Parkview & CIS Specials Newsletter
4th Quarter 2023-2024
Mark your calendar for the Cameron R-I Art Shows on May 7, 2024.
Parkview is from 3:00-4:00p.m.
C.I.S. is from 4:00-5:00p.m.
CVMS and CHS is from 5:00-7:00p.m.
Kindergarten- We will finish making out mixed media tiger and panda. The students will choose stations so they can further explore the mediums we have worked with this year. We will also make a bracelet using beads to create a pattern. Students will also be labeling artwork and picking pieces that they would like to display for the art show.
1st grade- We are finishing up our faux stained glass project and starting to make mixed media dragons. Students will be going through their projects and labeling them for display for the art show. We will then do a project with air dry clay where students can create a miniature or their choice. We will be learning how to make sculpture using basic shapes.
2nd grade- We will continue working on our weaving project. Once we finish that up I will open up different stations so students can choose to work in different mediums that we have explored this year.
3rd grade- We will be finishing our tessellation shapes first. Then we will be glazing ceramic piggy banks that were donated from Farmers State Bank. We will be going through our projects and getting them ready to display for the art show. I will also be giving students the opportunity to make a project of their choosing. I want students to have the ability to explore mediums and work on creating the subject matter of their choice.
4th grade- As we go into the last quarter, students will finish their ceramic monster projects. The main direction for the project was that part of it had to be a pinch pot but other than that they could make whatever they wanted. This allowed students to have creative license over the rest of the sculpture which resulted in a wide variety of characters. For the rest of the year,there will be different stations and mediums set up so students can create subject matter that interests them with the medium of their choice. I am excited to help students learn about new mediums and watch them grow in their areas of interest.
5th grade- Students will be working on a paper sculpture and with clay this quarter.
Kindergarten- All Kindergarten students are now able to access Google classroom on their own and find their assignments! This quarter we will continue working on finding the ABC’s on the keyboard. The students will start typing their names and some of the sight words they are practicing in the classroom. Kindergarten students will listen to read alouds on the computer and answer questions about the stories. During the 4th quarter the students will continue to practice using their trackpad instead of using the touch screen.
1st grade- The students just started their typing program! They play different keyboard focused games between the lessons, which everyone seems to enjoy! We will continue working on typing and becoming more familiar with the keyboard during the 4th quarter. First graders will continue typing sight words with our color coded typing activities. These lessons give them the opportunity to practice sight words and help them become more familiar with the keyboard. Towards the end of the year the first grade students will be introduced to coding!
2nd grade- The second grade students just finished typing their friendly letters in Google Docs! They really enjoyed this activity! Every student picked one person to type a letter to and tell them why they are special. I loved reading all of the kind words the students shared! During the 4th quarter they will continue working on typing and proper typing techniques. This will include color coded sight word lessons and our typing program we have been working on all year. We will end the school year with an introduction to coding!
3rd grade- In third grade the students just finished their first coding assignment! They had so much fun with this activity and are looking forward to learning more about coding! We will continue to work on typing and proper typing techniques. Later in the quarter we will start using google sheets to collect and organize data. Our google sheets project was planned for the 3rd quarter but with all of our snow days last quarter we were not able to get to it! So we will end the 4th quarter with this project!
4th grade- Fourth graders have been having so much fun with our coding unit! We will continue learning about coding and exploring fun coding activities! The fourth grade students will continue practicing their typing skills with a focus on home row. The students have been doing a great job with their typing!
5th grade- Fifth grade has finished their coding unit. They did such a great job! They made a Frogger and PacMan game. In the fourth quarter they will be doing some fun Spring activities using Google Slides. Students will also be practicing using Google Docs and Sheets!
Character Education words for 4th quarter are:
March: Respect
April/May: Perseverance
4th quarter, K-2 students will spend the month of March learning, exploring and doing activities centered around the topics of self-esteem and growth/fixed mindsets. In April, there will be several weeks where the students will be learning about Career Exploration. The end of April and throughout the month of May, students will learn about the importance of summer safety and begin to focus on transitions; whether that is to a new grade level, school, or both.
