February News
February 29, 2024
We Are Rosa Parks Night
Calling all Rosa Parks Families -
We are excited to inform you that we are planning our 2nd annual We Are Rosa Parks night for this spring. If you we able to attend last year I'm sure you will agree that it was a fabulous night both showcasing our community and bringing us together.
- The goal of this event is to bring the Rosa Parks community together for the purpose of celebrating and sharing different components of who we are. Sharing things that are unique and important to your family and your heritage. Things you share may include items such as art, music (maybe you play in a polka or mariachi band), food that is unique to you or your culture, fashion (authentic fabrics or dress from your culture), Dance (maybe your family does or is a part of a group that does ancestral dances, folk dances, step dancing...), or other unique items.
- The format of this evening will be the opportunity for some sharing and hopefully the opportunity to engage in and experience some of these things as well. We will continue to communicate about this event as we move through the school year. Currently this is planned for April 25.
- What I am asking for now is 2 things:
1) Do you have a way you and/or your family would like to get involved? Or if you would like to learn more about it, please let me know soon. Doing so does not mean that you are fully committed at this time.
2) Are you interested in assisting with the planning/preparing and/or the execution of the event? If you are interested please let me know and I will be in touch.
Email me at dkamph1@isd77.org
This is going to be another outstanding evening!
SEL Panorama Survey
Our Spring SEL Panorama Survey will take place between March 4-March 21. Families choosing to have their grade 3-5 students opt out of the survey will need to complete this form and return it to the office. If families opted out in the fall, they do not need to complete the form again.
Kindergarten Vehicle Fair
Do you or your business have a special vehicle? The Kindergarten Team will be hosting a Vehicle Fair in May of 2024. We are currently searching for vehicles to participate in this event. Big or small, we are looking for it all, from dump trucks to side by sides we would love to have your vehicle. If you have a vehicle you would be willing to let children climb in and around and explore please contact Rachel Gore at rgore1@isd77.org. Thanks!
Important Resources
Flu Information for Families - provides influenza information
Weather Related Information - includes details on where to find out about weather related closings and late starts. Please note the NEW MAPS Helpline: 507-387-6046.
Internet services - see if your family qualifies for free internet service.
Recess at Rosa Parks
Students go outside for recess daily, weather permitting. Please ensure your child is dressed properly for the weather.
Save the Date-Music Performances
The Grades 1, 3, and 5 music performances are quickly approaching! Click below for more information.
Dates To Remember
March 8 NO SCHOOL-Teacher workday
March 11 Conferences/Book Fair/PTO Fundraiser at Pita Pit
March 13 Early Release
March 14 Conferences/Book Fair
March 15 Music Concert Grades 1, 3, 5
March 18 PTO Meeting
March 19 Conferences/Book Fair
March 22-29 NO SCHOOL-Spring Break
Still need Part-Time Help
We are getting close to being fully staffed. We are still looking for one or two wonderful people to support our students during lunch. This could be as a substitute or 2 or 3 days a week. If you are willing to be a classroom/lunchroom supervisor, please contact me ASAP. We can be flexible if you are!
Thank you for considering.
Dan Kamphoff
Early Release days
MAPS families, we will have early releases on the following Wednesdays:
2-Hour Early Release Days
March 13, 2024
April 17, 2024
May 15, 2024
- This means your student will start their day at the normal time of 8am and be released at 12:30pm. Your student will still receive lunch prior to the 12:30pm dismissal when buses will leave the building.
- Optional supervision by school staff is coordinated by the building and provided between 12:30 and 2:30pm. A Google form will be used to sign up again this year.
- Students who stay for the optional supervision and are not enrolled in ACES must have transportation home by 2:30pm, the end of a normal school day.
- Lastly, After School Club programs will not run on early release Wednesdays.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
We have our arrival and dismissal procedures in place to keep students safe, and operate in an efficient and effective manner.
- Doors will not open until 7:35 unless you are enrolled in our ACES program. Also, adult supervision does not start until 7:35.
- Students that arrive between 7:35 and 7:50 should either report to the playground or breakfast.
Curbside drop off is in the lower lot, door (#3). Please follow the flow of traffic.
DO NOT PASS cars and skip ahead in line.
Pull ahead as far as possible at all times. It may be super convenient for your kid to exit the vehicle right in front of the door or playground but please be considerate of others. The better everyone follows the procedures the smoother the experience is for everyone.
The upper lot, (door #1) is reserved for buses only. and special circumstances. Should you need to visit the office, use the upper lot to park and enter the building.
Students who walk or ride their bike will approach on the path, on the playground side of the building. They will walk/bike around the building to the bike racks and use the lower door (#3).
Students who walk home will exit door #7 (near orange playground equipment)
utilize the walking path
must promptly begin leaving campus once they exit the building.
Students who bike home will exit door #7 (near orange playground equipment)
utilize the walking/bike path
must promptly begin leaving campus once they exit the building.
Students who are car riders will exit door #3.
We are committed to keeping Rosa Parks students, families, and staff safe. Thank you for your cooperation!
Each family is given a number that will need to be displayed in the car window
Families will get two numbers to have in multiple vehicles
Display number on the passenger side
When pulling up, always pull up as far as you can and we will load multiple cars at a time.
Staff will communicate the numbers in the order they have arrived into the building.
Avoiding the process and driving to the front will result in your number not being called. Follow the process!
As cars load, they will be dismissed and the next batch of cars will pull in.
Make sure your children know their number for dismissal.
Please make sure your child knows how they will be getting home each day. Inform your child’s teacher or the school office if there is a change in your family’s plan.
Rosa Parks is a Schoolwide Title 1 School. In the past, Title 1 funds were available to
provide additional support to students who qualified based on their test scores. As a Schoolwide Title 1 school we are now able to utilize those resources more flexibly to support any students that would benefit. This fits wonderfully with our small group instruction blocks when students receive acceleration or enrichment based on their specific needs. Feel free to contact the school if you have questions.
As a parent, you have the right to request information about the qualifications of your child’s teacher(s). For further information, contact Dan Kamphoff, principal at Rosa Parks Elementary.
Contact Us
Email: dkamph1@isd77.org
Website: rpe.isd77.org
Location: 1001 Heron Drive, Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: 507-387-7672