March Family Update
John F. Kennedy Elementary School

What's Happening This March
Hello, JFK families!
March is sure to be a marvelous month here at JFK!
We begin March with our annual celebration of Read Across America Week (March 4-8). This year our celebration honors everything a story can do for us, from taking us to new places to inspiring our futures! We hope your child will join in our spirit days and enjoy exploring stories and characters throughout the week!
Please consider joining our monthly Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) meeting on Monday, March 4th at 6:00 pm. The work of our PTO brings tremendous opportunities to our students, and its success depends on our volunteers. We are excited to bring the Art to Remember fundraiser to you this month!
As we continue to experience winter weather, and snowbanks continue to grow, we ask that you please be cautious when dropping off and picking up your children from school. Please drive slowly and with caution, as we have many students who walk to and from school. Unfortunately, children are not always visible around the corners or when they are crossing between cars. Please also keep in mind that the doors at school are opened at 7:30 am. For the safety of your child, please do not drop him or her off prior to 7:30 am. Students in Universal Pre-kindergarten and Jr. Kindergarten should not arrive prior to 7:50 am.
Our next Kiwanis K-Kids meeting for the 2023-2024 school year will be held on Monday, March 4th from 2:50-3:30 pm in the JFK cafetorium. For the month of March we will be wrapping up our coin drive to benefit the Ogdensburg Boys and Girls Club, and we thank you for your support!
During the month of March, students at JFK will dive deeper into the Other People Matter Mindset, exploring the character strengths of love of learning, perspective, and fairness, as well as identifying and appreciating the good in others through the Positivity Project.
Love of learning means you master new topics on your own or in school. Those with a love of learning are intrinsically motivated and engaged in a topic regardless of achieving an external standard. They enjoy learning simply for the sake of learning. They donβt need a prize of a high grade as a reward. Their reward is the process of doing the work and improving.
Perspective means you appreciate when people see things in different ways. You have the ability to understand the world from multiple points of view. Perspective is also referred to as wisdom and is distinct from intelligence. People with this strength are sought out for advice because they see the big picture and can make sense of the worldβs complexity. This strength of perspective gives individuals the ability to see to the heart of difficult matters and achieve clarity. Most importantly, they are honest and behave in an ethically consistent manner.
Fairness means you believe that all people have value. You approach situations with an unbiased mindset and treat everyone with respect. Fairness is the product of moral judgement β the process by which people determine what is morally right and what is morally wrong. Moral reasoning has been explored and analyzed in two main traditions: the justice reasoning approach and the care reasoning approach.
As we focus on Identifying and Appreciating the Good in Others, itβs important to deliberately work to identify and appreciate othersβ character strengths. Identifying and appreciating the good in others is a core tenet of the Other People Mindset. This isnβt always what comes naturally. Often, itβs easier to blame others for our problems or find flaws in others to use as excuses for our own jealousy, bitterness, or resentment. The problem is that this negativity usually leads to problems -- for ourselves, for the other person, and for our relationships.
We hope to see you throughout the month of March at JFK!
Mrs. Frank
Principal UPK-2
Mrs. Bouchard
Principal, 3-6
Read Across America Week!
2024-2025 Kindergarten Screening Information
2024-2025 Universal Pre-Kindergarten Applications
JFK PTO Update
Our students in grades UPK-6 had a blast at our PTO sponsored Valentine's Day dances, and enjoyed music by JFK's own custodian, Cody Tracy! During the month of January, our students have been busy crafting one of a kind creations in art class for our annual JFK PTO Art to Remember fundraiser. In the coming weeks, your child will bring home a personalized order form, showing you their artwork on everything from mugs to t-shirts to keychains to pillows! Order by March 25, 2024 with proceeds supporting our PTO...and your student!
Join our PTO
The John F. Kennedy Elementary School PTO is always seeking volunteers. Meetings are held monthly, with volunteers helping to provide our harvest reading event, family sleigh rides, holiday door decorating contest prizes, Art to Remember fundraiser, Scholastic Book Fairs, and much more. PTO events are much loved by our students, and we would love your support! Our next meetings for the 2023-2024 school year will take place on the following Mondays: March 4th, April 8th at 6:00 pm in the library at JFK. Childcare is provided during each meeting. If you are interested in joining, please email Mrs. Frank at cfrank@ogdensburgk12.org or Mrs. Bouchard at sbouchard@ogdensburgk12.org, or join us at our next meeting! We are always open to new membership, new fundraising ideas, and your thoughts on what would benefit JFK. The PTO can also be reached at their new email address: johnfkennedypto22@gmail.com
JFK PTO Facebook Page
Don't forget to like the JFK PTO Facebook page for updates on fundraisers and PTO sponsored events. You can find it by clicking here, or search JFK Elementary School PTO on Facebook.
