Barton Junior High School

April 2024
Welcome to the Wildkitten Way!
Here is the month of April layout:
Principal's Note: Mrs. Henry
Feature Articles:
- St. Patrick's Day
- Archery State
- National Oreo Cookie Month
- Women's History Month
Yearbook Information
The last nine-weeks have begun and will be FULL as we roll into the ending of this school year.
With spring comes students often "forgetting" the school rules. Parents, we could use your help! We are having a lot of cell phone violations lately. Students' cell phones are not to be visible while on campus. Barton students know that their phones are to be OFF and IN THEIR BACKPACK at all times. At the very end of the day, students are given a chance to call or text a parent for the purpose of transportation only. Barton follows the district policy for cell phone violations.
The spring dance is coming up on May 3 and Barton Gives Back will be May 17. Student behavior can prevent students from attending either event! Please be aware that April 1 is the start date for earning attendance to those events.
Also, just a reminder that student attendance, grades, and STAR scores will determine students that qualify for exam exemptions. The attendance record for exam exemption began on Monday, January 8. In addition to attendance, the grade in the class must be above a C for both 9-weeks AND the STAR scores will have to show improvement from the middle of the year to the end of the year tests. STAR testing will be May 2 & 6.
Events to have on your calendar:
--James & the Giant Peach performance - April 5 & 6 at EHS
--Kittens Conferences (No School for students) - April 15 8am-6pm
**Teachers have been calling/emailing to set up a time for you to meet to make your child's schedule for next year! Postcards will be mailed as reminders for you.
--ATLAS (Reading, Math, Science) testing:
8th graders - April 22, 25, 29
7th graders - April 23, 26, 30
--PARENT NIGHT @ Barton - April 23 @ 6pm
--EXAMS: May 23, 24, 28 & 29 / May 30 make-up exams
We appreciate all you do for your children!
St. Patrick's Day by Abby Davis
The day for being lucky! St Patrick's Day.
Annually, on March 17th, St Patrick’s day is celebrated. It originally began in 1631 when the Church established a Feast Day honoring St. Patrick. He had been Patron Saint of Ireland who had died around the fifth century. Saint Patrick had a vision, one that led him to study priesthood. Despite his previous escape, Saint Patrick went back to Ireland willingly to help spread Catholicism.
Dallas Dumas, 8th grader, celebrates St. Patrick’s day by dressing the part. She said, “ I dress in green from head to toe, I even wear a poofy green tutu!” Rebekah Ibert, 8th grader, celebrates by cooking! Ibert said, “I baked a cake, and decorated it green, for my own personal snacking.”
Don't get pinched!
Archery Goes to State by Jasmine Edwards
Have you ever thought about doing archery before? Well on March 1st, 2024, our archery students got to go to a state-wide archery competition. Barton Archery team will be getting to go to the NASP Nationals competition.
For the past two years, our Barton Archery team has been able to compete in NASP Nationals competition.
A huge competition can make people very nervous sometimes. So can being one of the top shooters on the team. Gracyn Darden, 8th grader, felt surprised about her placing in the competition. Darden said, “It was shocking to find out I was one of the top people on the archery team. It's just so amazing being on a team with all these great people that are fun to be around.” A very well-rounded answer from the top 8th grade girl shooter on our team.
Justin Hammett, top 8th grade boy, discusses his feelings about placing high. Hammett said, “Obviously it feels good because I'm better than all the other boys at state. I came out third in the 8th grade and 8th in the entire state, so it feels great and you know my team did great too I mean, we did get first.” This shows the difference in how people think about them getting top shooter spot.
Let’s cheer our archers on as they shoot their way to the top!
Editorial Articles
National Oreo Cookie Month by Billy Mabry
Do you think National Oreo Cookie Month should be a National Holiday? Many people like Oreo Cookies. 71.26 MILLION Americans consumed the regular Oreo flavor. If you don’t know, the regular flavor is called Nabisco Oreo. This statistic was taken in 2020. Did you know that 40 BILLION Oreo Cookies are made each year. Oreo cookies are very popular among the cookie family.
