North Star News
October 2020
Committee Chairs:
Jillian Lader, HCPS Manager of Communications
Cynthia Courtney, HCC Assistant Director for Marketing
- No updates at this time.
Course/Program Offerings
Susan Brown, HCPS Executive Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Timothy Sherwood, HCC Vice President for Academic Affairs
The curriculum group met September 15, 2020, to discuss the following:
4-year College Transfer: Identify the curricular pathways and sequence of courses that support students attaining a college degree: associate, bachelor, or advanced degree.
Group Members
- Karen Rege, Dean, Teaching, Learning and Innovation
- Pamela Pape-Lindstrom, Dean, STEM
- Tony Wohlers, Dean, Behavioral and Social Sciences
- George Toepfer, Supervisor of Social Studies
- Andy Bleichfeld, Assistant Supervisor of Mathematics
- Rick Jester, Principal of Fallston High School
Career and Trades/Employment: Identify the education experiences, both transciptable and non-transcriptable, that provide students with the skills and credentials that improve graduates’ employment opportunities.
Group Members
- Kelly Koermer, Dean, Continuing Education, Business and Applied Technology
- Sherry Massoni, Associate Dean, Continuing Education, Business and Applied Technology
- Austin Hill, Director of Strategic Partnerships
- Rob Limpert, Supervisor of Career and Technology and Magnet Programs
- Kate Snow, Coordinator of Secondary Special Education
- Joe Collins, Principal of Harford Technical High School
Academic and Career Exploration: Identify courses that are of interest to students that require the students to do college-level work, but do not require college-level mathematics or English.The goal of these courses is to change mindsets so that students understand that they can be successful in college and college can help them succeed.
Group Members
- Todd Abramovitz, Dean of Arts and Humanities
- Beth Mosser, Associate Dean of Academic Operations
- Jeff Ball, Director for the Center of Excellence in Teaching and Learning
- Kathryn Smith, Counselor at Patterson Mill High School
- Andrew Renzulli, Supervisor of Science
- Greg Komondor, Principal of Bel Air High School
These groups will meet to determine the action plans regarding their charges throughout the fall for implementation of the plan for the fall of the 2021-22 School Year. The large group will meet monthly throughout the 2020-21 School Year to provide updates to the larger Curriculum Program Committee.
Data Exchange
Andrew Moore, HCPS Director of Technology
Thomas Alcide, HCC Chief Information Officer
- No updates at this time.
Mary Beth Stapleton, HCPS Manager of Family and Community Partnerships
Denise Dregier, HCC Director for College and Alumni Development
- HCPS is applying to MSDE for the supplemental school system grant to support the implementation and growth of P-TECH. The supplemental grant is only for local school systems with eligible P-TECH sites. Funds may be used to support the six P-TECH principles and Maryland focus areas. The grant period for FY 2021 is July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021, and HCPS is eligible to apply for $750/student based on P-TECH program enrollment data. Funds will be used to provide academic supports designed to help students meet grade and/or course level standards.
Program Analysis and Evaluation
Josh Stenger, HCPS Budget Analyst
Richard Hartwell, HCC Associate Vice President for Analytics and Planning
- The committee provided more information to BEACON for their study, which is still in-process.
Colin Carr, HCPS Director of Secondary School Instruction and Performance
Kelly Otis, HCC Director for Admissions
- No updates at this time.
Student Support Services
Bernard Hennigan, HCPS Executive Director of Student Support Services
Jennie Towner, HCC Interim Vice President for Student Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness
The Student Support Services subgroup would like to report dual enrollment registration at HCC as of our attendance census date, September 14, 2020. By close of business on September 14, there were 766 new dual high school students enrolled and 36 continuing dual high school students enrolled. The new dual high school headcount number was down slightly compared to the census date in 2019 where there were 854 students registered, and the continuing dual enrollment headcount was down more than 50% when compared to 82 students enrolled as of the census date last year.
There are approximately 100 more dual enrollment registrations being processed, these are largely for the HCC math courses offered in the HCPS high schools.
The Student Support Services subgroup and key employees across HCC and HCPS are planning for streamlined approaches to register dually enrolled students in future semesters.
Technical Certification
Robert Limpert, HCPS Supervisor of Magnet and CTE Programs
Kelly Koermer, HCC Dean of Community Education, Business & Applied Technology
The NS Technical Certification Committee met on September 22.
- Received feedback on the conclusions from the Spring 2020 Welding 1 cohort
- Discussed options for new Spring 2021 offerings, including Welding 1, Welding 2, and Machining 1
- The committee will be developing and distributing a flier for these options
- The committee discussed CDC regulations for lab use and impact to course offerings
- The committee continued discussions on apprenticeship options for students in the areas of Insurance, Construction, and Cyber-security
- Developed a subcommittee to further explore apprenticeship and industry sponsorship
- Discussed virtual training options for students during the time of COVID-19
- Presented the concept of North Star deliverables for employability in the areas of Business, Manufacturing, and Cyber-Security.
- These would include mapped-out options for students to use HCPS coursework with HCC courses to lead directly to high-demand jobs
Cathy Bendis, HCPS Director of Transportation
Griselda Flores, HCC Director for Student Life
- No updates at this time.
North Star News Editor: Lindsay Bilodeau, HCPS Communications Specialist