Snackpack Program Events
JFK Student Council School Store
We hope you are excited for the JFK Student Council School Store! Students may shop on the following days of the cycle: Day 1 (UPK, Jr. Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Grade 1), Day 2 (Grade 2), Day 3 (Grade 3), Day 4 (Grade 4), Day 5 (Grade 5), Day 6 (Grade 6). Available items include pencils, fidgets, keychains, erasers, and more!
March Lunch Menu
π March Shout Outs π
Each month, our special area teachers select one student from each grades UPK-2 and grades 3-6 deserving of recognition. Please join us in congratulating this month's recognized students!
Kayden Kendall
Physical Education
Mrs. Halladay
Kayden Kendall (grade 5 with Mrs. Woods) is the PE student of the month. Kayden is a gifted athlete. He is also a wonderful teammate. Kayden is the perfect combination of skill and coachability. His peers count on him and he leads with confidence. Thanks Kayden.
Elijah Vernsey
Physical Education
Mrs. Halladay
Elijah Vernsey (grade 2 with Mrs. Smith) is the PE student of the month. Elijah is always ready to play. He follows the rules and gives 100% every day. Elijah is a great role model. He is always willing to help a fellow classmate. Thanks Elijah!
Emma Polniak
Mrs. Willmart
Emma (grade 1 with Mrs. Hammond) is always excited to come to art class and she creates wonderful drawings from her imagination! Emma is a kind friend to all of her classmates and is always willing to help whenever someone needs it. Emma works hard, and it is a joy to watch her make art! Great job Emma!
Violet Robb
Mrs. Willmart
Violet (grade 3 with Mrs. Marshall) comes to art class with a smile and she is ready to get right to work! She is always kind to her classmates, and she offers to help whenever it is needed. Violet takes her time to really think about her work, and then she creates the most wonderful works of art! It is such a joy to have Violet in art class this year, and I canβt wait to see where her imagination takes her next! Keep up the amazing work Violet!
Tinley Charlton
Physical Education
Mr. Vernsey
Tinley (grade 3 with Mrs. Marshall) is the PE student of the month. Tinley is kind and always is a great example and teammate for the rest of her class. She is always striving to be better no matter what sport we are playing. Keep up the good work Tinley.
Zelda Compo
Physical Education
Mr. Vernsey
Zelda (grade 1 with Mrs. Hammond) is the PE student of the month. Zelda always has a smile on her face when entering PE class. She always gives 100% and is willing to help other classmates if needed. Keep up the good work Zelda!
Miles Smithers
Miss O'Neil
Miles (grade 2 with Mr. Dwyer) always completes his artwork to the best of his ability. He is creative and takes his time on every project. Keep up the good work!
Tyler Bennett
Physical Education
Mr. Sholette
My student of the month for February is Tyler Bennett (grade 6 with Mrs. Farley). Tyler comes to gym class every day eager to learn. Whatever we are doing in gym class Tyler is always ready to try new things. He always has a good attitude and smile on his face. Keep up the good work Tyler.
Giana O'Neil
Miss O'Neil
Giana (grade 5 with Mrs. Doyle) is willing to put in extra time to complete a project when needed. She is a great classmate and an amazing friend to all. I enjoy having Giana in class!
Sophia Halpin
Ms. Sheats
Sophia Halpin (grade 6 with Mrs. Baxter) is our Musician of the Month! Sophia is a kind and generous friend and all star musician! Sophia always comes to music and chorus with a smile and she is always ready for anything I throw her way. Sophia is a pleasure to have in class. Great work Sophia!
Emersyn Lowry
Instrumental Music
Mr. McAfee
Emersyn (grade 5 with Mr. Brenno) is not only a wonderful flute player but also an absolute wonder to teach! She is constantly asking great questions and is always looking forward to the next challenge. Thank you Emmy!
Theodore Enoch
Ms. Sheats
Theodore Enoch (grade 2 with Mrs. Smith) is our Music Star of the Month! Theodore is always ready to help! He is a great listener and wonderful musician! Keep up the great work Theodore!
Blake Bouchard
Ms. Seymour
Blake (UPK with Mrs. Langley) is a respectful student who demonstrates excellent listening skills. She loves to listen to stories read aloud and enjoys selecting a book to read. A wonderfully kind and well mannered student, Blake sets a great example for her peers. Keep up the good work, Blake!
Myah Wright
First in Math
Mrs. Green
Letβs give a shout out to Myah Wright (grade 4 with Mrs. Morley)! Myah has really stepped up to do better in math. When she comes to class, she immediately gets all the materials needed for class for everyone. She perseveres in all aspects of class. She participates fully, and her focus never wavers from day to day. With all these positive attributes, Myah is on the
road to success!