We are wrapping up our units on strong emotions and focusing now on problem solving skills.
We are also working on one of my favorite units of the school year which is the introduction to career pathways. Each student is creating their own slide show that identifies, defines and gives examples of the five pathways we focus on.
This unit will conclude with our annual career day, where guests from the various pathways present to each grade level.
During library class at Parkview, 4th quarter will be all about genres for 1st and 2nd graders. We'll learn the unique characteristics of several different genres - such as mystery, realistic fiction, fantasy, biography, and fairy tales. Kindergartners will finally have the chance to learn how to use a shelf marker when browsing books on the shelves and how to choose a 'just- right' book for themselves. Then we'll wrap up the year with a review of important lessons for our growing readers.
Hello 4th quarter! Thank you to everyone for supporting our recent Book Fair! I am able to provide our students with new books and learning activities because of your support. More importantly, you are encouraging the importance of reading and supporting all of our students' abilities to have access to amazing reading resources. THANK YOU!!
Learning in the library- We have grown into strong readers this year and plan to finish the last quarter of school creating our own books including graphic novels, biographies, non-fiction, or picture books. As authors, we will create books that excite and teach students. Learning objectives: I will generate questions about a personal interest or topic. I will make a product that shows my learning.
3rd grade is Monday, May 13 at 6:00p.m. at the High School PAC.
4th grade is Monday, May 13 at 7:00p.m. at the High School PAC.
5th grade Thursday, April 18 at 6:00p.m. at the High School PAC.
Kindergarten -Kindergarten is about to begin a unit all about dynamics. They will be learning about loud and soft through dancing, singing, and playing instruments. They will be able to understand and distinguish the difference between the two by the end of the year! To finish up music this year they will be learning about tempo and how to distinguish differences between fast and slow.
1st grade -First grade is starting a unit on tempo. Students will be experiencing tempo in music through singing, playing, and listening. After this unit, students will be learning more about dynamics. Students will identify loud and soft using musical terms such as piano and forte. They will be able to distinguish the differences between lots of dynamic contrast.
2nd grade -Second grade is starting a unit on dynamics. They will be learning about 'issimo' and adding it to their dynamic vocabulary. We will also expand students' understanding of dynamics by exploring the use of crescendo and decrescendo in music. These concepts will help students understand why we need dynamics in music. To end the year they will be learning more about the instruments in the orchestra. We will go over the different families, an orchestra seating chart, and learn about conducting.
3rd and 4th grade are busy learning new music for their upcoming spring concert!
5th grade -Our CIS 5 th graders have been busy working on their Spring Concert. The name of the concert is “Hawaiian Beach Party.” It is full of familiar songs that we have all heard on the radio. Please mark your calendar!
Physical Education
K-2 students are working on jumping rope, balance, striking off a tee, and working on fitness testing.
3rd and 4th grade- Snow days/COVID has us a bit behind so I'm playing some catch up.
Students are working on learning how to work with teammates and play positions for soccer which we carry over into our floor hockey unit.
With floor hockey, students will also learn how to properly hold the stick, good body position, and how to move the ball safely.
Our last unit of the year is pickleball. During this time students learn how to hold and care for the paddle, the different types of strokes used, how to serve, and will practice some lead up games where some rules of the game are implemented.
5th grade- This quarter in 5th Grade P.E we will be finishing up pickleball and fitness testing as well as completing a unit of different small sided Physical Education games such as, 2 base kickball, Hotfoot, Pinball, and Ultimate football / Frisbee. There has been a good amount of improvement in Fitness testing areas as well as overall in class, I look forward to having a good rest of the year .
Cameron Intermediate School
Website: https://www.cameron.k12.mo.us
Location: 915 Park Avenue, Cameron, MO, USA
Phone: 816-882-1046
Facebook: facebook.com/CameronIntermediateSchool