or Mike Lemens 262-818-6118 or Joseph Schumaker 262-343-1933 for more information.
Kewaskum Public Library Pi Social
On Thursday, March 14 (Pi Day) the Kewaskum Public Library will be hosting a gathering open to all community members to visit our new space and enjoy some pie. Attached is a flyer with more information about the event.
Camp Chesterton 2024
Camp Chesterton 2024. See the attached flyer for your communications about our summer one-day camp for kids ages 8-12. We will have Mass, games, lunch, age-appropriate virtue talks, house competitions, and more! It will be a day filled with summer fun, faith, and a glimpse at our joy-filled Chesterton Academy community. Cost is $50, register online here: Camp Chesterton — Chesterton Academy of Milwaukee (chestertonacademymke.org) by May 31. Cost includes T-shirt and lunch.
Altar and Server Guild Meetings
Our Mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to provide a high-quality education, and to guide children in living the Catholic faith.
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603