Miner Message
March 4th, 2024

Upcoming Events & Dates
Thursday, March 7th: PTO Meeting 5:30-6:30pm @ Miner
Saturday, March 9th: PTO Bowling Outing 2pm-4pm @ Arlington Bowl
Wednesday, March 13th: 8th Grade Picture Day
Thursday, March 14th: Miner Movie Night
Thursday, March 21st: Parent Registration Night 3:30-6:30pm @ Miner School
Monday, March 18th - March 22nd: Spring Break Spirit Week
Monday, March 25th - March 29th: No School - Spring Break!
Monday, April 1st: School Closed in observance of Easter
Tuesday, April 2nd: School Resumes - Students return from Spring Break
Next PTO Meeting - Thursday, March 7th: 5:30-6:30PM
Miner Families,
Our apologies for having to reschedule last week's PTO meeting. We have rescheduled it for this Thursday, March 7th from 5:30-6:30pm at Miner School. The meeting will be in person for all of you who are able to join us. Otherwise, we will have a Zoom link available for those who are not able to make it in person.
PTO Bowling Outing
Flyers went home regarding the PTO Bowling Outing. It will be Saturday, March 9th from 2PM-4PM at Arlington Lanes. Cost is $10 per bowler which includes two games and shoes. RSVP is needed by March 4th. Cash or check made payable to Miner PTO can be sent to school with your child or you can Zelle minerptopresident@gmail.com
Quick Updates
Miner Family Movie Night!
Family Movie Night at Miner has returned! Join us for a little family fun as Miner staff host a Movie Night on Thursday, March 14th from 6-7:30pm. Miner staff will be available to to hang out with the kiddos so the parents can connect with other Miner families in the conference room. We hope to see you there!
8th Grade Graduation Picture Day - Wednesday, March 13th
Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up on March 11th from 4:30-7:30. Your child's teacher will contact you to schedule a time for you to come in person or virtual to discuss what they have been working on at school. Remember, conferences are seen as an extension of a child's IEP meeting so the purpose is to discuss and review what your child is doing during the school day. Your child's related services team will also be available that evening should you want to meet with any of those staff members.
Staff Spotlight
Early Childhood Friend Visited the Office
Last week, we had a student in Mrs. Mueller's early childhood class take a visit to the front office to share his love for reading. Jess Nienheuser, one of our stellar speech pathologists, showed us how she is helping one of our 3 year old Miner Tigers access literacy at school. The possibilities are endless and that smile on this friend's captures the true essence of the joy that Miss Jess brings to Miner School! She is truly one of the best and we are so proud to have her a part of the Miner Family!
PTO Corner
PTO Meeting - Rescheduled
The next PTO meeting will be on Thursday, March 7th from 5:30-6:30pm at Miner School. We would love to see you in person, but understand if that is not possible. The Zoom link will be open for those to join if needed.
Thursday, Mar 7, 2024, 05:30 PM
Miner School, East Miner Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
PTO Updates
The PTO is hoping to organize a few Dine & Share events at local restaurants in the communities where Miner families reside. If you have any ideas of restaurants that would participate, please send them our way!
Miner Moms - Coffee dates will be on hold for the month of February. If there are any moms who would like to join the Miner Mom’s group at the NSSEO Foundation Bingo Night, please contact Erin Rohlena at ErinE683@gmail.com
We will be starting to work on getting donations for the Roll N’ Stroll. If you have any connections to businesses that would be willing to donate prizes for our raffle, please contact Michelle Manfredi at minerptopresident@gmail.com
Miner Student Gotchas!
Wrap Up
Information to Share?
Are you aware of any events or opportunities outside of school that might benefit some of our Miner students or families? If so, please share them with us! Please reach out to either tjeffrey@nsseo.org or dguza@nsseo.org to help spread the word. We’d love to share any information that might help to support opportunities or resources outside of Miner!
Important Dates
Thursday, March 7th: PTO Meeting 5:30-6:30pm @ Miner
Friday, March 8th: Wear RED - American Heart Association Heart Wellness Week
Saturday, March 9th: PTO Bowling Outing 2pm-4pm @ Arlington Bowl
Wednesday, March 13th: 8th Grade Picture Day
Thursday, March 14th: Miner Movie Night 6-7:30PM
Monday, March 18th - March 22nd: Spring Break Spirit Week
Monday, March 25th - March 29th: No School - Spring Break!
Monday, April 1st: School Closed in observance of Easter
Tuesday, April 2nd: School Resumes - Students return from Spring Break