Owyn Redmond
Ms. Seymour
Owyn (Grade 6 with Mrs. Baxter) demonstrates excellent participation skills. He works hard on his tasks, giving his best effort to complete them. A quiet worker, he can multi-task, using this skill to the best of his ability. Keep up the great work, Owyn.
First in Math News with Mrs. Green
Our student have now earned 286,415 sticker points and solved at least 859,245 problems using First in Math. Isabella Farrell is now the top player for the Ogdensburg City School District!
Another big thing to be proud of for our students is that Kennedy School is ranked 53rd school district out of the top 100 schools ranked in the whole state of New York using First in Math. This is amazing feat that our students have accomplished since September. Let see if they can move up in the rankings by June.
From our School Counselors & Social Worker
Parents, are you looking for an easy way to check in with your kiddos? Here is a great way to help guide you. Kids will make three wishes, color a rainbow according to their mood, and color shamrocks using a key to show how they are doing. This is a fun and low stress way to check in! As always, please reach out if we can be helpful in any way.
As always, please reach out if we can help in any way!
Mrs. McNichol (UPK-2 Counselor)
(315) 393-4264 x32068
Mrs. Arika Bateman (Grades 3-6 Counselor)
(315) 393-4264 x32868
Mrs. Misty Fishel (School Social Worker)
(315) 393-4264 x33033
From the Health Office
When deciding on foods for your child, a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy is important. Check out the infographic for more information about healthy eating for kids!
Paige Thornhill, RN, BSN
Adriana Whitmarsh, RN, BSN
From the Ogdensburg Public Library
Join us this March for St. Patrick's Day children's programming and eclipse education for both children and adults. Learn to catch a leprechaun, solve a mystery, and make your very own pinhole camera at the library!
Library Hours
Mondays and Tuesdays 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
Wednesdays 11:30 am to 7:00 pm
Thursdays and Fridays 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
Bookstore Hours
Wednesdays 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Thursdays and Fridays 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Take Home Crafts: Available for pickup during library hours. A new outer space themed craft to pick up and finish at home each week!
Music and Movement: Tuesdays at 11:00 am
A preschool movement and socialization class. Jump your jiggles out and wiggle your waggles away with music, instruments and sensory play. Designed for ages 18 months β 4 years.
Story Time: Thursdays at 11:00 am
Stories, activities and crafts for young children. Socialize, gain early literacy skills and learn to love books during this preschool program. Designed for ages 2-6.
Trap a Leprechaun: Wednesday, March 13th at 5:00 PM
Design and make your very own leprechaun trap! Designed for ages 5 and up.
St. Patrick's Day Scavenger Hunt: Friday, March 15th at 3:00-4:45 PM
Someone has broken into the Ogdensburg Public Library! Help figure out who by solving riddles, finding clues, and collecting prizes! Designed for ages 5 and up.
Eclipse Lecture: Tuesday, March 26th at 2:30 PM
Dr. Benjamin Roulston, Clarkson Professor and PhD in Astronomy, will speak about the upcoming eclipse. Designed for adults only.
Lego Play: Wednesday, March 20th at 5:00 pm
Complete a challenge or just experiment on your own with Lego bricks. Designed for ages 6-12.
Pinhole Camera: Wednesday, March 27th at 5:00 PM
Make a pinhole camera for the eclipse! Designed for ages 5 and up.
Fishing Gear Checkout
The library loans out fishing gear. Fishing equipment can be checked out by children and adults (those 16 years and older must have a fishing license) You can keep fishing items for up to one week. Available items include:
- Adult Fishing Poles
- Tackle Boxes
- Nets
- Pliers/Grippers
- Childrenβs Fishing Kits
Library tours and classroom visits are available upon request by emailing dlenney-wallace@ncls.org for more information.
π Coming Up! π
Mark your calendar with these important March dates...
PTO Meeting
Monday, March 4th at 6:00 PM
JFK Library
Read Across America Week
Monday, March 4th through Friday, March 8th
Early Dismissal
Thursday, March 14th at 11:00 am
School Closed - Staff Development Day
Friday, March 15th
Lifetouch School Pictures - Spring Picture Day!
Tuesday, March 19th
JFK PTO Art to Remember Order Deadline
Monday, March 25th
School Closed - Spring Break
Friday, March 29th - Friday, April 5th
π‘ Reminders: Who to Contact π±
Have questions? Reach out to your building principal!
Mrs. Frank
Grades UPK-2
Email: cfrank@ogdensburgk12.org
Phone: 315-393-4264
Mrs. Bouchard
Grades 3-6
Email: sbouchard@ogdensburgk12.org
Phone: 315-393-4264