Wolf Notes
April 2024
April 10th: Testing Day (11th grade) and Remote Learning Day (9th, 10th, and 12th grades)
Santa Fe Juniors will be taking the ACT Test on Wednesday, April 10, 2024. To help make the ACT Test a positive experience for Juniors, we need lots of help from teachers and staff. By making April 10th a remote learning day for Freshman, Sophomore, and Senior students, it allows the campus to be available for Juniors to test at school free from the distractions of a normal school day. Bus transportation, breakfast, and lunch will still be provided for Juniors. Following the ACT Test, Junior students will transition to a remote learning day for the rest of the afternoon. Junior students may leave campus following the test or they may stay and work in a study hall environment until 2:55 pm when buses run their normal routes.
For all students, please remember that all assignments assigned on a remote learning day are not due until two days later, so all work assigned for Wednesday, April 10th will be due on Friday, April 12th.
Graduation (Class of 2024)
Santa Fe's Graduation Ceremony will be on Friday, May 17th at 7:30 PM at our Football Stadium. Gates will open to families at 6:00 pm. There is a Senior Class Meeting on April 2nd to talk about plans for Graduation. After that meeting, an email will be sent to Seniors and Senior Parents/Guardians with the same information discussed in the meeting.
Santa Fe Stadium seats 5800 individuals. With over 600 graduates, that means that we can only guarantee seating for up to 9 attendees from each family and not go over capacity in the seating areas (to meet fire code guidelines). There will also be a live stream available in our school's auditorium to accommodate large families (more than 9) and families wishing a climate-controlled/easy access location for family members requiring handicap accessibility (since handicap seating in the stadium fills quickly). This way, family members can still be at the event and see the graduate in-person following the program.
Please note that we will have parking monitors directing vehicles on campus in order to fill all designated parking spots. We will not be using the grassy areas or driving lanes for overflow parking. Also, the Santa Fe Avenue Entrance/Exit will be closed to the public during the event. It is being used by Emergency and District Vehicles as a point of entry and exit.
Thank you for helping us follow the above plans for Graduation! We want it to be a wonderful event for our graduates and their families!
Semester Tests (May 22 and May 23)
Semester Tests will take place on Wednesday, May 22nd and Thursday, May 23rd. On May 22nd, tests will take place for Hours 1, 3, 5, 7. On May 23rd, Tests will take place for Hours 2, 4, 6, 7.
Juniors can earn exemptions for two tests and Seniors can earn exemptions for some or all tests based on attendance and grades. At the beginning of May, we will begin communicating with Juniors and Seniors about where they stand in terms of earning exemptions for Semester Tests.
The Semester Test Daily Schedule will be shared in the May Wolf Notes.
Regular School Schedule on Eclipse Day (April 8th)
On Monday, April 8th, Santa Fe will be having classes as regular and not scheduling any school events related to the eclipse. If you would like for your student to participate in an off-campus activity in the local community, please contact the attendance office to check your student out during that time. If you or your student are participating in an Eclipse Event, please take every step to protect your vision with certified vision glasses approved for the Eclipse.
Spring Information
- Freshman and Sophomore Students cannot leave campus during lunch.
- Sophomore students who recently began driving cannot leave campus during lunch.
- Many teachers are flexible in helping students catch up on missing and make-up work. Students should check with their teachers to see when those upcoming deadlines are to turn in missing and make-up work.
- Students should refer to the dress code (p. 14-16 in the Student Handbook) as the weather gets warmer so that they can stay in compliance with district rules. Headgear (including hats and stocking caps) may not be worn in school buildings. Also, a hoodie may not cover a student's head or ears (so that we can insure that ear buds are not being worn during class time). According to the dress code, shirts should come down to the waist level of the student.
- Our state requires that a student must be in attendance for 90% of the semester in order to receive credit in a class. That means that the student should not have more than nine total absences in a class during the semester. Also, three tardies equal one absence, so being late to school or late back from lunch or just late in general can have a negative impact on students receiving credit for their classes.
- Chronic Absenteeism is missing more than 10% of the school days for any reason (not counting school activities). Please help by ensuring that your student does not have more than 17 total absences for the school year.
- Thank you for contacting us to verify when your student is absent for illness, medical, family emergency, judicial, religious, or some other reason. The state no longer categorizes absences as excused or unexcused. We are asked to code as many absences as possible with a specific reason.
Wolf Happenings
- Congratulations to almost 300 10th and 11th grade students who were recently inducted into National Honor Society! Also, congratulations to the 127 Seniors who will be graduating in May as members of National Honor Society!
- Congratulations to our performing arts students who participated in the Musical West Side Story ! It was an excellent show with lots of positive feedback from those in attendance!
- Congratulations to our Career Education Students in DECA, FCCLA, BPA, TSA, and FFA for their success in numerous competitions so far this school year! Best wishes in upcoming competitions!
- Best wishes to our Speech, Debate, and Competitive Drama students who will be competing in State competition April 11-13.
- Best wishes to our Special Olympics Athletes as they compete in Softball at Hall of Fame Stadium on April 3rd and Track/Field on April 4th at Putnam City HS.