Transition Plus
Be Brave, Be Bold, Be Awesome
Flu Shot Verification
If anyone needs a form for verification for the FLU shot Linda has the form to complete in the HEALTH OFFICE. People have asked for verification to add to Vitality for the points and or to send to their clinic for record keeping.
Staffing News
You will see several new staff in the building. Please take a moment to say hi and introduce yourselves and welcome them into our building.
Pamela joined us on November 1st.
Patricia and Devin are joining us today November 6th
Summyr is providing training support until Nov. 10th.
Codes for PD Day
---- You should enter 6 hours for regular time
---- If you were here from 8-3:30 please use the following codes for an additional 1hr of extended time
- Cost Center: 2380
- Fund: 1006
- Functional Area: 640.335.000
- Internal Fund: 190000021
End of the Quarter
Please remember to enter your grades in Gradebook by the end of the day today on Monday, November 6th! Instructions for entering grades are Here. Please remember TPlus courses are graded CR or NC.
If you have an IEP that has been in place for greater than 30 days you should be doing a progress summary report in addition to grades.
Student and Staff Surveys Coming Up
Please note that two different surveys will be coming up in November and early December.
One is the district-wide Student Survey, which all teachers need to have at least one of their classes complete. The other survey is the 5E (5 Essentials) Survey, which all students AND staff complete (it is about school climate).
Stay tuned for more details about our plan for these district-required surveys in the coming weeks and note that some class time will be needed for students to complete the surveys.
Implicit Biases
This is a test from Harvard
Food Service News!
Thanks to all of you for supporting our Coffee Plus business.
We've enjoyed making and selling baked good and our famous breakfast sandwiches.
This Wednesday we will attempt our second lunch. We will serve soup and bread with a bottle of water for $4.00. Lunch will be available from 11:30- 12:45. We will have gluten free and vegetarian options.
Counseling Corner
The next Accuplacer date here at TPlus will be Wednesday, November 15th. The sign up sheet is taped to the window outside Britt's office. Please note that this time around we will be offering the test 1st, 3rd, and 5th periods. This means the computer lab will be unavailable for the entire day on the 15th. I apologize in advance for the inconvenience.
MCTC has an updated course sequence chart which shows where students are placed in MCTC courses based on Accuplacer scores. Please see the attached document if you are interested.
Course Request Forms
Course request forms were placed in mailboxes last Friday. Each case manager should have received a stack of the new course request forms for full-time students and a stack of the old-school forms for use as needed. You also should also have received a document with a few course selection reminders.
Please mark your calendars as completed student course request forms are due back to Britt by Tuesday, November 21, the last day before Thanksgiving break. A calendar reminder was sent out last Friday for your convenience.
Spring Semester Scheduling
Believe it or not, it's time to start thinking about thinking about spring semester scheduling! The scheduling committee has developed the spring semester master schedule and this means the next step is getting student course registration sheets completed. Completed course request forms would then be due back to me by the end of the day on Tuesday, November 21st (the last school day before Thanksgiving break) to allow enough time for student schedules to be entered in the computer system.
There will be two different course request forms used for spring course registration this time around. One form is identical to the one used in the past and the other, new one is to be used with only full-time students who are here in the building Monday-Friday, periods 1-6. A draft of the new course request form for full-time students as well as a directions for the new form are attached. I will be placing physical copies of both course registration forms as well as the directions for the new form in mailboxes by this Friday. Please do not print and use the attached new form yet as it is still being finalized.
The spring semester deadline for PSEO is December 1st. Please let interested students know and/or send them to my office for more information or support filling out the application. Thank you!
Suicide Resources From Presentation on Thursday
Here are the links for warning signs, risk factors, resources, and references from the Suicide Awareness and Prevention PD on Thursday. Please see one of the presenters if you have questions. Thank you!
Risk Factors and Warning Signs: https://afsp.org/about-suicide/risk-factors-and-warning-signs/
RESOURCES for Families and Students
· TXT4LIFE – Provides texting crisis services via Canvas Health to youth in NE MN. Text LIFE to 61222.
· Crisis Connection 612-379-6363 (mental health phone crisis counsel)
· Crisis Textline: Text “HOME” to 741-741
· COPE (Community Outreach for Psychiatric Emergencies) - 18 years of age and older. 612-596-1223
· Hennepin County Children’s Crisis Services 612-348-2233
· National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
· United Way 211 -https://www.211unitedway.org/search-category/crisis-interventionhotlineshelplines/?Search=Suicide%20Prevention%20Hotlines
· Suicide Survivor support: https://save.org/who-we-are/
· www.nasp.org (National Association of School Psychologists)
· www.samhsa.gov (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
· www.namihelps.org (National Alliance on Mental Illness - Minnesota)
· www.sprc.org (Suicide Prevention Resource Center)
· http://education.state.mn.us/MDE/lic/lic/ (MN Dept of Education Licensing)
· https://www.revisor.mn.gov/rules/?id=8710.7200 (MN State licensing statute, rules)
· www.afsp.org (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention)
· http://prp.jasonfoundation.com/facts/youth-suicide-statistics/
· http://news.cornell.edu/stories/2012/12/self-injury-young-people-gateway-suicide
· https://save.org/who-we-are/
· http://www.health.state.mn.us/
· https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hestat/suicide/racial_and_gender_2009_2013.pdf
This week at T Plus
Tuesday ---------Team 2 Data Meeting- 8 am
Wednesday-----Team 3 data Meeting- 3:15pm
Thursday--------Team 1 Data Meeting- 8 am
----------------------SEL Cohort to Davis (the building will be short staffed)
Friday-------------PSWE meeting
----------------------ESP Meeting -(please get any agenda items to Daphne B by Thursday)