The Panther Pride
March 28, 2024
Mission Statement
McMillen High School takes pride in preparing our diverse community of students in a safe and supportive environment to inspire them to be successful lifelong learners.
Vision Statement
Relationships. Relevance. Rigor.
Important Links
McMillen High School
Follow the McMillen High School Website to stay up to date on school information.
Parent Portal
Access parent portal to check your student's grades and attendance.
Social Media
Plano ISD Tip Line
Please use this tip line to report anything concerning. Help us keep our students safe.
Special Reminders for Parents
Do Not Use the Bus Lane for Pickup After School
Parents, please remember after school pick up is in the back parking lot only, NOT the bus lane. We appreciate your attention to our students' safety.
Students Must Wear IDs
Any student without an ID will have another one printed for them. They will be charged $5 for each ID badge that is replaced.
Next Week at McMillen
Check Athletics for athletic events (see below or use the table of contents to the left).
Counselor Information
Testing Information and Other News
Congratulations and Fun!
The PALS named Mr. Curry as teacher of the month for March! They admire him for being encouraging, kind-hearted, personable, creative and comical. We appreciate all you do Mr. Curry!
State Champs Social and Shirts!
The state championship shirts are for sell til Monday, April 1st. The store closes at 11:59 pm.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to get some gear to celebrate an unbelievable basketball season!!
On April 15th, there will be a big meet and greet FANFEST at Plano East Gym. Get your shirt or bring any other fan gear to get sign by your 40-0 STATE CHAMPIONSHIP boys basketball team and get pictures with your favorite players!!
Buy Panther Gear
See the QR code or click the image for a link to the site.
Support PTSA
PTSA Scholarship
Students!!!! It’s not too late to join PTSA for this school year!!! Student memberships are $15. Join by 3/31/24. All graduating seniors who were members of McMillen PTSA their freshman and sophomore years are eligible for one of our $500 scholarships!!!
Visit https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.mcmillenptsa.org&c=E,1,xSwC1EZHFM8U5jaWXL3MPWICaRVTE7SPEC5pHQQfMdi0-atbJ7ArasEkkzYKJgDSPLZ_BzWuPHChfDbiQSGUSLFhVRw4_nUvaL4IOPwSmWWe3UeCzXC1Eg,,&typo=1 for more info and to join.
Contact vpmembership@mcmillenptsa.org with any questions.
World Wear Bins
McMillen HS PTSA benefits as a result of the placement of a shoes and clothing donation bin at our school in the parking lot. We are paid by the pound for each pound of shoes, clothing, belts, purses, wallets, hats, caps, backpacks, hard toys and stuffed animals placed in our bin. Please help our PTSA raise funds for school projects, teacher training, new technology and to generally support the children who attend our school.
Learn more how you can make a difference and clean out your closets.
Spirit Wear
Please be sure to join the McMillen PTSA
Follow this link: https://mcmillenhsptsa.membershiptoolkit.com/worldwear
Community News
Check out the Plano East Senior High School CTE Newsletter. Click on the button below to read the .pdf.