LASD Board Highlights
May 6 Board Meeting
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Board Meeting Video
Egan Junior High Presentation: Taiwanese Delegation and AVID
Taiwanese Delegation
The Egan Junior High School Mandarin program was selected to host a delegation of Taiwanese students and educators. The experience hosting the group was incredibly impactful and memorable for our Egan students studying Mandarin, who spoke at the Board meeting about their impressions.
One student stated: “The two days we spent were very valuable. I get to learn a lot about the differences between education in Taiwan and the US. The Taiwanese students, I thought, were very respectful.”
Another student reported that although the student he was paired with didn’t speak much English, they used their phones and other ways to communicate with one another. They chatted for an hour after school via google translate and it was a very rewarding experience.
One student explained the personal connection they were able to make with their buddy, “This was a valuable experience to get to know my student. My buddy was very open and funny. We connected better than I originally thought. I may have shed a few tears when he left.”
AVID Program
The Advancement Via Individual Determination, or AVID program's mission is to close the opportunity gap by preparing all students for college and career readiness and success in a global society.
The program focuses on multiple strategies to prepare students for success in junior high school and beyond, including focused-note taking, writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and rigor (WICOR) framework to be well-rounded academically.
Students shared their experiences in the AVID program, explaining how it helped them prepare for the high school AVID program interview. We're thrilled to report that out of the 16 students that applied, 11 got into the AVID program in high school. Students in the AVID high school program will be pursuing Honors Classes and most of them will be first generation college students.
Survey Finds Support for School Upgrades and Repairs
In March, EMC Research conducted a survey of local registered voters on behalf of LASD to determine the feasibility of a bond measure to repair and upgrade local schools. The survey determined support for a bond measure at the 55% threshold needed for passage in order to repair and update existing schools and construct a 10th campus.
The survey found adequate support for the projects the LASD Board is considering to upgrade its aging schools; fix leaky roofs, and windows; enhance science, technology, engineering, and math classrooms and labs; relieve overcrowding at the junior high schools by constructing a school at the 10th site; and modernize aging heating, plumbing and electrical systems.
LASD & Bullis Charter School Discussions
By law, LASD is required to provide school facilities for Bullis Charter School (BCS) students who reside within LASD boundaries. With 10 schools on 9 sites, over the years this has resulted in significant encroachments on the Blach and Egan school campuses, with resulting impacts on the operations of those schools. LASD has been working diligently towards a solution to the challenges of school site sharing that will protect its high quality academic model.
Board members Jessica Speiser and Vaishali Sirkay provided an update for the Board and community regarding their meeting with representatives from Bullis Charter School around a long-term facilities solution to house the charter school.
Trustee Speiser stated that she and Trustee Sirkay continue to advocate the majority position of the LASD Board of Trustees that all BCS students be placed at the 10th site once it is completed. She explained the LASD Board's majority position that the best solution for the entire community would be for BCS to cap its enrollment at 900 students, move to the 10th site, and include a neighborhood preference in its enrollment process for students who reside nearby.
They mentioned that the LASD Board would be considering a design-build contract for the 10th site later in the meeting. They suggested to BCS that the sooner there is an agreement in place to move BCS to the 10th site, the charter school would be able to provide input on the design of its future school site.
For more information, please check out the board meeting video.
Board Approves Design Build Contract for 10th Site
The Board approved a contract with Blach Construction to design and begin construction of the school at the 10th site, once the CEQA process is completed. For more information, please check out our online agenda.
Next Meeting of the Board of Trustees
The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is on Monday, May 20 at 7:00pm. Los Altos School District Board of Trustees meetings are open to the public at 201 Covington Road, Los Altos in our Board Room. To attend meetings remotely, please visit our Board web page and use the provided Zoom link.
If you would like to stay updated regarding upcoming Board meetings, please email mbirnie@lasdschools.org, providing your name, email address and a request to be added to the email list for Brown Act updates, including upcoming meetings and agendas.
Los Altos School District
Website: www.lasdschools.org
Location: 201 Covington Road
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LASDK8/