Monday Notes
March 4th, 2024

Advocacy Challenge
Take ten minutes this week and participate in this week's Advocacy Challenge!
- Reach out to a colleague to offer support
All-State Planning
Just a reminder that audition information along with ensemble programs will be posted the first week of April. Make sure to share this information with your students so they can begin preparing.
Summer Music Educators Workshop
Don't forget to register for the Summer Music Educators Workshop to be held on July 13th in the Albuquerque area. This is always a great event and a great way to prepare to return for the fall semester.
District Spring Meetings
Make plans now to attend your district spring meeting to plan for next year as well as nominate and vote on NMMEA award nominees.
Award Nominations
Start thinking of names to nominate for NMMEA awards and then nominate them at your district meeting.
Jason Kelce
I bet you never thought you would see that name in an NMMEA Monday Notes! Click below and see him thank his band director. As music teachers we sometimes need reminded that we are changing lives each and every day. Keep up the great work!
UNM Summer Music Institute
Share the flier below with any advanced string players (age 15-25) who might be interested in participating in the annual UNM Summer Music Institute. What a great summer opportunity!