March Newsletter
March 2024
Principal's Post
Hello Wildcat Families,
We’d like to thank you for you participation and helping us with our fundraising for our Spring Book fair. Thanks you, we have raised over $3500. This money will be used to purchase new library books for our library. We have many outdated books that are old, torn, and falling apart. This will hopefully help us encourage more reading for our students.
We are also extremely excited to announce that our Rose Wildcat Soccer team won our Region 2 district playoffs. They will play for the Championship on Tuesday March 5, 2024 at 4:30pm at Santa Rita High School. Come cheer on our Wildcats!
Congratulations to the following classes for participating in our Love of Reading Door Decoration contest: 1st Place Ms. Castillo’s Class, 2nd Place Ms. Becker’s Class, and 3rd Place Ms. Baviche Class.
Registration is now open for the 2024-2025 school year. Please make sure to re-enroll your child for next school year. If you have any questions or need support with online registration, please contact the front office and speak to Marie.
As we near the end of the quarter, we would like to remind you that attendance continues to be important for our students. We need to make sure our students are at school and on time. Our 8th graders will take their Civics test. Once students begin their test, they must finish their testing session. Please make sure to schedule appointments after the school day. I would also like to remind our parents that signing out students early is really impacting all of our students especially our middle school students. Any time students arrive late and/or are signed out early this impact their learning and will also impact their grades. We can’t stress this enough. We want your child/ren to succeed academically, however they must be at school. Thank you.
Our spring break will begin Friday March 8th-March 17th. School resumes on March 18th (due to these dates, we had to modify and adjust our dress down days: March dress down days are as follows March 6th and March 27th).
On March 20th our teachers and staff have our Professional learning Day and there is no school for our students.
Testing Dates:
AzScience Testing for 5th and 8th will be March 21st and March 22nd
CoGat Testing for 7th Graders on March 21st and March 22nd
AASA Testing Window begins April 1st for 3rd -8th (The whole month of April we will have testing).
We will make sure you receive updated information and schedules for testing. Please help us encourage your child/ren by writing a note to wish them the best of luck on the testing. We also ask that you make sure they get a good nights rest, eat a healthy breakfast and come on time to school on their days of testing. We want them to try their best and put forth their best effort. The state test impacts their performance as well as our performance as a school. We believe in them and know that with your help, our students will shine!
Thank you.
Registration for 2024-2025
Register your student early to hold their spot!
Online registration is now OPEN. Please access your ParentVUE account and register your
student for the 2024-2025 School Year. Once your student is registered, we can begin
classroom placement.
Dress Down Days
March 6th
March 27th
- Must Be On Time (8:25)
- $1.00
- Follow Dress Code (No rip jeans and no spaghetti straps or tank top.)
Upcoming Events
March 1st: Ping Pong & Pizza with the Principal
March 5th: Cafecito with the Principal @ 9:30am
March 5th: Scooter Races - Best Classroom Attendance
March 7th: Benchmark Improvement Celebrations
March 8th: Grading Day - No School
March 11th-15th: Spring Break - No School
March 19th: Leader of the Month @ 1:30pm
March 20th: Professional Learning - No School
March 28th: Wildcat PTSA Meeting @ 5:30 pm
March 29th: Spring Holiday - No School
Soccer Schedule
Championship Game 4:30
March 5th @ Santa Rita High School
4:30 C.E. Rose vs. Dodge
$2.00 Entry Fee
Birthday Celebration
We will celebrate birthdays and special events the last Wednesday of every month. Celebrations will be between 1:00-1:30pm on Wednesdays. If your child has a birthday in that month and you would like to bring a healthy snack/treat/goodie bag. Please let us know before the celebration date so we can plan accordingly.
Birthday Celebration for this month will be:
March 27th
Habit 1
Habit 1- Be Proactive: I'm in charge!
I am responsible for myself.
I take initiative and have a "can-do" attitude.
I choose how I act, how I feel and what I do.
I do what is right without being asked, even when no one is looking.
C.E. Rose
Mrs. Carmona-Alday
Location: 710 West Michigan Drive, Tucson, AZ, USA
Phone: 520-908-4400