Rhino Report
May 2024
Important Dates:
May 6-10: Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
May 7: Kinder Music Program 5:30pm
May 9: First Grade Music Program 6:30pm
May 9: Kindergarten Field Trip to the Dodge City Airport
May 9: Third Grade Kansas Kids Fitness Day
May 14: Third Grade field trip to Crottโs Airport and The Weather Service
May 15: Fifth Grade field trip to Strataca- Underground Salt Museum
May 17: Kindergarten Blast Off Promotion 2:15pm
May 20-23: Last Spirit Week!- see flyer below
May 21: Kinder-2nd Grade, 4th Quarter Awards Assembly 2:00pm
May 22: 3rd-5th Grade, 4th Quarter Awards Assembly 2:00pm
May 23: 5th Grade Ceremony and Clap Out! 2:20pm
โจ Kinder Promotion ๐
๐๐ 5th Grade Clap-Out ๐๐
Grade Level Information
Kindergarten- Mrs. Slattery, Mrs. Del Real, Mrs. Vigil, Mrs. Blackburn
Math Update
Know numbers and number names & count sequence.
Count to tell the number objects.
Work with numbers 11-19 to gain foundation with place value.
Counting to 100 by ones, and tens to recognize a growths pattern.
Fluently add and subtract within 5.
Work with โteen numbersโ in base 10 operations.
Revisit 2D/3D shapes.
ELA Update
Work on asking & answering questions about key details of a text. Also, practice retelling a story including key details, and major events. Work on identifying character, setting, and major events of a story.
Count and segment syllables in spoken words. Practice the long and short sounds for vowels; a, e, i, o, u
Sight Words: Review all sight words.
Quarterly Reading Goal
Continue reading together at home to help your child meet their reading goal.
Math Home Connection
1st Grade- Miss Theis, Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Burkhart, Mrs. Veeder
Math Update
Place value-add/subtract multiples of 10 (within 100)
Adding/subtracting two-digit numbers (within 100)
Word problems
ELA Update
Opinion writing
Identifying and retelling key details in informational texts
Learning about cultures
Quarterly Reading Goal
Read two books this month.
Math Home Connection
2nd Grade- Mrs. VanArsdale, Mrs. Hessman, Miss Loera, Ms. Montes
Math Module 8- Time, shapes, and fractions.
Practice telling time at home, AM/PM
Practice mental math and start practicing multiplication facts over the summer!
ELA Update
- ELA Focus: Compare/Contrast two or more versions of the same story.
- Main topic, character response, text features
- Writing focus: Opinion Writing
- Phonics focus: aw, au, augh, inflected endings, abbreviations
Reading Goal
No reading goal sent home. Continue to Read 20 minutes minimum each night.
* Sign up for the free summer reading program at the public library.
- Our progress monitoring in Reading and math has shown students are making big gains in both areas. Keep reading at home, practicing fluency passages, and working on those mental math facts and 2 and 3 digit addition and subtraction.
- Home Connection: Play games together, cook together, go to the library, spend time talking about your adventures together. Have students practice retelling you what they have been reading.
Math Home Connection
3rd Grade- Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Cox, Miss Martinez, Miss Maupin
Please continue practicing your multiplication facts.
We will continue exploring geometric shapes and perimeter.
Students will practice decomposing and composing four digit numbers.
ELA Update
- Please have your child practice reading fluently..
- We will continue exploring informational texts about the parts of government.
- Students will create an opinion and support it about the government.
- Ask your child what they have learned about the branches of government.
Quarterly Reading Goal
Your child โs reading goal will be communicated with you by their teacher.
Math Home Connection
4th Grade- Mrs. Knight, Ms. Hager, Miss Murillo, Ms. Albright
We are now working on Module 7 which is measurement conversions. We will be exploring measurement with multiplication. The students will complete measurement with conversion tables, problem solving with measurement, and investigation of measurements expressed as mixed numbers.
ELA Update
We are now on our last unit and module of ELA. We are working on Unit 4 Module B. In this module students will read informational texts and literary texts. The topic of our reading is still money which will connect greatly to Social Studies. For this module's writing piece students will choose an innovation that they feel has had the greatest impact on people's daily lives. They will state and support their opinion using facts and details.
Quarterly Reading Goal
2 book reports (genre, projects, & due date differ per teacher)
Math Home Connection
5th Grade- Mrs. Botello, Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Juel, Mrs. Finch
Module 6
Coordinate grid system
Reviewing 5th Grade Standards
ELA Update
In the month of May, we will be working with informational and fictional text regarding exploration in texts such as Explorers: Triumphs and Troubles and Pedroโs Journal. For writing, students will be asked to write opinion pieces based on positive and negative aspects of exploration to coincide with the texts read in class.
Quarterly Reading Goal
One fiction book report
One nonfiction book report
One personal choice book report
Math Home Connection
Music- Miss Corwin and Mrs. Bennett
1st-5th Grade: Based on what your child enjoyed musically this year, what would they like to do musically in the future?
Physical Education- Coach Burkhard and Coach Applegate
Library- Mrs. Fairbank
Keep reading this summer and check out the Dodge City Public Library Summer Reading Program!
Student Support Services- Ms. Alarcon
Hello Ross Families,
To wrap up the school year, we will review the skills we learned and discuss the importance of summer safety. Continue to practice the skills you gained this year. Have a great summer, Rhinos.
Below is a list of books you can read with your child that focuses on topics they have learned this year.
- Little Spot of Kindness
- Itโs Not Fair
- Clark the Shark
- The Color Monster
- Sour Grape
- The Empty Pot
- Jabari Jumps
Feel free to contact me if I can assist your family in any way.
Alarcon.erica@usd443.org or via Talking Points.
-Ms. Alarcon
School Psychologist- Mrs. Millershaski
Summer Activities For The WHOLE Family
- Picnics
- Scavenger Hunts
- Backyard Camping
- Decorate Rocks
- Sidewalk Chalk
- Build a Blanket Fort
- Go to the Library
- Go Fishing
- Visit the Zoo
- Make Homemade Popsicles
- Make Homemade Playdough
- Water Balloon Fight
- Plant a Garden