OLHMS Weekly 3/12/24
Tuesday's Top of the Mind Topics:
Did you know your input is extremely valuable for our continued partnership?
Parents, we need your help!! We would love to have 50% of our families take the 5Essentials survey! Scan the QR code above or use this LINK to help keep us informed! Currently, we are trailing at the school level in a D123 comparison! Please know that if you have a student at an elementary school and middle school, we also need your participation on the OLHMS survey!
Did you know that student arrival and dismissal for all student not utilizing the bus transportation takes place on Oak Center Dr. in the rear of the building?
Bus drop off and pick up take place in the main parking lot on 99th Street. All parent drop off for student entry in the morning and dismissal in the afternoon should take place on Oak Center Dr. in the rear of the building. As the weather shifts, determining a meeting location behind the building off of Oak Center Dr. is always a great option!
Did you know Class of 2024 Commencement will take place on June 4th at 7:00pm?
Our 8th grade scholars and parents have been given the information in this Parent Letter. Class of 2024 parents, remember the graduation fee deadline in April 5th! Please contact our Main Office if you have questions and make this payment via Skyward.
Student Entry and Dismissal Reminder
Mustang Families,
We greatly appreciated your input, please help us get at least 20% of our families to complete the 5 Essentials survey. We would love to surpass 50% of our families participating as a lofty goal! Congratulations to our OLHMS Concert Band, OLHMS Jazz Band and OLHMS Concert Chorus!! Our musicians all earned a Division 1 rating at their respective district competitions and will be headed to the state competitions next month!
Ramadan Begins: Ramadan is the ninth month of the lunar calendar. It is a holy month for Muslims. Every year, more than 1.5 billion Muslims around the globe observe the importance of the month of Ramadan. Muslim adults fast from sun rise to sun set for the entire month. Children might also fast some days or part of the day to join in. This time of the year is a time for reflection, devotion to God, and self-control. Everyone is encouraged to show even more good manners, kindness and generosity to those in need.
Main Parking Lot, Circle Drive and 99th Street: Students should not be dropped off in the morning or picked up during dismissal via the main parking lot while buses are present. Family drop off and pick up is done on Oak Center Dr. If family members are helping out, please let them know to use the rear of the building for drop off or pick up. As the weather continue to cooperate, please designate a pick up and drop off area or place for our scholars to meet you and avoid the congestion!
During drop off and dismissal, please do not pass cars in the circle drive without staff support. Please do not have students run across 99th street or Oak Center Dr. to be picked up without adult supervision. We want to make sure all of our students and families are kept safe. Please be patient and courteous! The rear doors (Oak Center Dr./ Circle Drive) will close at 8:35am and the rear doors will be closed at 3:30pm.
iFest: International Fest is a day dedicated to celebrating all of the unique and wonderful cultures around the world! We are very excited for our scholars to take part in this day on Mach 22nd! Congratulations and thank you to the more 90 student volunteers putting together interactive presentations for our entire school. Huge thank you to Ms. Maan for her leadership and organization of this event and Mrs. Petraitis and Ms. Ingle for their support and energy! We would love to see our entire school take part in the spirit days leading up to iFest! See the listing below!
PSTA Spirit Gear: We do have another opportunity to get your OLHMS gear for the spring! This is also a perfect opportunity for our next years 6th grade class to start sporting their soon-to-be school pride! Check out the flier below or use this LINK! The order deadline is April 18th!
Bus Transportation: We have all been feeling the challenge of late bus routes. We will continue to communicate as best we can as we receive the information from First Student Bus Company. We do know that First Student is currently experiencing some staffing challenges causing delays in the morning and afternoon with individual routes.
5 Essentials: We need your input! Please complete the annual parent survey so we can best support our learning environment and continue partnering with our families!
Our Community: Please be respectful of our neighbors around our school during arrival and dismissal. It is also important to remind our scholars about staying off community members property while waiting for a bus or walking home.
Early Dismissals: In the event that a student needs to be picked up early from school, please communicate with the main office as advisory teachers may not see our scholar based on their daily schedule.
Working Lunch: We have implemented a plan for scholars to finish work during lunch. Working lunch will be used to support work completion and behavioral reflection. Students assigned to working lunch will be given a bagged lunch if they did not bring one.
OLHMS BOE Alumni Video: We were honored last night to have the opportunity to present our D123 board of education and a packed crowd in the media center. We were able to feature our Band, Chorus and Performing Arts Department along with e-Sports and our Culinary Club.
Special thank you to Mrs. Lyons, Ms. Hughes and Mr.Kehl for all of their time and leadership as our Solo Ensemble and musicians continued to wow us with their talents and artistry.
Thank you to our e-Sports team, Mrs. McCarthy and Mrs. Reidl for celebrating and acknowledging the expansion of a newer program here and in our entire conference- Denny, Nathan and Ezekiel, well done!
