Monthly School Newsletter
Sacramento New Technology High School's News You Can Use!
In This Issue....
- Women's History Month Events
- Student Leadership Updates
- SAT Day
- Mock Election
- Finals - March 21-22 (Finals Schedule)
- PTSA Updates
- DOL Panelist - Call For Volunteers
- Parent Power Hour - April
- Family Lunch Day
- Spring Break
- Follow us on Social Media!
Women's History Month Activities
Celebrate Women!
As we continue to celebrate diversity and culture and strive for equality, let us honor the invaluable contributions of women throughout history during Women's History Month.
- Monday, March 4th: Kick-off and flag ceremony during advisory
- March 5th through 14th: Advisory classes will be working on a poster that represents an influential woman in history. Posters will be on display during Family Lunch Day!
- March 15th: Bring Your Favorite Woman (and the rest of your family) to Lunch Day - this is a our Spring Family Lunch Day! Bring lunch to your student and sit and have lunch with them, explore the different clubs and activities that are going on around campus! We hope ALL of our families can attend.
- TBD - Woman's History Month Assembly
Student Leadership Updates
Prom 2024
Prom is for 11th and 12th grade students. Students who would like to bring a guest to the prom MUST submit a guest pass that is approved by the Principal's of BOTH Schools. Guest Passes are in the front office.
ALL 11th graders will take the SAT THIS TUESDAY!
Students who are enrolled at Sac New Tech will take the SAT for FREE! SAT scores will be delivered directly to the student's home. These scores can be used to measure academic growth and to use on college applications next year.
On Tuesday, we need ALL 11th graders to arrive to school on time and report to Room 7 at 8:30am.
For questions about the test, please contact our SAT Coordinator, Ms. Kim (kimberly-seyford@scusd.edu)
March 5th Mock Election
Mock Primary
This will be our 2nd Mock Election this year. In the first Mock Election which was hosted by the State of California Student Mock Election Program students were given fictional characters to learn about and vote for. During this Mock Election, students will be voting for real candidates who are actually in the current election. Through this process, students are exposed to real ideals and issues that are currently facing our local, state, and federal economies and government.
On Wednesday, consider having a conversation with your student about their experience in both elections and who they voted for and why.
Finals - March 21st & 22nd
Q3 Finals
On Thursday March 21st & Friday March 22nd, students who are in Quarter Classes will be taking their Semester 1 finals.
We will be on our FINALS Bell Schedule
School starts at 8:30am
Last class ends at 1:40pm
Please be sure students arrive to school ON TIME and READY to present their finals in professional clothing. Students who need to borrow clothing can do so if they ask at least one day in advance of their presentation.
PTSA Board & General Meetings
General Meeting in Person: March 20th, 6:00pm
Please contact the PTSA for details. newtechptsa@gmail.com
Defense of Learning (DOL) - Call for Volunteers!
Searching for Panelists
Every year, all of our 10th and 12th grade students participate in a formal presentation where they reflect on and defend the things they have learned at New Tech through our Project-Based Learning instructional method.
We also like to invite parents to be a part of the DOL Panels so they can participate in this important event and also give feedback to students and to the school about the process.
During DOL's we try really hard to create panels that match with the student's career aspirations and interests. While we invite ANY parent to participate, we are also specifically searching for parents and community members in the following fields:
- Computer Science/Coding
- Automotive
- Early Childhood Education
- Cosmetology
- Business
- Medical
- Trades
If you are interested in volunteering to be on a DOL Panel this year, please reach out to Principal Martin (jessica-martin@scusd.edu).
DOL Week is April 15th-19th and presentations are held from 1-4pm.
Parent Power Hour
Next Meeting - April 22nd
There is no Parent Power Hour for the month of March - instead, we would like to see more parents attend the PTSA General Meeting on March 20th.
In April, our Parent Power Hour will be on April 22nd and will be on the topic of how the Disabled Services & Programs for Students (DSPS) Department at Sac City College can help ensure that students who have IEP's and 504's in high school, can also receive extra support in their Dually Enrolled College classes. More information to come as we get closer to this date.
Family Lunch Day
Bring Your Favorite Woman (and the rest of your family) Day is March 15th!
Just like we did in October, we would like to invite all of our families back on campus for another Family Lunch Day!
This is a day that you can come to the school, bring lunch for your student, and then explore the many activities we have going on during our club lunch days.
Lunch starts at 11:45am and ends at 12:36pm!
We would love for EVERYONE to join us!
For Up To Date Announcements....
Be Sure to Follow Us on Social Media!
We are active on Instagram and Facebook!