Kimberly Conner, 7th grade English teacher at Barton Junior High, says why she believes that people buy Oreo cookies frequently. Conner said, “Well I think it’s a good mixture of chocolate and vanilla, and so it's crunchy, you bite into it and you get a little crunch, but you also have that cream filled center which is sweet and it kind of the best of both worlds.” It's that mix of chocolate and vanilla that puts Oreos over other cookie brands like Chips Ahoy. Conner said, “I like Oreos better, but Chip Ahoy are good dipped in milk, but Oreos are too so I’m going to go with Oreos.”
Many people buy Oreo Cookies. Oreos are a great brand of cookies. Mrs. Conner and I, among many others, think more people should buy more.
Women's History Month by Izzie Smith
Women's History Month is an annual declared month that highlights the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. Women’s history month takes place during Fri, March 1 2024 - Sun, March 31, 2024.
The origins of Women's History Month date back to 1978 in Santa Rosa, California, when the Education Task Force of Sonoma County Commission on the Status of Women planned a “Women's History Week” celebration during the week of March 8 to correspond with International Women's Day. Women's history month started in March 1987 as “Women's History Month.” Congress and the president have annually issued resolutions and proclamations declaring March as Women's History Month. Women's Month celebrates the important roles that women play. It's time to honor and appreciate their contributions to their families and society in general.
Eric Cisneros, teacher and Cross Country coach at Barton Junior High, said he appreciates the validity that the month provides. Cisneros said, "I think it's fantastic I think that anytime you have a cause like that you need to pay attention to it and make sure everyone is treated fairly. So, I think it's great. I mean we are all created equal and it brings a spot light to something that we really shouldn't have to because everyone should be born with equal rights.” As you can see this is a very controversial opinion. Gina Taylor, counselor at BJHS, thinks that the month is important to celebrate. Taylor said, “I think that it is important that we celebrate Women's History Month, so we can take time to appreciate all the women who came before us in society, or in Christianity, politically, as a patient in nursing, and for the women who have made powerful impacts on the world today”. As you can see Women’s history month is a very important month that is celebrated all throughout March.
Do you enjoy time on the internet? Well it was a woman who invented it! Hedy Lamarr was an Austrian-American actress and inventor who pioneered the technology that would one day form the basis for today's Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth communication systems. Or, maybe you don't know how women got to everything today. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott organized the first convention regarding women's rights in the United States which led to Women's suffrage, the legal right of women to vote, which was established nationally in the United States with the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in August 1920.
Everybody deserves equal rights, no matter race, gender or religion. Women's history month is a month where we can celebrate a movement in America where women got equal rights and hopefully more celebrations will happen like this in the future.
While this world has had many great movements there are so many more that will continue throughout the years.
Hello all! Join Barton Media in celebrating a fantastic school year with a signing party! It will be held in the cafeteria. Refreshments will be provided and... YOU GET OUT OF CLASS FOR PART OF 6TH PERIOD! If you have purchased a yearbook by this point, you have bought your admission to attend! We can't wait to create some memories with everyone! Although, you may still purchase your yearbook online at jostens.com/ybk!
YEARBOOKS ARE STILL ON SALE! They start at $27 plus taxes. You can place an order online at jostens.com/ybk or jostensyearbook.com! GET YOURS TODAY!
March Calendar
April 3rd:
April 5th & 6th:
- James and the Giant Peach Jr.
April 15th:
- Kitten's Conferences (No School for students, but they are encouraged to come with ONE guardian to get the best schedule possible for next year).
- 8-6 PM
April 23rd:
- Parent's Night at 6PM
April 25th-26th
April 29th-30th
Location: 400 W. Faulkner Street, El Dorado, AR, USA
Phone: 870.864.5051