Cardinal Counseling Connection
April 2024
Hello Spring!
Self Care Plan For Young Children
Spirit: Nature, Meditate, Help others, Sing, Mindfulness, and Dance.
Body: Drink Water, Relaxation, Deep Breathing, Eat Healthy, and Exercise.
Heart: Cuddle with your pet, Have fun, Laugh, Friends, Family,
Dates To Remember
April 15- Purple Up Day
April 26- Battle of the Flowers No School
April 10- Early Dismissal
Purple Up Day April 15, 2024!
Child Abuse Month
Activities You can do at home!
How many of these activities can you do in a week?
* Jump Rope
* Build a Fort
* Play "Hide and Seek" *
* Pull weeds
* Kick a ball
* Make a rainbow with a hose
* Ride a bike
* Head out on a treasure hunt
* Throw a frisbee
* Swing your hips on a hula hoop
* Play hopscotch
* Read a book outside
* Enjoy breakfast outside
* Run under the sprinkler
* Toast marshmallows
* Make S'mores
* Paint Rocks
* Fly a kite
* Grab a magnifying glass and do a bug hunt
* Make your name with sticks
* Blow bubbles
Mrs. Pena
Pre-kinder - 5th grade, BMC, ALE, RISE