Hometown Family Buzz
January 16, 2024
Hometown Families:
Please also dress for the weather. Our students go outside for recess when it is 32 degrees.
Club Photos
Students will be taking club photos are tomorrow Wednesday, January 17th. Students in clubs will only be taking pictures with their groups.
MAP Testing
Students will continue to take the MAP test this week. Please make sure that chromebooks are charged, students have working headphones and they have had a good breakfast. The majority of the classrooms will test on Thursday or Friday of this week.
ACCESS Testing
Our EL population will take ACCESS testing starting on Monday, January 22nd. Students will take a speaking, listening and writing portion for this test. If you have questions, please follow up with Ms. Fuentes.
Kindergarten Registration 2024-2025
Calling all incoming Kindergarten families! Registration for new students is now open for the 24-25 school year, and applications will be processed starting January 16, 2024. Go to http://link.d123.org/kdg for more details.
Family Bingo at Hometown Elementary
Save the Date Friday, January 19th from 6pm-7:30pm
There will be pizza, soda, juice, water and chips will be available for purchase
(flyer will be sent home with students to RSVP)
- Bingo familiar en la escuela Hometown
el viernes 19 de enero de 6pm-7:30pm
TendrĂ¡n la oportunidad de comprar pizza, refresco, jugo,agua y papitas.
(Un volante se mandara a casa con los estudiantes para que confirmen su asistencia. )
Math Challenge
Title I Family Reading Night
We will host a family reading night on February 7th. Pleases sign up and return to your child's teacher.
Arbor Lunch Menus
Due to the ELearning days, the lunch menu has changed. The breakfast option for Wednesday will be apple cinnamon muffin and lunch will be pepperoni or cheese pizza. Please see the updated menu below.
Click here to view our new Arbor website and lunch menu. PLEASE NOTE: This is a live menu and is subject to daily changes. This menu includes a full description of all items including side options. There are filter options for allergens and dietary restrictions as well.
Please see the attached letter for our emotional screener that will be completed next week.
Follow Us on Twitter (X)
Did you know that you can stay up to date on news and see photos of events that take place at our school? Click here to follow our Twitter account (also known as X).
Special Person Day
Please mark your calendar for this fun day in January. Students are invited to bring one special person to school on Friday January 26 from 8:45-10:45. You will be invited to participate in classroom morning meeting and learning activities. Please RSVP by January 19th. The forms are in your child's take home Tuesday folder.
Principal Hometown School
Email: abencik@d123.org
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @AmandaBencik
Hometown Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hometown
Location: 8870 S Duffy Ave, Hometown, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @d123hometown