Davis Richmond E-news
February 29, 2024
Important Reminders
PTO News
Thank you for your support of a very successful Adult Trivia Night, which raised over $3200 for the PTO.
Please Help our Schools!!
Davis Richmond Families, we’re working together to help our school reach our goal of $20,000 for the direct support of the integration of impactful SEL, academic materials, and experiences (such as author visits, field trips, etc.) into our schools.
Davis Richmond students are having a great time discovering how to live with character as part of our fundraising activities. Make sure to ask your student what they learned in the World Changer Workshop today! Students at both schools are participating in character-building SEL programs leading up to an all-school Dance Fit event, held during the school day on March 7 (Davis) and March 8 (Richmond).
As we approach our event days on 03/07 & 03/08, we would love to see all students registered on MyBooster.com. It’s easy and free! Once you register, here are a few things you can do:
👋Give a donation if you are able to (all students will fully participate regardless of financial participation).
⬆️ Double Your Donation. After giving your donation, you can see if your employer will match your donation.
🌎 Share Button. Use easy templates to get the word out to family and friends about how they can support our school. Every share earns you entries into our Disney Grand Prize Giveaway!
⭐ Student Star Video. Upload a photo of your student to MYBOOSTER.COM to create a fun video starring your student WITH YouTube Trick-Shot Stars 🏀 Dude Perfect! 🏀 Share this on Facebook or via email or text to easily ask for a donation.
Click here to head to MYBOOSTER.COM and spread the word today!
Thanks for your support, Davis & Richmond families!
Interested in taking over the talent show for this year? We are looking for a team of 4-5 to organize and put on the 2024 talent show in April. If interested, please contact Melissa at motmmelissa@gmail.com
All Badger Ombre brand tees, hoodies and shorts are on clearance! Save 50%! Supplies are limited, so act fast! Shop by clicking here: https://1stplace.sale/31519
Looking to get PTO information?
- Make sure you like the Davis Richmond PTO on Facebook today!
- Check out our new Website DavisRichmondPTO.com for the latest PTO news.
District News
5-Essentials for PARENTS
- Parents, please take the opportunity to submit your feedback by completing the 5essentials survey for D303. The Parent Survey is open from January 23, 2024, through March 29, 2024. All responses are confidential and will never be connected to you or your child. To take the survey, visit survey.5-essentials.org/Illinois and select the parent survey. A supplemental report will also be generated if at least 20 percent of a school’s parents complete the survey. Thank you!
The District 303 Board has approved boundary maps for elementary, middle, and high schools. Maps are effective with the 2024-2025 school year beginning this fall. The Board's decision completes a process that began last fall to reduce school overcrowding and help to ensure equitable learning experiences across the District. District 303 had contracted with demographer RSP & Associates to create concept maps based on Board-approved guiding principles and community feedback. Please see the parent notice from Superintendent Gordon to learn more and review the approved maps.
Davis Primary
Family Learning Night - March 7th
Davis welcome families to a fun Hawaiian themed family learning night at Davis on Thursday, March 7th 5:30-7:00 PM. Please mark your calendars and join us for an evening of read-alouds, crafts, music, beach games, math games, hula dancing, family photo op, and more! Be sure to wear your Hawaiian shirts, grass skirts, sunglasses, hats, and bring a beach towel for lounging with a good book in our Cool Out Cove! Families will be greeted with a passport and a lei upon arrival to Destination Davis!
One Book One School
Aloha! This winter, Davis will be embarking on a special project, an all school reading initiative called One School, One Book. Every student will receive a copy of the book High Tide in Hawaii by Mary Pope Osborne. We are encouraging everyone in the Davis community to follow the same reading schedule each night and read along with your family’s copy of the book.
What is One Book, One School?
One School, One Book is a shared reading experience for the entire school. Each Davis family and classroom will receive a copy of the book, along with a reading calendar bookmark. We hope to get all families reading the same book at the same time. We aim to build a community of readers at our school.
What do I need to know?
On Thursday, February 29, we will read chapter one to your student’s class. That day, your child will bring home a copy of the book and the reading schedule. Chapter 2 will be read that night.
While we encourage your family to read each night together at home, we know that this isn’t always possible. If you are not able to read as a family, the daily readings will be posted on the Davis One School, One Book website read by a different member of our staff. This provides students the opportunity to participate in the reading in the event that reading aloud as a family is difficult.
We plan to celebrate our shared reading experience together at school on March 7 at our Family Reading Night. We are planning a fun-filled, tropical themed night to celebrate our love of reading and a successful One School, One Book program!
We are looking forward to sharing this experience with our Davis families. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our LRC Director, Mrs. Bradley, melissa.bradley@d303.org.
Please - No PETS at SCHOOL
We love our pets and young children love them even more! We ask that you refrain from bringing pets onto school property when students are present. If you walk with your pet to pick up or drop off your child, please identify a meeting space off of school property. Thank you for your cooperation.
WatchDOGS Needed!
We are grateful for all of the men who have volunteered on Fridays to spend lunch and recess with our students by being "Watch DOGS." However, there are many Fridays open during Feb, March and April that have no one signed up to volunteer. Please read over this information and sign up for WatchDOGS!! Men who have already volunteered this fall, are now welcome to sign up for a 2nd date HERE. THANK YOU!!
Davis Primary School
Email: linda.jezek@d303.org
Website: dav-ric.d303.org
Location: 1125 S 7th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2200
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DavRic.D303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303
Richmond Intermediate
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found is busting at the seams! Please have your child label his/her lunchbox, coat and sweatshirts so that if they do become lost we can get them back to them! Also, if you are in the building for conferences or just want to stop by in the afternoon of 2/29 or on 3/1 our offices are open to check out our lost and found!
ISA (5th grade) and IAR (3rd-5th grade)
- Students in grades 3 through 8 will be taking state tests in English/Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics between April 1 and April 18. This is the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR)
- Students in grades 5, 8, and 11 are taking the Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) between March 4 and March 22nd. The Illinois Science Standards are based on the NGSS standards, and the ISA is designed to measure against those standards. Click HERE for a detailed letter on these assessments. Your child’s classroom teacher will communicate specific testing dates/times.
Cereal Drive for Northern Illinois Food Bank
February 26 - March 8
Richmond Intermediate’s Student Council will be sponsoring a cereal drive for the Northern Illinois Food Bank from February 26 - March 8. Students are encouraged to bring in unopened boxes of cereal that will be donated to the food bank.
Fifth-grade classes will be attending the Human Growth and development presentation on Friday, March, 8th. The presentation consists of a narrated PowerPoint, including a short video, and time to submit questions. The school nurses will review the questions and return answers to students within the week. Boys and girls programs are similar in content but will be presented and facilitated separately. A letter will be sent to 5th-grade parents with more details via their classroom e-news. As a parent, you have the right to request that your child not participate in this presentation. If after reviewing the information you would prefer your child not participate, please submit a written letter to the principal byMarch 1, 2024, at lisa.simoncelli-bulak@d303.org. If you have any questions about the presentation you may contact your building Certified School Nurse, leeanna.anzaldi@d303.org, or (331) 228-6681.
Richmond Intermediate School
Website: https://dav-ric.d303.org/
Location: 300 S 12th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2800
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DavRic.D303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303