Coulston Elementary School
Comet Connection Newsletter
Notes from the Coulston Office April 21, 2024
This week at Coulston
Dear Coulston Families,
We began ILEARN Testing April 15th. We will continue testing students in grades 3-5 from April 22-May 10 at various times. It is important that students are at school during these testing times, and if possible try to avoid scheduling appointments during the morning hours of testing. It is important that students receive following:
-Plenty of rest
-Good breakfast
-Be at school on time
-Encourage for the students
Test results will be sent in the mail in early summer. The staff and students have worked very hard this year and we are excited to see how well they do. Thanks for your support during this time. We are SO proud of all of our Coulston students.
IREAD Retake Session
We will be administering the IREAD retake session beginning May 13, 2024. This session will include students in grades 3-5 who did not pass the IREAD assessment in March. Students in 2nd grade will NOT take the assessment in May. Results of the retake will be shared with parents as soon as they are available. Thanks for your support during this busy testing season!
Elementary Track Meet
The Elementary Track Meet will be held on Monday, April 29th at Shelbyville High School. The meet will begin at 5:00 at the SHS Track and Field. Please contact coaches Eads or Isley with any questions.
Cafeteria Accounts
Parents this is a reminder as the year begins to wind down to check on your child’s lunch account balance. We have several students with outstanding balances that need to be paid before the year ends. If your child has an outstanding balance, please contact the cafeteria. Thanks for your help.
PTO Elections
Calling ALL parents! It is that time of the year again that we are looking to elect officers for the 2024-25 Coulston PTO. If you would like to serve on the Coulston PTO or in any capacity, please complete the PTO form that will be coming home with your child. This form will also be uploaded on our Facebook page.
New officers will be elected at the meeting in May at 6:30PM in the cafeteria. If you have any questions, please contact our current PTO President, Aleigha Simerly.
We want to thank our hardworking PTO cabinet for serving Coulston for many years. Their dedication to our Coulston Family is greatly appreciated.
Field Day Updates From Mr. Brown
Hello Coulston Families!!
Field Day is quickly approaching and we are looking for volunteers to help during Field day ! This year, our Field Day for Coulston Elementary will be on Wednesday, May 22nd. If you are able and would like to volunteer your services on this exciting day, please email Mr. Brown or telephone the school office for more information. The times we need volunteers on Wednesday, May 22nd are as follows:
Session #1: Grades 3, 4 and 5 (8:00 AM - 10:40 AM)
Session #2: Grades K, 1 and 2 (11:15 AM - 1:55 PM)
If you are interested, please complete the following:
1. Email Mr. Brown or you can call the Coulston front office for more information. When emailing Mr. Brown, please include your name, your student’s name, grade level and their classroom teacher and the session(s) you would like to volunteer for.
2. You will also need to complete the limited background check (link attached below) and turn it into the Coulston front office as soon as possible. Anyone interested in volunteering must submit and pass this limited background check before they will
be allowed to volunteer for Field Day.
Limited Criminal Background Check Link
Mr. Brown’s Email:
Coulston Office Phone: 317-398-3185
After emailing Mr. Brown and completing the background check, more Field Day information will be emailed to you at a later date/time. Thank you for your interest in helping make Field Day possible for all of our students!
2024 Recycle Bowl Competition: Aluminum Round-Up: April 1 - 29
It is time for the 2024 Recycle-Bowl Competition sponsored by the Shelby County
Recycling District. We are challenging all local schools to “Round-Up” Aluminum
Cans, thus diverting them from burial in the local landfill. The competition is open
to all K-12 schools in Shelby County. The recycling competition will run from April 1 - April 29.
At the close of the four-week competition, each of the competing schools will
receive a check for the amount of aluminum cans collected at the rate of .45 cents per pound.
The school in Shelby County that collects the most Aluminum Cans per capita will
receive $.45 (45 cents) per pound for aluminum cans collected, and the Shelby
County Recycling District will match the dollar amount. A check will be presented
to the overall winning school.
The competition runs for 4 weeks from April 1 through April 29, and will encompass Earth Day, which is celebrated on April 22nd . Please help Coulston with this competition. How can you help? Please see below:
1. Only aluminum cans will be collected
2. All aluminum cans must be empty
3. Cans must be loose; not tied up in plastic bags
4. Bring your recycled aluminum cans to Coulston and put in the blue bin by the Flag Pole Door.
Transportation Reminder-Please Read
Thank you for helping us with the transportation requests. This has helped us tremendously to make sure that we are getting students safely home after school!!!!
We are asking that any requests for a transportation change be submitted to the office no later than 1:30 pm daily. A reminder that requests must be consistent throughout the week, meaning that the pick-up and/or drop off address remains the same all week. Also please know that once a student has been put on the bus in the afternoon, we are not able to remove them to go to the car rider line. This process delays our buses from departing school on time to run their elementary route and arrive on time for their secondary route.
If your child needs to be a car rider for that day, please call the office and inform the office before 1:30 and make sure that your child has a car rider tag. It is also important you call the office for ANY changes to transportation and not the classroom teachers, this includes walkers and car riders. Fridays have also become a heavy end of the day pick-up in the office. If you could please pick your child up in the car rider line, that will help eliminate the high volume in the office. If you require an additional car rider tag, please call the office and we can provide it for you.Thanks in advance for your understanding and assistance with transportation.
Upcoming Dates
April 15-ILEARN Testing begins
April 23-PTO Meeting-Election of New Officers(all offices are open)
April 29-Elementary Track Meet at SHS
May 6-10-Teacher Appreciation Week
May 16-KDG celebration at 8:30
May 17-5th Grade Recognition at 8:30
May 20-5th Grade Wax Museum at 8:30
May 21-Grades 1-4 Awards Day-Grades 1-2@8:30; Grade 3-4 @ 10:00
May 22-Field Day
May 24-Last Student Day
Attention Parents: Yearbook pre-ordering has begun.
We have some exciting news to share! You can now pre-order the Coulston Elementary Yearbook for this academic year. Capture the cherished memories and unforgettable moments with the yearbook, full of smiles, laughter, and growth. This yearbook will serve as a beautiful keepsake for your child.
To secure your copy, simply visit and enter Code: 82146F. Don't miss out on this opportunity to preserve the memories that will last a lifetime.
Kindergarten Enrollment
Kindergarten Enrollment packets will be available January 8-31, 2024
If you have a child who will be 5 years old by August 1, 2024 and will attend a Shelbyville Central Elementary School in the 2024-2025 school year, please complete the following steps:
-Pick up a packet at one of our elementary schools or visit our website @
-Complete the forms within the enrollment packet
-Prepare the documents required
-Return the packet with the required documents to the elementary school within the boundaries that you live.
If you are unsure of which elementary school to enroll, please call Central Office at 317-392-2505
**Save The Date** April 4, 2024 @ Shelbyville Middle School Kindergarten Open House & Community Connections
April Menu
April Menu
Click here to view:
Chartwells March Newsletter
Click here to learn more about what Chartwells has to offer.
Coulston Elementary School
Phone: (317) 398-3185
Fax: (317) 392-5721
Office Hours: 7:00am - 3:30pm
121 N Knightstown Road
Shelbyville, IN 46176