The Panther
Patrick Henry Middle School
Mission: To educate and prepare each student to succeed in a changing world.
Newsletter Date:
April 1, 2024
Upcoming dates:
April 1st -No School
April 10th and 11th- SD Math Assessment
April 17th and 18th- SD ELA Assessment
April 12th- Band Concert @ LHS
April 19th- Panther Party
April 26th- Student of the Month & Band Concert- 7pm
April 30th- Orchestra Concert
Principal's Corner
Dear Patrick Henry Middle School Parent or Guardian:
On April 10th - 11th and April 17th - 18th, students in 6th through 8th grades will take the state assessment in Mathematics and English Language Arts. Students in 8th grade will take the state assessment in Science during science class on April 24th and 25th. The purpose of this letter is to help in your understanding of the assessment, as well as providing a few ideas for improving your child’s preparedness.
The assessments measure student achievement of our state’s standards in the areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science. In addition, score reports will provide information on student performance in the following areas:
o English: Reading, writing, listening, & research
o Math: Concepts and procedures; problem-solving and modeling/data analysis; & communicating reasoning
o Science: physical science, life science, and earth & space science
The assessments are given through an online computer application and are unique in the way they adapt to a student’s question responses. This is important as it provides questions that are appropriate for your child’s level of learning. As a result, each student has the same opportunity to succeed and maintain a positive attitude towards testing. These assessments are not timed; however, we provide the following times as estimates of assessment duration: (a) English – 3.5 hours, (b) Math – 3 hours and (c) Science – 1.5 hours.
Student grades will not be impacted by their performance on this assessment, however the assessment does serve as a way for the school to analyze how well we are helping students meet the standards. Shortly after the testing period is complete, you will receive a report showing your child’s scores.
There is no need to study in preparation for the assessments. We do, however, ask that students try their best and get plenty of rest the night before testing. It is important for students to come to school on test days. Assessment are required, therefore making up a missed assessment leads to less instructional time and a loss of important learning opportunities.
This testing is very important for your child, Patrick Henry Middle School, and the Sioux Falls School District. Thank you for supporting your child and our school during this assessment period. Please contact us if you have any questions. We know that Patrick Henry Middle School’s students will help us to understand the great strides our students have taken in meeting our school and state standards in learning!
Mr. Noll
Patrick Henry Assistant Principal
PTO Panther Party Info Below
Sign up to come to the Panther Party on Friday, April 19 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. There will be a DJ with fun challenges, BINGO, Gaga Ball, Volleyball, Photo Booth, Pizza, soda, chips, and treats!
This event is FREE, but students MUST BE signed up to attend. Use the following link_________ (You will need to get this link from Mrs. Shaping. I tried to copy it but I do not have permission to access)
If you would like to volunteer to help the night of the party or donate some party supplies, use the following link We appreciate your help!
Yearbook Sales
Yearbooks are no longer available to order online but they can be purchased in school the last couple days of school. Price is $20.00
If your child is going to be absent, please call the school (367-7639) prior to 8:40am. An absence must be reported either by note or phone in the day of the absence, or before if you know ahead of time. Absences can also be reported via voice mail outside of regular office hours. Students leaving during the day need to pick up a pass in the office by 9:00am and also check out with a parent/guardian at the office when leaving. If they come back during the school day, a pass from the front office needs to be issued in order for them to get back into the classroom. Student safety is the main concern and this procedure provides another check on a student’s absence.
Headed for middle school?
Join us this summer and get a
Running Start
Patrick Henry Middle School is providing a summer program designed especially for incoming sixth graders.
Our four-day session will help your child gain confidence for the middle school transition. Students will:
ü Find out about the middle school concept - teams
ü Learn middle school rules and expectations
ü Learn their way around the building (in a stress-free summer setting)
ü Tour the school library, get helpful tips on how to do research
at the middle school level
ü Meet the office and administrative staff
ü Enjoy team-building activities and make new friends
ü Practice opening combination lockers
ü Tour the cafeteria, get familiar with lunchtime logistics
Session I: Monday through Thursday, 8:00 to 11:30 July 8-11
Session 2: Monday through Thursday, 12:30 to 4:00 July 8-11
Session 3: Monday through Thursday, 8:00 to 11:30 July 15-18
Session 4: Monday through Thursday, 12:30 to 4:00 July 15-18
Session 5: Monday through Thursday, 8:00 to 11:30 July 22-25
Session 6: Monday through Thursday, 12:30 to 4:00 July 22-25
Cost: $60.00
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6
(circle one choice)
Student Name _______________________________________________________________
School Attended in fifth grade _________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name_______________________________________________________
Address________________________________________ Home Phone_____________
Cell Phone __________________ Other Phone __________________
Return $60.00 payment to: Patrick Henry Middle School
2200 S. 5th Ave.
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Congratulations March Students of the Month!
Each student selected was invited to celebrate in the library during their pro time on March 21st.
Counselors Corner
We have three fantastic school counselors at Patrick Henry! Please click on the "Counselor Corner" button below to view the counselor's newsletter for this month that houses many helpful resources, social, emotional learning information and much more. This information is provided to help both students and parents navigate the middle school years!
Mrs. Briana Nelsen - 6th Grade
Mrs. Chelsea Timm - 7th Grade
Ms. Hannah Serck - 8th Grade
You can also access the counseling website by clicking the link right next to our counseling phone number!
Phone: (605) 367-8443
Child Nutrition
Lincoln Band Fundraiser
Student Attendance
If your child is going to be absent, please call the school (367-7639) prior to 8:40am. An absence must be reported either by note or phone in the day of the absence, or before if you know ahead of time. Absences can also be reported via voicemail outside of regular office hours. Students leaving during the day need to pick up a pass in the office by 9:00am and also check out with a parent/guardian at the office when leaving. If they come back during the school day, a pass from the front office needs to be issued in order for them to get back into the classroom.
After attendance is taken each morning, an automated call will go out to any family who has not notified the school regarding a student’s absence. Student safety is the main concern and this procedure provides another check on a student’s absence.
Greetings from the Library!
Patrick Henry students and staff did their part in the citywide reading promotion: Let's Make a Splash; Everybody Reads by reading a total of 526 books between March 1-22! Thank you to all that participated and filled out a raindrop for our library display.
Before we know it, we'll be wrapping up the school year. All library books will be due on May 10. We will be sending out the overdue email notices more frequently, so please remind your student about their overdue books when you get them. However, middle school students sometimes forget things, so please be patient with them if you do get another overdue notice. The email notifications will stop once the book has been checked in.
Chorus News
Band News
Orchestra News
Student Council
Contact us
Location: 2200 South 5th Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
Phone: 605-367-7639
Twitter: @PanthersSF