Monday Notes
March 25th, 2024

As we enter the last week of March and look forward to April, now is a good time to start thinking about what needs to be completed before summer break. Nothing makes a summer break better than leaving a well organized classroom ready to start the fall semester! Have a great week.
Executive Committee Meeting
The NMMEA Executive Committee met on March 22nd and 23rd to plan the 2025 All-State Music Festival & In Service Conference as well as deal with ongoing NMMEA business. A huge thank you to the committee for their dedicated and diligent work on behalf of our members. Of note, several changes were made to the handbook which members are encouraged to review.
Please make sure all job vacancies are posted on the NMMEA job board. Anyone can post jobs, whether it's an administrator, department head, or yourself. Take a few moments once a position becomes available to spread the word and fill all open positions!
Advocacy Challenge
Make sure to participate in this week's advocacy challenge. We all know how crazy the end of the year can be, it is always good to send a "refresher" calendar home so parents are in the loop.
- Send an end of the year event calendar to parents.
State Marching Contest
Below you will find a link to register for the first official State Marching Contest. Registrations received by May 1st will be drawn for performance order by class. Registrations received after May 1 will be scheduled at the beginning of the classification.
Make sure to register for this inaugural event and receive feedback from some of the countries best adjudicators!
Just a reminder that the event will be October 26th at Rio Rancho HS. See you there!
All-State Information
Just a reminder that audition information along with ensemble programs will be posted the first week of April. Make sure to share this information with your students so they can begin preparing.
Honor Ensembles
Consider submitting an application and recording to be considered for a 2025 Conference Honor Ensemble. More information can be found in the handbook and the application can be found on this page of the website.
Rotation preference:
- Band - Large school preference
- Choir - Small school preference
- General Music - Elementary ensemble preference
- Jazz - Non big band preference
- Orchestra - Small school preference
Remember that above are preferences, however all classifications are encouraged to submit audition applications every year. Application must be postmarked or emailed by June 1st and should be sent directly to the respective Vice President.
New Honor Ensemble Opportunity
The Executive Committee voted to add an honor ensemble opportunity to the conference. The selected ensemble will be featured on the Wednesday opening session along with the honor Jazz Band. Below is the wording from the handbook:
A guitar or alternative ensemble is any middle or high school ensemble that doesn’t fall into the traditional band, choir, jazz, or orchestra ensemble category.
This may include small ensembles such as string quartet, percussion ensemble, barbershop quartet, steel drum band, director ensemble, mariachi, etc.
Ensembles may apply to the NMMEA President to perform on the Honor Concert by submitting the application, three copies of an audio recording of a live concert performance of the ensemble, (digital files acceptable) and three sets of unmarked scores of the pieces being performed. One copy of each item is required if submitting digitally. Selections may be taken from various recordings as long as they are from a live performance and not more than one year old. Recordings may not be more than 30 minutes in length and should include diverse selections.
Do not send photocopies of scores unless accompanied by an official letter of permission from the publisher or the ensemble will be disqualified.
Downloadable (ePrint) scores must be submitted with a receipt for each score. Identifying names (i.e., school, director, district, etc.) on ePrint scores must be blacked out.
Any engineering, editing, or tampering in any way with the audition recording is expressly prohibited.
There should be nothing on the recording or scores (markings, names, announcements, etc.), which would identify your ensemble to the adjudicators (this is a totally anonymous audition process). Please check your scores and recordings thoroughly (including digital file names). Violation of this rule will result in the ensemble being disqualified.
Ensembles applying and auditioning for an honor performance designation must provide a letter from the local Superintendent of Schools or Board of Education, or Principal, that if selected, the group has permission to attend and perform at the All-State Music Festival and In-Service Conference.
Only ensembles deemed outstanding will be considered for an honor performance.
NMMEA assumes no financial responsibility for honor ensemble expenses for a performance at All-State.
NOTE: The Official Application Form (available under forms on the NMMEA Website at: http:// www.nmmea.com), letter of permission, performance recordings, and scores should all be sent by registered mail to the NMMEA President postmarked by June 1, of the year proceeding All-State. The final.
Orff Opportunity
New Mexico AOSA will host Summer Orff Level Courses again this year. Offerings are: Orff Levels I, II, and III in Albuquerque on June 17-28, 2024. Get immersed in the Orff Schulwerk with a nationally renowned faculty who will teach you to sing, say, dance, and play the Orff way. Also known as the Orff Method, Orff Approach, or Music for Children; it is a way of introducing and teaching children about music on a level that they can easily comprehend. Musical concepts are learned through singing, chanting, dance, movement, drama and the playing of percussion instruments. Improvisation, composition, and a child's natural sense of play are encouraged. The Summer Orff Levels Courses are an intense two-week long study of the Orff Process. Students are expected to complete composition and theory homework, in addition to classes in movement and recorder pedagogy. All three levels must be taken for the teachers to be certified in Orff-Schulwerk. More information (including registration) can be found here.
If you would like to receive college credit, please contact UNM or Cat Woo.