We are also very appreciative of our Culinary Club under the direction of Mrs. Delejewski, our club sponsor and the support of Ellie, McKenzie and Makena three serving scholars who passed out some delicious chocolate covered treats! Thank you for helping to tell some of the untold truths of our amazing school experience!
iFest Spirit Days
PTSA OLHMS Spirit Gear
Class of 2024
Graduation Expectations
Our 8th grade scholars and parents have been given the information in this updated Parent Letter. These expectations have been discussed with scholars and families throughout the beginning of the year and sent home on multiple occasions. The end of year events for the Class of 2024 are detailed in this letter. Class of 2024 families make sure to send back the permission forms! Graduation this year is scheduled for June 4th at 7:00pm.
Class of 2024 parents, please be on the lookout for the Release of Records document/ signature needed to share information with high schools!
SELECT 123: In partnership with our D123 Ed Foundation, SELECT 123 is a prestigious group of scholars who embody aspects of our D123 mission and vision. This is our second year to acknowledge twenty three scholars who have not only demonstrated academic excellence, service and contributed to our community- they have each modeled expressions of perseverance, drive and integrity. These 23 leaders will be featured on our “Wall of Fame” for the entire 2024/ 2025 school year! More than being featured on a wall, we will expect this prestigious and unique group of alumni to remain connected to D123 and provide valuable insight for years to come! Our Class of 2024 began brainstorming their opportunity to apply as applications are live and be due April 12th!
If you missed Tuesday's meeting, join us at the next PTSA meeting on Tuesday, April 2nd at 6pm!
D123 PTA Council meeting is April 18th
Century Fundraiser packets went home with the students on 2/26/24 are due back on 3/14/24. Delivery is expected the week of 4/8 - 4/12/24. Questions: please email us at olhmsd123ptsa@gmail.com
6th, 7th, 8th grade Open Gym will be on 3/14, from 6-7:30pm. Cost: free for student PTSA members or $6.00 to signup for a student membership.
D123 PTA Council Open Gym Fundraiser will be held Thursday, March 28th, 1:30-2:30pm at Oak Lawn Raquet Ball Club. Cost is $10.00 per child. All proceeds benefit the Helen Whalen Scholarship for School District 123 High School Graduates. Please sign up online at: https://olhmsptsa.memberhub.com/store?limit=21&live=true
We are accepting nominations for the 2024-2025 PTSA Executive Board. Nomination forms will be sent home soon. If you are interested or know of someone who would be great for a position, please submit their name as a nominee.
8th Grade Graduation Lawn Signs are available for purchase online at: https://olhmsptsa.memberhub.com/store?limit=21&live=true
Please support our school with Box Tops. If you receive a paper receipt, a quick scan with the Box Tops app will identify participating products and automatically credit the school's earning online. Download the app and make every shopping trip count including purchases made online. Digital receipts are accepted as well. Use this referral code NXVB5P83 when you sign up and you’ll get 25 Bonus Box Tops when you scan your first receipt now through 05/31/2024, while supplies last. Use this link to download the Box Tops app: https://btfe.smart.link/c2jjdifkw?referral_code=NXVB5P83
Thank you for your time and support!
Christmas without Cancer Shoe Collection!
Service Learning Day Sock Drive
D123 PTA Council Open Gym
Looking Ahead
3/19/24: No School (Staff Institute)
3/20/24: Declamation
3/22/24: iFest
3/25-3/29: Spring Break
2023-24 School District Calendar
High School Happenings
Oak Lawn Community High School
Shadows and Tours held on Mondays from October 2023-May 2024. Registration is required.
Thinking about summer? We are! Chicago Christian High School Summer Camps are NOW OPEN! Camps are available for CCHS students and for younger students from any grade school. Please see the schedule below and note the tabs for high school camps and youth camps. Registration is at the link in the document. *A reminder that to attend a High School Camp, you must be a fully enrolled CCHS student.
2023 Viewbook: Learn what IMSA is all about! Our Application for the Academy is open!
IMSA Profile: Information about matriculation, courses, and colleges that our students attend
Shadow Days, Fridays at Marist! Registration Required.
Spring Open House - Tuesday, April 16th
Summer Camps - Registration is now live and can be found here.
We are excited to share with you an invitation to the Mother McAuley 7th grade Science Bowl. The Science Bowl will be for 7th grade girls and boys and will take place on Thursday, March 21, 2024.
The Science Bowl is a game style; a fast-paced question and answer format testing students’ knowledge on a range of science disciplines including biology, chemistry, earth science, physics and math.
See the following links for more information: Letter, Practice Questions, and Rules.
PreAp Morning Math Placement Test for 7th grade girls.
Providence Catholic High School