Linn Lion's Roar
April 2024
- April 1:
Easter Break - April 11:
Kinder and 1st Grade
Music Program
6:30 p.m. - April 15 - 19:
Book Fair: Information down below - April 18:
Parent Teacher Conferences
3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. - April 19:
Parent Teacher Conferences
8:00 a.m. to 11:40 a.m. - April 25:
PTO Meeting
3:45 p.m. - April 25:
5th Grade Orientation/Parent Night at DCMS
6:00 p.m. - April 28:
PTO Picnic
2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
April 15 - 19
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday: 3:30 - 4:30
Thursday: 3:30 - 6:30
Friday: 8:00 - 11:40
Speech/Language Program Farewell
Just a note to thank you all, our Linn Lions Family, for the wonderful years that we have had at Linn Elementary! Linn has been an amazing "home away form home" for us. We will be retiring at then end of the school year and wish you farewell and continued success at Linn Elementary.
It has been an honor and a pleasure to work with many of the students and their families over the years (as well as the amazing teachers and staff members). We have enjoyed getting to know many of you. We have done our best to help children improve their speech and language skills so that they are more effective communicators throughout their lifetimes. Thank you for allowing us to do this! They will always have a special place in our hearts!
Wishing you abundant blessings!
Mrs. Lehmkuhler, Speech/Language Pathologist
(28 years at Linn, 44 years as Speech/Language Pathologist)
Mrs. Oberley, Speech Assistant
(25 years at Linn)
Our Busy Classrooms 📚
This school year has gone by so fast it will be over before we know it. We have some important dates coming up. The kinder and first grade music program is on April 11th at 6:30pm. The last set of parent teacher conferences will be held on April 18th and April 19th. Be watching for notes if you need to attend.
Reading is still about being able to sound out words to read a text. We will continue talking about books and being able to explain if they are literary or informational text. Does this book tell a story or give us facts? Then we can retell the story or state the topic and details. In math, we will finish up addition and subtraction. Then we will move on to teen numbers and counting to 100.
At the end of May we will have a Kindergarten promotion. More details will be sent out. Thank you for all you do to support your student's learning.
First Grade
We are working hard in first grade. In math we are finishing up time telling and shapes and will begin adding two-digit numbers using number bonds to break down the numbers into smaller parts. We are becoming better readers every day. In reading we are reading stories with the moon and solar system as the main idea. Our current reading ties well with our Science. We have been tracking daylight hours, nighttime hours, and moon phases in our science unit.
Keep reading at home, Spring Fast bridge windows will be opening up soon and we are very excited to see student growth!
First grade will take theirs annual field trip to the Zoo before the end of the year, expect more information after Easter. Thank you parents for all your work and cooperation this school year. It will be over before we know it.
-The First Grade Team
Second Grade
Second Grade has some exciting updates to share with you from our classrooms:
- In math, we will be focusing on problem-solving with coins and bills. Students will also be measuring and estimating length using customary and metric units.
- In social studies, we will be exploring people, places, and nature around us.
- In reading, students will be learning that different types of texts can be used to learn about similar topics.
Please continue supporting us by reading and practicing math facts for 15 minutes each day at home.
Thank you!!
Third Grade
Dear 3rd Grade Family and Friends,
April is here! This means important dates to write down for State Testing in Math and ELA. 3rd Grades will test on Tuesday, April 9th for math and Thursday, April 11th for ELA. Please ensure your student is in school these days to avoid make-up sessions. Also, follow the expectations for being well-rested and on time for school. We want our students to put forth their BEST EFFORT!
Students must continue to complete their weekly homework page, read a variety of texts, and practice math facts. Ice Cream Multiplication math is complete and we have moved on to our Spaghetti & Meatball Division. Congratulations to all the students who put forth effort to master multiplication skills.
In math, we have been enjoying many different types of graphing and are beginning a module on geometry and measurement. Get your rules and measuring tapes ready!
The focus in reading and writing is on becoming a responsible and active citizen as we learn about and form opinions on historical events. The characters in our texts are very brave. Compliment your student on their bravery!
