Elevate Monthly

Superintendent's Message
Dear Laramie County School District 1 community,
As Spring Break draws near and our winter sports and activities come to an end, I wish to express my deep admiration for our students, parents, and coaches. The achievements of our students have not only earned them awards and recognitions but have also established our students as role models throughout our district.
With the close of one season, we immediately usher in another! Spring activities are upon us and will provide students with more opportunities to enrich their learning, develop skills and meet new friends. We look forward to seeing them showcase their accomplishments in the coming months.
On the academic front, we are gearing up for our summative assessments. These state-mandated assessments are a valuable occasion for our students to showcase their learning. Our teachers are committed to providing the necessary support to prepare our students, and we encourage our families to reinforce these efforts at home.
Thank you for being an integral part of our school community. We know that as the academic year advances, fatigue can set in among students, parents, and educators. I hope you are able to take time over Spring Break to rejuvenate so that we can finish the school year strong.
Dr. Stephen Newton
Superintendent of Schools
Secondary students participate in annual Art in Music show
Junior high and high school students from across Laramie County School District 1 recently participated in the Annual Art in Music show. Students were presented with a piece of music selected by the Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra. They were then tasked to create a piece of art inspired by the music. This year's piece was Crouching Tiger Concerto for Cello and Chamber Orchestra by Tan Dun. Artwork was on display at the Cheyenne Civic Center and recognized during a CSO concert. -Photos by Megan Case
Sunrise Elementary students celebrate Literacy Week
As part of Literacy Week, Sunrise Elementary students recently dressed up as different words. The students paraded around the school showing their creativity. Teachers also decorated their doors and school halls to celebrate reading. -Photo by Megan Case
Students participate in culinary competition
LCSD1's Smart Spoon Café recently hosted their annual Junior Chef competition at Johnson Junior High. The finalists competed using original recipes and ingredients available through the district.
Congratulations to the two winners: Madeline Johnson-Rouse (fourth grade, PODER) and Olivia Garrett (second grade, Pioneer Park) Their recipes will be featured on future school lunch menus.
-Photo by Megan Case
Students add competition to math
LCSD1 hosted the 68th annual Wolsborn-Drazovich State Math Contest at Storey Gym. Students were judged based on individual and group assessments. The students also had the opportunity to explore LCCC's mobile science lab during their breaks. What a great day for learning!
-Photo by Megan Case
Wyoming Academic Challenge
Congratulations to Central High's Wyoming Academic Challenge (WAC) team! The team placed first at a recent tournament in Torrington. -Photo courtesy of Central
CFD donates to Feed it Forward
Cheyenne Frontier Days raised more than $12,000 for the Nutrition Services Feed it Forward program to assist families with school lunch debt. Thank you! -Photo courtesy of CFD
District offers paid and Title I pre-kindergarten programs
Lebhart Elementary pre-kindergarten students demonstrate what it means to learn through guided play.
Parent Updates
Virtual days alleviate need to extend the school year
Throughout the course of the school year, the superintendent may enact a district-wide or school-wide virtual learning day due to inclement weather, facilities issues, natural disasters, etc. Conducting a virtual day rather than shutting down school completely enables Laramie County School District 1 to meet the Wyoming statutory requirement of 175 school days without needing to extend the school year into June.
When inclement weather is predicted, teachers will work to ensure student iPads are charged and in students’ hands prior to them leaving at the end of the school day. Additionally, they will work with students to ensure they are able to log into Canvas or the online platform they will use for the virtual learning day.
If a student cannot access the online platform, teachers will make alternative learning arrangements for them.
Formal notification of a virtual learning day or delayed start will take place through the district’s mass-notification system no later than 5:30 a.m. on the day of the event. More information about the LCSD1 Board of Trustees virtual day policy is available at: http://go.boarddocs.com/wy/laramie1/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=9Q5QC4689A4E
March Events
March 18 - Board of Trustees meeting, 6 p.m., Storey Gym Boardroom
March 22 - All Schools Early Release for teacher planning
March 25-29 - Spring Break
April 8 - Board of Trustees, 5 p.m. work session; 6 p.m. meeting, Storey Gym Boardroom
April 16-May 10 - WY-TOPP summative testing window