Hornet News
March News #readytofly
A Note from Mrs. Phillips
Dear Hornet Families,
Spring is finally here!
Spring is a refreshing time when new beginnings occur. It is also time for state assessments. Our 2nd-6th graders are preparing for the upcoming state tests. IREAD is next week for 2nd and 3rd graders and ILEARN is in April. Now more than ever your child must get to school on time, have a healthy breakfast, and remember to take care of any need that will help them be successful. We only have a few short months before this school year is complete. Quarter 3 ends next Friday. Does your child have missing work? Are you monitoring their grades on Powerschool so there are no surprises? Here are a few tips for high-stakes testing.
We have many important dates ahead! Trash bag fundraisers can be picked up on March 11th, in the gym, until 5:00 pm. We also have Penny Wars during the third week of March. We are starting a new tradition at Fayette Central. When your child is in 6th grade, we will take them camping for the day. This experience is one they will remember for a lifetime! These trips cost more than what we would ask parents to pay for so extra fundraising and saving for future trips will begin this year. Our first big incentive is Penny Wars. We have Math Team, Field Day, Kindergarten Round-Up, and many more events that this money will also be used for. Thank you in advance for your support in providing fun and exciting opportunities for our Hornets.
Parents of 6th graders, please pay attention to the upcoming parent expectation night on March 19th. See more information below.
My goal is to be as transparent as possible as your leader. If there is anything we can do better, please let me know. You can always message me on Dojo, Facebook or Twitter. I am also available by email and phone. I will return your communication within 24 hours. Have a great month of March!
Be kind, be amazing, and ALWAYS be ready to F.L.Y.!
Mrs. Phillips
Upcoming Dates:
3/5: Spring Picture Day
3/5-8: IREAD testing for grades 2 & 3
3/8: Quarter 3 Ends
3/10: Daylight Savings Time
3/11: PTO Trash Bag Fundraiser pick up in the gym 3:00-5:00
3/13: 4th grade trip to State Museum
3/14: Report Cards sent home
3/17: St. Patrick's Day
3/18-22: Penny War to support student activities
3/19: 6th Grade Graduation Dinner planning meeting
3/25-3/29: Spring Break
4/1: School Resumes from break
4/1-4/5: Spirit Days TBD
4/8: No School- Solar Eclipse Day
4/14: ILEARN Window opens
February Students of the Month
Third Grade students prepare for IREAD-3 test
Help support our Student Activity Fund by participating in Penny Wars! All monies will be used to support activities such as Mathbowl, Field Day, Student of the Month, attendance incentives, 6th grade camping trip etc...
Thank you
Read Across America Guest Readers
March R.I.C.H.E.R Principle: Excellence
Student Athletic Council Presents Excellence
Fayette Central's Volleyball Team
Attention Preschool Parents
Do you know families who have or will have children between 3 & 4 years of age for the 2024-2025 school year? Be sure to send them our number 765-827-0191 Ext. 1. We can discuss program options and/or schedule a visit. LSP is an amazing facility for young learners! ....Families can also complete our 2024-2025 interest form HERE.
Save the Date!
Attention 6th Grade Parents
Home of the Hornets
Mrs. Kirsten Phillips
Follow directions, Listen and learn, Your personal best
Email: kphillips@fayette.k12.in.us
Website: https://faycentral.fayette.k12.in.us/o/fayette
Location: 2928 North County Road 225 West, Connersville, IN, USA
Phone: 765-825-6261
Facebook: facebook.com/fayettecentral
Twitter: @FayCtrPrincipal