Marian Central Friday Focus
292nd Issue - April 26, 2024
From the Desk of Rev. Charles Warren
Spiritual failure doesn’t happen often in one’s life.
When it does, there are many remedies that can be applied, but I’ve become more and more convinced that the one we need to apply first…is true friendship.
Problem is that our youth can settle for cheap or easy substitutes (and us adults don’t always model the real thing ourselves or jump into the substitutes ourselves).
The kind of friendships I had in high school were best labeled by a Greek man who lived 2000 some years ago. Aristotle said people have friendships of utility when someone is useful to them, I thought of teammates and fellow band geeks. He said we had friendships of pleasure where I get pleasure out of the relationship. I thought of my friends who enjoyed video games and pop culture as I did. These kinds of friendships are good…but they don’t tend to last…and they only mildly grow the community.
The only friendships I’ve retained from high school are the ones that were “True”. The kind of friendships we want our youth to have at Marian are what Aristotle called True Friendships. A true friend is someone who we admire virtue in. Simply being around helps me become more who I am meant to be. Certainly a good friend will love me as I am…but if they do not push me to excellence or call me out when I go against excellence…they are not a true friend.
Spiritual failure will pop up often out of loneliness. Lacking people who really know us. Lacking people who inspire us to greatness.
I encourage and pray with my seniors that they make the most of the short time they have left together. That they focus on building one another up. Jokes have their place in friendship, but it’s important to say the positive things we notice about other people so that we end on a good note. It’s an important skill for all of us. Teasing is fine, joking is fine, but when we lean into sarcasm we risk making our friendships into verbal target practice.
Don’t let our community settle for easy online distractions or constant impersonal communication. We form the whole human person here at Marian. If our students are to meet Christ, they must first know that they can have real relationships.
Add “true friendships” to the end of the school-year goals. Watch the good that happens.
Rev. Charles Warren
Spiritual Director
Senior Video - Pictures Needed
Seniors - Creation of the Class of 2024 Senior Video is underway!
Share your pictures within the Google classroom titled “Senior Class '24”, classroom code dwxlff5. We especially need pictures from your freshman year. The deadline to submit pictures is Monday, May 6th. Thank you!
Tuition & Fees
Please make sure your student's tuition is paid as well as any other fees that are due. As a reminder, a student is not allowed to take second semester exams unless his/her tuition and any other fees are paid in full.
Tuition can be dropped off or mailed to the office or can be paid online by clicking here. Thank you
Laptop & Charger Return
All students must return their Marian issued laptop and charger at the end of each school year after they have completed all final exams. Please click the link below to view additional information.
Living Rosary Participants Needed at St. Thomas Church in Crystal Lake
Mrs. Diamond from the Guidance Office is looking for Marian students/parents to represent Marian as a "Decade" of the Living Rosary taking place at St. Thomas Church in Crystal Lake on Wednesday, May 15 at 6:30 PM. It will only take about an hour of your time and will be a great way to show our Marian pride and devotion to our Blessed Mother Mary.
Please contact her at jdiamond@marian.com if you or your student is interested or have them stop by the Guidance Office. Thank you and God Bless!
Class of 2024 Year End Events
As the school year draws to a close, we are finalizing plans for the celebration of the Class of 2024.
Please click below for details on Honors Day, Graduation and more!
Class of 2024 Yard Signs
Show your Hurricane Pride!
Class of 2024 yard signs are available for purchase by clicking the link below. Signs will be delivered to Marian Central and sent home with the student.
The deadline to order is Friday, May 3rd.
College Scholarship Reporting - Deadline Monday, April 29th
Friendly Reminder and Deadline Extended Regarding College Scholarship Reporting for Honors Day Recognition:
Thank you to those who have already reported your college scholarships to Mrs. Diamond per her email sent to all senior parents and students on March 22. The deadline to submit has been extended to Monday, April 29. Please email Mrs. Diamond at jdiamond@marian.com any merit scholarships that your student received from ALL schools they were admitted to, even if they are not attending those schools. Also, if your student received a scholarship from an outside organization, please inform her of those as well. If you are notified of additional scholarships after the final deadline, please still send them to Mrs. Diamond so they can be included with the total scholarship amount for this Class of 2024.
You can scan/take pictures of the scholarship letters or enter the information directly into the email. Whatever is easiest for you! Thank you!
Friday, May 3rd - Juniors & Seniors - noon dismissal; Freshmen & Sophomores - no school
Friday, May 17th - Seniors - no school; Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors - full day
Monday, May 20th - Honors Day; Seniors arrive by 8:30 am; Freshmen, Sophomores & Juniors - no school
Tuesday, May 21st - Exams; periods 1 & 3; 10:40 am dismissal
Wednesday, May 22nd - Exams; periods 4, 567 & 8; noon dismissal
Thursday, May 23rd - Exams; periods 9 & 10; 10:40 am dismissal
Summer Camps 2024
We are happy to be offering exciting summer camps again this year!
Band, Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Fencing, Football, Golf,
Lacrosse, Soccer, Study Skills, Tennis, Track, Volleyball, Wrestling
Youth & High School level camp options.
Click below for a full list of camps.
We hope to see you there!