Galileo Gazette
April 2024
Important Dates
1-5--NJHS Pet Supply Drive (See below)
11-- Staff Appreciation (See PTO section below)
13-- Botball Tournament (See below - Volunteers needed!)
26-- 1st grade music program, 3pm
29-- Field Day t-shirt order DUE (See below)
2- Elementary Star Wars Event
13-17- Elementary Bike Rodeo
14- Band and Orchestra Concert
23- Field Day
24- Last Day of School
NJHS Pet Supply Drive
Galileo's National Junior Honor Society is hosting a pet drive to donate any and all pet items (food, toys, collars, leashes, etc.) to Hand and Paw in Star, ID. Hand and Paw's Mission is to keep animals out of shelters and with loving owners by providing life-saving food, supplies, and special grants for emergency veterinary care.
The drive will be this week, Tuesday, April 2 - Friday, April 5th.
Donation bins will be located in the elementary and middle school hallways.
They would appreciate any and all donations. Thank you!
Regional Botball Tournament @ Galileo!! April 13th
Galileo is hosting the Idaho Regional Botball Tournament and Jr. Botball Challenge Day on Saturday, April 13th starting at 9 AM. Our Botball teams will be competing with robotics teams across Idaho in this year's game: Moonbase Mission. In addition to developing coding and robotics knowledge, our teams learn leadership, groupwork and collaboration skills. The competitive Botball teams have been working hard to design, build, and code their robots along with completing the required online submission and onsite presentation for this tournament.
If you have a 3rd grade student or older who is interested in joining our after-school robotics program next year, please consider attending the tournament on Saturday, April 13th.
If you are interested in volunteering for this tournament, please see the link below.
If you would like to donate to Galileo's robotics team to help us travel to North Carolina this July for the Global Conference for Educational Robotics (GCER) please contact Gina Kwid, Stacie Knight, or Beth Bivens for more information.
Buy your child's Field Day Shirt for our May 23rd event!
Shirt orders help fund this event.
8 awesome shirt colors to choose from!
Deadline to order is April 29.
Don't miss out! Order now by clicking on the link below.
Click on the flyer to ORDER YOUR YEARBOOK!
West Ada Orchestra Festival
On March 12, the Galileo 7/8 orchestra traveled to Mountain View High School for the WestAda orchestra festival. They performed for the other WestAda middle school orchestras and worked with Clinician Phillip Kettler; Principal Cellist of the Boise Philharmonic, cellist of the Langroise Trio, and Lecturer/Artist-in-Residence at the College of Idaho. We are so proud of our students for their courage to perform in front of their WestAda peers, their professional and considerate behavior while listening to the other schools, and their fantastic representation of our students at Galileo.
Middle School Pi Day
Middle School Pi day celebration was on Thursday, March 14th! Students enjoyed eating pie and reciting the most digits of Mathematical Pi.
Winners of reciting the most digits of Pi:
Grade 6: Casey Magnuson (102 digits)
Grade 7: Kendall Carter (150 digits)
Grade 8: Chloe Hamilton (146 digits)
Galileo PTO Info
CONNECT with the PTO
Galileo Parents & Teachers – you are invited to attend the last full meeting of this school year on April 2nd @ 11:40 am - 12:50 pm.
What’s next? The PTO needs more volunteers! Please email galileostempto@gmail.com to volunteer in a formal or informal capacity. We will soon be organizing for next year and filling open board and committee positions. Join this amazing group of parents enriching the student, teacher, staff, and community experience at Galileo!
~Upcoming Events~
Thursday, April 11th * Get ready for our upcoming staff appreciation event - a build your own salad bar! April is a particularly busy month for our staff and teachers as iSat testing begins. Please click here to see how you can help!
MIDDLE SCHOOL EVENT Luau Sponsored by the Student Council
Thursday, April 11th * Pizza will be provided. IF YOUR STUDENT HAS AN ALLERGY THAT PREVENTS THEM FROM EATING COSTCO PIZZA, PLEASE EMAIL THE MIDDLE SCHOOL PTO TEAM AT GalileoPTOmiddleschool@gmail.com. Please check back for more details and to sign up to volunteer.
Visit our Galileo PTO website, read the posts, check the calendar, sign up to be notified when new stories come out!
Closed Campus for Safety
Lost and Found
Improve your soccer skills during this 3-day middle school camp coached by the head boys and girls soccer coaches at Eagle High School, Austin Rogerson and Tristen Spooner, and high school players. July 29-31! This is for those who will be entering into 6th - 8th grade during the 2024-2025 school year. GO MUSTANGS! Click this link to sign register.
Improve your soccer skills during this 4-day Mini Mustang Camp coached by the girls head soccer coach at Eagle High School, Tristen Spooner, and high school players. June 17-20! This is for those who will be entering into K-5th grade during the 2024-2025 school year. GO MUSTANGS! Click this link to sign register.
Why do we only have a set number of cars unloading at morning drop off?
The answer to this question is due to the distance between the stop sign on Saguaro Drive and the crosswalk. If more cars are in the que than the distance allows, we have a back up which will put cars into the crosswalk and slows traffic flow. Thanks for your understanding and for following the guidance of our duties.
Please Close Gate
In an effort to keep our students safe and our campus secure, we ask that you please close the gate behind you when you enter the school grounds using the walking path.
Thank you.
No Parking Zone
Arrival and Dismissal Times
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.
(Students may arrive beginning at 8:45 am)
9:05 am – First bell
9:10 am – Tardy bell
3:55 pm – Dismissal bell
(Students may arrive beginning at 9:00 am)
9:20 am – First bell
9:25 am – Tardy bell
3:55 pm – Dismissal bell
Students are not to be dropped off prior to these times as there is no supervision for students until the times designated.
Reporting Student Absences
Attendance Line
(208) 350-4106
Please call the attendance line before 9:30am if your child will be absent for any reason, or will be late to school. Please state your child’s name, teacher and reason for absence. If you are planning a vacation and your student will be absent three or more days please fill out the notification of absence form found here. This form does not excuse the absences, but will help keep everyone informed.
Secretary - Jennifer Damiano - damiano.jennifer@westada.org
Assistant Secretary - Angela Meyers - meyers.angela@westada.org
Safe School Assistant - Melissa Dahlen - dahlen.melissa@westada.org
Health Tech - Chrystalyn Coulter - coulter.chrystalyn@westada.org
Website: https://www.westada.org/o/galileo
Location: 4735 West Saguaro Drive Eagle, Idaho 83616
Phone: 208-350-4105