We have also begun a Social Studies unit on our government which includes learning about many landmarks and symbols. Connections will be made with ELA by learning about becoming a responsible and active citizen as well as participating in civic engagement.
Please keep in touch with Talking Points!
Make sure to put April 18th and 19th on your calendars for conferences. We look forward to working with you to help your students succeed!
The 3rd Grade Team
Ms. Hernandez
Mrs. Salmans
Mrs. Laskowsky
Fourth Grade
Hello 4th Grade!
In ELA students are reading their first chapter book! Students are very engaged during this new module based on economics. Be sure to ask them all about it!
In Math, we are starting Module 7 and this will be our last module in Fourth Grade. One way to help at home during this time is to have students practice any skill they feel they may need some extra practice with.
We are excited to see our students continue making progress on their reading fluency. To help your student grow please be sure to have your student read aloud to you or anyone in your family for at least 20 minutes every day.
We will also be taking our State Testing in April. Please practice getting students to bed at an appropriate time and eating healthy breakfast.
We are also looking forward to Farm Day on April 5th! Students will be able to learn more about our agricultural industry in Kansas.
As always, please don't hesitate to contact us through Talking Points if you have any questions.
Mrs. Rolle
Mrs. McLean
Mrs. Castro
Fifth Grade
5th Grade is working hard right now preparing for all our State Tests.
Our state test schedule is as follows:
ELA: March 26th & 27th
Science: April 3rd
Math: April 9th & 10th
All tests will begin at 10 a.m.
Please make sure your student is getting plenty of sleep and eating breakfast in the morning. These things will help make sure they are well rested and have enough energy for testing.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your student, please use Talking Points to communicate with the Teacher. We are also available by calling the school.
Mrs. Harlan
Mrs. Garcia
Ms. Sughroue
PTO Notes
Attention parents/guardians, The PTO officers have decided to start holding our PTO meetings at 3:45pm on the last Thursday of the month, instead of at 5:00pm. Our hope is that more people will be able to attend at this time.
We have a busy 4th quarter coming up. Sunday April 28th, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., the PTO will be hosting a Linn Picnic. We will have hot dogs, chips, and drinks. We will also have jumpy's for the kids to enjoy! Also, May 6 to 10 is teacher appreciation week. We already have a full week of activities planned to honor our teachers and support staff. However, we will be asking parents to help out with a potluck on Monday May 6th. So please be looking out for more information regarding ways you can contribute to the potluck.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact our Linn Office. If you have any suggestions, please consider attending a PTO meeting.
Kinder and 1st Grade are working on the program which will be called "Silly Songs" and will be on Thursday, April 11th at 6:30p.m.
3rd Grade is concentrating on recorders right now and will continue working on other concepts like treble clef notes, melody and instrument families.
5th Grade is still working on recorders and also have been studying Raggae music, 6/8 meter and will be starting on instrument family reviews in preparation for instrumental try outs for middle school and orchestra.
Counseling Corner
Teacher have been talking about a student's need for sleep because of testing. However, many students have been coming to school stressed and sleep-deprived. They resemble zombies trying to go through their day. Here are some facts:
The first is form the Mayo Clinic. 1. Infection-fighting antibodies and cells are reduced during periods when you don't get enough sleep. So, your body needs sleep to fight infectious diseases. Long-term lack of sleep also increases your risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) disease.
From Raising Children Network. 2. At 5-11 years, children need 9 - 11 hours of sleep a night. For example, if your child wakes up at 7 a.m. and needs approximately 10 hours of sleep per night, your child should be in bed before 9 p.m.
From Harvard University. 3. It is simply more difficult to concentrate when we are sleep-deprived; this affects our ability to focus on and gather information presented to us, and our ability to remember even those things we know we have learned in the past.
Because many of my students dream of getting an education so they can help their parents and because you want your child to have their best life, please help us use these last few months of school in the best manner possible by ensuring your student gets plenty of sleep.