Marian Central Friday Focus
291st Issue - April 19, 2024
From the Desk of Mr.Benji Winkelman
TIME - It’s a fundamental concept we use to measure and organize various events. From the ticking of a clock to the changing of seasons, time influences nearly every aspect of our lives. There is clock time, calendar time, a time to plant crops and a time to harvest. There is historical time which helps us understand cultural changes and the evolution of societies. Tech time: when we use time stamps on emails, social media, and digital files to track when events occurred. Then there is religious time such as the seasons of Lent, Easter, and Christmas just to name a few.
There are many ways we use the word time; there is bedtime, dinnertime, springtime, breaktime, part-time, gametime, primetime, showtime, no-time and plenty of time. Tonight, it will be Time for Prom. A rite of passage for every Junior and Senior and a significant milestone in a student’s high school experience. It's a chance to create memories that will last a lifetime, from posing for formal pictures at the promenade to dancing the night away with friends. I hope that all of you will have a safe and fun evening and that the memories you make tonight will be Timeless.
Make good choices.
Benji Winkelman
Prom 2024
Friday, April 19, 2024
4:15-4:45 pm – Informal Pictures outside and in the Aux Gym
4:45 pm – Start Promenade & Load Buses
6:30 pm – Arrive at Starline Factory
7:00 pm – Dinner Begins
8:00 pm – Dancing Begins
9:00 pm – Coronation of King and Queen
10:15 pm – Load Buses
10:45 pm – Arrive at Marian Central
Presenting Our 2024 Prom Court
Ladies from left to right: Hadley Rogge, Jillian Winkelman, Adriana Wrzos, Meredith Bucci, Gianna Stahl, Caroline Conner
Gentlemen from left to right: Colin Zecchin, Brodee Vermette, Jacob Dowling, Cayden Leonard, Mason Graf, Andrew Thielsen
... to our entire Marian Central Catholic family for your generous support during our first ever Week of Giving! We are so grateful for your commitment to our school. Your investment gives inspiration and provides for the students of today and plans for the generations of students of tomorrow.
A special thank you to our student Phone-a-thon volunteers and our Leadership Team! Without you, this week wouldn't have been possible.
If you have not yet made a commitment, you can help us build on this monumental week, by making a gift here.
Exam Exemptions
Seniors have the opportunity to be exempt from taking some second semester exams as long as they meet the specific criteria regarding grades, year-long discipline, and semester two attendance. These are listed on the form available in the office, or by clicking here.
Please also note:
- There are no exam exemptions for Dual Credit Classes or semester long classes.
- The earliest you can get the form signed by your teachers is starting next week... April 22 – 26.
- The form is due back to the office no later than end of day April 26 (no exceptions).
- If you don't meet all the criteria but feel you have a strong case for appeal, a written description of your appeal, including any supporting documentation, is also due end of day April 26 along with your form.
**Finally, please know that final decisions will be made and communicated by Friday, May 10, so make sure you are staying eligible!
Class of 2024 Year End Events
As the school year draws to a close, we are finalizing plans for the celebration of the Class of 2024.
Please click below for details on Honors Day, Graduation and more!
Class of 2024 Yard Signs
Show your Hurricane Pride!
Class of 2024 yard signs are available for purchase by clicking the link below. Signs will be delivered to Marian Central and sent home with the student.
The deadline to order is Friday, May 3rd.
College Scholarship Reporting - Deadline Extended
Friendly Reminder and Deadline Extended Regarding College Scholarship Reporting for Honors Day Recognition:
Thank you to those who have already reported your college scholarships to Mrs. Diamond per her email sent to all senior parents and students on March 22. The deadline to submit has been extended to Monday, April 29. Please email Mrs. Diamond at jdiamond@marian.com any merit scholarships that your student received from ALL schools they were admitted to, even if they are not attending those schools. Also, if your student received a scholarship from an outside organization, please inform her of those as well. If you are notified of additional scholarships after the final deadline, please still send them to Mrs. Diamond so they can be included with the total scholarship amount for this Class of 2024.
You can scan/take pictures of the scholarship letters or enter the information directly into the email. Whatever is easiest for you! Thank you!
Cane Cafe
Members of our Business Club recently opened the Cane Cafe, selling a variety of iced coffees and also donuts made by Marian senior, Max Astacio.
Students and staff can stop by between 7:30 and 8:00 am on select days.
Uniform Drive
Our National Honor Society will be hosting their annual uniform giveaway and book sale in June and all donations are greatly appreciated. If you have uniform pieces that you would like to donate, please drop these off in the office so that they can be made available at our event in June (exact date tbd).
Seniors - we especially ask that you recycle so that incoming families can benefit from your generosity. To make it more convenient, there will be a collection area on Honors Day, Monday, May 20th, for families to drop off uniform pieces that they are able to donate.
Thank you for you generosity!
Summer Camps 2024
We are happy to be offering exciting summer camps again this year!
Band, Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Fencing, Football, Golf,
Lacrosse, Soccer, Study Skills, Tennis, Track, Volleyball, Wrestling
Youth & High School level camp options.
Click below for a full list of camps.
We hope to see you there!